Welcome to the 40th "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info photo in the sidebar of my blog.
Hello my friends!
Welcome to the 40th run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
** I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend! Ohhh my goodness...can you believe that we are on our 40th run of Sunday Favorites? How time flies when you're having fun!!! Hehe!
I would just like to take this time to say a big, hearty thank you to all of my Sunday Favorite viewers and participants!!! To the viewers of Sunday Favorites...thank you for taking the time to come by every Sunday for a visit and for visiting the past posts of all the Sunday Favorite participants!!! To the participants of Sunday Favorites...thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of your love and support! I appreciate you all sooo very much!!! You make Sunday Favorites all that it is...without you...there would be no Sunday Favorites meme!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your favorite posts from the past! You are all the most amazing, creative, and talented people in Blogland!!!
Today for Sunday Favorites, I am revisiting a post from March 12, 2009...where I shared a few of my silver pieces, primarily my mercury glass goblets. So I am joining in with "
Silver Sunday"...a brand new Sunday meme hosted by
Beth over at Gypsy Fish Journal.
Please go by and visit Beth's "Silver Sunday" party...you won't want to miss what she has for us today and you will find a list of all the other Silver Sunday participants over there! Thank you, Beth...for hosting such a fabulous party! I DO LOVE MY SILVER!!!
Well my friends...have a super Sunday! I am having to go out of town Sunday...so please be patient with me, I will be by to visit all of your fabulous Sunday Favorites posts just as soon as I can...I don't want to miss a one!!! Thank you so much for coming by today!
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink to Mr.Linky and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites
My favorite post from: March 12, 2009
The Beauty of Mercury Glass....
My Newest Treasure Find!!!
Hello my friends!
Last week while shopping at Hobby Lobby and I came upon the prettiest Mercury glass goblets! Of course, you know me...I very rarely buy anything at full price...these little beauties were marked down to just $4 each (they were originally marked $20 ea.) What a deal!!!
* I did a little research on Mercury glass, I was curious about it's origin and how it was made. According to Wikipedia, Mercury glass is the common term for silvered glass, which describes glass that was blown double walled, then silvered between the layers with a liquid silvering solution, and sealed. Although mercury was originally used to provide the reflective coating for mirrors, elemental mercury was never used to create tableware. Silvered glass was free-blown, then silvered with a solution containing silver nitrate and grape sugar in solution, heated, then closed. Hmmm...very interesting! I would love to see how they do this!!!"Mercury" silvered glass was produced originally from around 1840 until at least 1930 in Bohemia, now the Czech Republic, Germany, and was also manufactured in England from 1849-55. Companies in the United States, including the Boston and Sandwich Glass Co., New England Glass Co. and the Boston Silver Glass Company, made silvered glass from about 1852-80. Vases, goblets and all form of tableware were decorated with a variety of techniques including painting, enameling, etching, and engraving. Silvered "mercury" glass is considered one of the first true "art glass" types, that is, glass that was made for display and for its inherent artistic value, rather than for utilitarian use.
Now looking at these goblets, I wonder which process of "silvering" that they used? I'm not sure if they were etched, enameled, or painted...I'm pretty sure that they aren't engraved! Nevertheless, I just love the beauty of "silvered glass"!!!
These newest little "treasure finds" found a home on my dining room buffet. I already had four silver candleholders displayed there and thought that the pretty mercury glass goblets would look nice added to the vignette! Voila!!! Here is my dining room buffet.
My little country french girl also resides here. I found her at Hobby Lobby last year on sale for only $6 (if I remember correctly...old age, hehe!). She was sitting on the shelf...all by herself...marked down 90% in the garden dept. at the end of the season! I had been shopping for a french bust and when I found this little beauty...and for only $6...I let out a hoop and holler and did the happy dance...hehe!!!I made the floral arrangement sitting behind french girl. It's a little hard to see but I found this decorative pedestal bowl with fleur de lis on it...also on the 90% off rack at Hobby Lobby...for only $4!

My silver teapot, sugar, and creamer...hmmm, they're needing another polish! Honestly, I like them a bit on the tarnished side! See my buffet lamps? I got them from my dear friend Vanna from "Delusions of Grandeur". Thank you, Vanna...I just adore my lamps!!!

Close-up of the mercury glass goblets!

Well there you have it...an up-close and personal look at my newest "treasure find"! I'm really lovin' these pretty mercury glass goblets...hmmm, I feel the beginnings of a collection...wink!*
Thank you for stopping by today...please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here! I love hearing from you!!!
Have a terrific Thursday, my friends!