Hello my friends! Yeeeehawwww....it's "Metamorphosis Monday"! This fabulously fun event is hosted by Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch. You really need to go over to Susan's place and see what she is doing for "Metamorphosis Monday". While you're there, you'll see a list of all the other participants...you won't want to miss out on everyone's metamorphosis!!!

Hmmm...what to do with my apothecary jar? I didn't buy anything special to fill my jar...so I went shopping around the house...hehe! I always have candles on hand...so I decided to use a creamy off-white pillar candle for the main object of focus. I needed a filler...something to set the candle on...how about some mixed nuts. It was looking pretty good but seemed to be lacking something....ahhhh, how about these pretty silver metal molds....oh yea, I like that!
I tied a black ribbon on the lid of the apothecary jar...added a pretty key...and VOILA!!!
My apothecary jar is sitting on our breakfast bar (between the kitchen and dining room)...at least for now. I have a feeling that this pretty little "treasure find" will find many different places to reside in my home! Hehe!!! You can click on the photos to enlarge them!
Just a couple close-up photos...
I didn't want to use a plain ol' candle so I decorated it. See the pretty music paper? My dear friend Mary Ellen from Mary's Meanderings sent me this pretty paper. The name of the song is, "The Sweetest Thought of All"...how befitting, to get such a THOUGHTful gift from the SWEETEST lady of all!!! Thank you Mary!!! I tore and wrinkled the edges of the paper so it would look old and worn. Wrapped twine around to hold the paper in place and added a little scrapbooking tag with a gold letter initial "L" for my name!
I just love this ornate key...

Apothecary jars have certainly become popular to decorate with. Not only are they pretty but they can be functional as well...storage! You can find them in about any shape or size. After doing a little research, I found out that people have used apothecary jars since the 15th century...WoW...they've been around for a long time! In the beginning, they were used to store potions and powders for medicinal purposes.

Oooh...just look at the beauty of these apothecary jars...tall & slender...filled with bath loofas, decorative soaps, and shells! Wouldn't these be pretty on a bath vanity!

These pretty apothecary jars have been filled with decorative objects like balls, robin eggs, and even a pretty plant! I love the tall slender jars and think they would add the perfect element to any vignette where you needed some height!

This little apothecary jar is one of my favorites...filled with decorative egg shaped soap. What I like about it is the black writing and pretty decorative pattern on the jar. You could do this with any apothecary jar...using a little paint or if you're not so talented...how about a pretty decal! Don't forget to add a pretty black ribbon...it just makes the jar!!!

I love this idea....use your apothecary jar to display your collection! That is if your collection is small enough...hehe!!! This is a collection of decorative match box covers...so pretty!!!

Potpourri, dried flowers, flower seeds & a flower seed packet, and even fresh flowers! All are great ideas for filling an apothecary jar!!! This would be a great idea to bring some Spring decor into your home!

We have all probably seen apothecary jars filled with bright sunny lemons or fresh green limes...ohhh so pretty! They would offer such a pretty "pop" in color wherever you displayed them!

Maybe the most creative fun with an apothecary jar is to decorate the jar itself....hmmmm....my crafting wheels are turnin'! Hehe!
Well my friends, I'm so glad that you stopped by today! Hope that I've given you a few ideas with how to decorate using apothecary jars! They really are beautiful and wouldn't they make fabulous gifts? You could fill one with baby supplies for a baby shower gift...Oh, I could go on and on....but won't! Hehe! I'll let your "creative mind" wander and dream!!!
Have a marvelous Monday, my friends!
Leave me a comment and let me know that you visited...I love hearing from each of you!
Love ya'll,
now i just need to get me one of these jars, you did a fantastic job on yours and i absolutely love the way you decorated the candle with the sheet music...BRILLIANT!
Your new apothecary jar is just gorgeous. I love the candle and nuts. The candle is so pretty with the music paper around it and how unique to use the little tin molds. They just give that small amount of sparkle. All of the jars you show are lovely, but I really like yours best. Hugs, Marty
very lovely and creative. Well done!
What a great job you did on your jar. It's just beautiful. I am "hooked" on them too!
Beautiful vignettes! I need an apothecary jar!
Love what you did with your jar.
Congrats on your bargain! You did a great job decorating your new jar!
This is soooooo pretty! I tried and tried to find something to make mine look as pretty as yours and the ones you've shown but couldn't so I just ended up taking it back. Deb
Thanks for all the neat and pretty ideas, Chari. Your created one is the best though...Christine
I am officially salivating, Chari!!! I love apothecary jars and still wishing I can afford one. One day, one day... You did a great job!
What an informative post! You have given tons of ideas to fill these darling and versitle jars! I have many different shapes and sizes and usually I can find something to put in them but once in awhile I struggle. I'll just have to refer back to this post and find my answer!
I love how you have the candle wrapped in that sweet paper, and I love the key!
I'm so happy you got a good deal on your jar! doing the happy dance with you!!
Great job on your apothecary jar. And thank for the other ideas. I love them and several in my home. I am always at a bit of a loss on what to fill them with though. Thanks for the inspiration
Now this was just GREAT!! Chari I loved all of these...I have one just like yours in my kitchen with what else but lemons in it...just the right pop of color with all my blues..May you have a great week dear friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Great job! I have found a few of mine at TJ Max for under $20 and large ones at that! Thanks for sharing! Hugs from Conroe TX!
I love your jar! My favorite idea would have to be the dominoes, how bright and clever. A great conversation starter! Upstairs in the boy zone, I have a plastic vintage look jar with the metal lid, and it is filled with super balls. It is so bright and cheerful, and everybody loves the idea of having a place to finally store all of those goody bag bouncing balls.
Love the jar and how you filled it, so very pretty! I'm a cheapie, I mean thrifty gal too. I love the idea of lavender that looks so romantic. Cindy
What a great post. I love your jar and what you put in it. I have a couple of glass jars that I bought aftering seeing how bloggers use them all the time and I love them. However, I have a hard time filling mine. Your post has given me tons of ideas.....Now what room to use them in????
Cute, cute jar! I wish I had one. Great bargain!
I love what you did with your great WalMart apothecary jar. Very creative. Thanks for the pictures of other beautiful jars, to moon over. Lots of creative ideas!
Chari, your jar looks so pretty. What a brilliant idea to put the music paper around the candle! It just makes it so much more interesting. My internet connection at home has not been working, so I'm way behind in visiting my friends in Blogland. laurie
Hi Chari,
This is my first visit to your site and wow, it's been fantastic! You know how they say imitation is the best form of flattery, well I am going to go flatter you! Ilove the music wrapped around the candle, can't wait to try it. Have a wonderful one....Cathy
Hello my friend Chari,
What a pretty and large Apothecary jar! You filled it just right. I love the initial as the extra touch of detail. Lovely ideas and photos you have given us. I do enjoy them and have a set of three sitting around our master bath tub area. I filled them with soaps and lotion.
Our home will be pressure washed by a pro company. If we were to rent equipment or buy it and do it ourselves believe it or not it would probably cost the same or more actually. We really need it done right now! The back of our home is white siding and it's got lots of streaky black marks on it right now. It all comes off and looks great after it's done. I can't wait since I'm such a clean freak it's actually bugging me... LOL!
We have no idea yet on Alex's deployment. ARG!
Watch it all change and then we have to move after all. It could happen.
Have a fabulous day!
~Melissa ;)
Chari: I love this! It looks so great and I love the key! I am a key freak! I hesitate to by the jars because I can't think of what to put in them! Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Lou Cinda :)
Hi Chari...I really needed to see this post today...my tall apothecary is shoved in a closet with red & white candies in it from Christmas BEFORE LAST...LOL
so, now you've given me some great ideas what to do with it...
Yours looks fantastic & adding the antique key was the cherry on top! I love the way you decorate! ;-) Bo
I love apothecary jars! I have easter eggs in mine right now. Thanks for the great ideas!
GM Chari...thanks for coming by girl and liking my BLUE sink...I know its not for everyone but girl let me tell you I have never gotten bored with it yet..and I also have never seen another like it...now I would love to redo my kitchen as I want a copper farm house sink..but I am just too old now to go through that mess again...
Now Saturday I am out taking pics of my yard its so spring like and I am loving it right!! its starts to rain..No big deal flowers like water..go to bed and I wake up to snow...power company turns off power at 7am until 6pm so now I have no heat plus snow..Len hooks up the generator so we can have TV only cable company has no power so we have no TV..We watched the DVD all day old movies I had seen but forgotton about..I stayed in my PJ"s all day as hot water heater is also electric..Len brought in the Coleman camp stove so I could cook breakfast..so here I am having a camp out right in my house..It was one of the best days I have had in along time...and I mean that took me a long nap..read some more of my Judge Judy book which is a great one.."Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining" Like I told Len if you don't like the weather wait a day it will change...Oh and girl I don't camp at all all this stuff I got is for days when we are without our power here in the mountains..sometimes we go with for 5 days..After losing all my food one year I got smart!! But can't do anything about the heat but electric heaters..I even have a battery TV...but to small to see it anymore...ha ha!! hope you have a great day dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love the apotheary jar. I love the candle with the music paper. I have several of the jars that I change out or bring in and out with the seasons. Great job
I love apothecary jars! I love the way you tied the key to the black ribbon :0)
Can you imagine all the different ways you can decorate? What fun!
Thanks for stopping by and giving me that cool little cleaning tip. I never thought of that but I will try it.
I was told my paint has chipped because I set wet loads on top and also use the "spray & wash" and then I don't wipe it off the tops well enough, so it eats through the paint. Blah!
Had to come by and see your apothecary jar and gf, it's 5*! I love the music paper and the key...nice touch!
Love it!!! I have such a thing for apothecary jars...and I LOVE Eva Cassidy so what a delight to hear her on your blog! I just went for a walk and had her on my ipod!
Now I'm thinking I need an apothecary jar!! At one of the local antique malls they have some antique ones - beautiful, but oh so pricey. I keep looking at them, but know they are beyond my pocketbook! Guess I need to check Wal-Mart. Are you getting snow today? I thought that was what the Denver weather said last night. Just cloudy here - no moisture. Shucks!!! Have a good week. Sally
Oh Chari I love your post! Aren't you a patient and thrifty buyer! You are so crafty and clever too! I love the candle decorated with the music! and the key and well just everything! God Bless you today sweetie! Lauralu :)
I just love apothecary jars. And yours is fabulous!!!
Chari, thank you for stopping by my Met Mon post and your very encouraging words. I do so agree with you that we all need to take a look at our wants and our needs and discover which is which and then I think we need to look around and see who we can encourage or help during these really drastic times. So many people are just trying to put food on the table for their families, and that makes me really ashamed that I want something that seems so frivilous as new furn. The Lord is in control I know, but I also think he wants us to help where we can. God Bless, and thanks for the visit. Hugs, Marty
I love your apothecary jar and the way you filled it. Thanks for all the great ideas for using these beautiful container.
Come by my blog -- I have something for you!
Chari- finally got back home tonight and am wanting to catch up with all my blogging girlfriends!
Have to tell you the exciting news. While we were in Phoenix we had lunch with a guy who was in Bill's youth group he led years ago (25+) . They had reconnected via facebook. We got an email a few days after the lunch telling us he had thought alot about what we had talked about and "and realized that the only right thing to do was ask for forgiveness and to come home....I prayed on it. the last time I actually prayed was 20 years ". wHAT A PRIVILEDGE AND BLESSING!
We are back for a few and then off again on Saturday to go see our son in Calif- It's been almost a year since we have been with him so we are excited!!
I love your apothecary jar and am so glad you were able to use the sheet music! It looks fabulous! I saw several of those gorgeous jars when we were in Phoenix and so wanted one but restrained myself as we have plane tickets to pay for!! I am hoping they will be showing up in the trift shops soon (jars not tickets!!!)
Have missed you friend! Pray all is well your way!
Hi Chari, I love what you did with your apothecary jar and the candle, ribbon and key and what great ideas you found, so inspiring. Kathy.
Hmmmm, I wonder how early I can get up and sprint on over to Walmart and see if I can snag me an apothocary jar or two. Very cute with the nuts and cookie cutters. Love it.
Good day to ya,
WOW, everything looks so beautiful. I seriously don't know how you do it all. Thanks for sharing ~Athella
Chari, Great job on the apothecary jar! It looks so nice! I collect old ones and always love seeing what people put in theirs. What a fun post! :)
I just love apothecary jars!! You've shown some really great ideas on how to use and display them!
So many good ideas! I have one right now that's hiding in a corner. Better get her out again.
I too found a wonderful 22 inch jar online. It stands on the floor of my newly remodeled bathroom and is my UNIQUE extra toilet paper holder! So pretty compared the cold chrome ones and easy to see if it needs to be refilled. LOVE IT LOVE IT
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