Welcome to the 76th "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info. photo in the sidebar.
Hello my friends!!!
Welcome to the 76th run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! We are having one of those nice, quiet weekends...no plans...nothing that we really HAVE to do...just a lazy, restful weekend! Maybe we'll just curl up in our easy chairs this evening and order a pay-per-view movie and enjoy a warm, quiet night in!
This week for Sunday Favorites, I would like to share a post that is very near and dear to my heart! The post is about meeting with my dear, sweet friend Gloria from Happy To Be blog. Gloria and her husband Len...met Russ and I in Las Vegas last April...and we had the time of our lives!!! It was like a "dream come true" and I will always cherish our meeting and the time we spent together!
Well...Gloria is celebrating her 2nd blogging birthday this week! If you haven't ever met Gloria...you are certanly missing out on a blessing! Please go by and wish her a Happy 2nd Blog Birthday...ohhh, and she is having a really sweet giveaway too! Just click HERE to get to Gloria's!
Happy...Happy 2nd Birthday, dearest Gloria!!! Congratulations!!! I love ya, Sis!!!
Just a little note: Sunday Favorites Criteria
When I first started the Sunday Favorites meme, my initial thought was to offer a solution for getting a post out on the weekend without having to spend alot of time doing so...weekends are just a busy time for most of us! Copying and pasting a previous post is so quick and easy. Not only is this a quick and easy solution to the busy weekends, but it's also an opportunity to dig back into our blog archives and share a favorite "past" post once again! Many of us spend alot of time and effort creating a post and it just seems a shame that it is viewed only once and then forgotten about!
I would like to reiterate that Sunday Favorites is a meme about sharing or revisiting a post from the PAST!
I hesitate about saying anything at all, however as time goes on...I have received emails and have had more and more comments about bloggers who are joining the Sunday Favorites party without following the criteria. They are linking up to the Sunday Favorites party...using a present day post or a post that they just published! While I appreciate the sweet intentions of these dear bloggers, posting a present day post...just seems to be missing the point of what the Sunday Favorites meme is all about! It really is so easy to just cut and paste a previous post for this party...if you need help with the "how to's" of doing this...just click on the Sunday Favorites logo at the top of my side bar. You will find detailed information on how to do this.
It certainly isn't my intentions to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. I went into hosting this little Sunday party with the intentions of having fun! Making rules and trying to abide by them...just seems to put a "damper" on the festivities...know what I mean? I certainly hate the thought of losing any of the Sunday Favorites participants so please be mindful of what this Sunday meme is all about! It's just good blog ettiquette! And...while I am on the subject of blog ettiquette, I would also like to say that I really appreciate...if you are joining in with the party...to add the Sunday Favorites logo...or my blog link to your post or your side bar! You know, it's kind of like showing up to a party that you have been invited to...without ever acknowledging the hostess! I spend many hours reading and commenting on all of my Sunday Favorites participant's posts...and I really enjoy doing so!
Thank you!!!
Wishing you all a super Sunday!!!
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites
My favorite post from: April 8, 2010 *

Hey friends...I hope that you're having a fabulous week!
Whew...just getting back from our trip to Las Vegas and trying to catch up with ya'll! I'm just trying to "catch up" PERIOD! Hehe! Wow...I love Vegas...but I sure wished that I was just 21 again!!! I just hate when the reality of things catches up with ya!
Well...as many of you know...honey and I went to Las Vegas March 31st for the "13th Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend"! Ohhh yea...and was I ever excited...because we were meeting up with Len and Gloria (from Happy To Be blog)!!! Let me tell ya...as great as Vegas was...it could not compare to being able to meet my bestest friend Gloria! Gloria and I met on HGTV's Rate My Space about three years ago and we became friends from the moment we met!!! I would have never imagined at that time...of having the chance to meet Gloria "face to face"...but we did!!! *

Here is my friend Gloria!!! Isn't she just the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?
Gloria is beautiful inside and out!!! She is the sweetest, kindest, and funniest ladies ever...and you just can't beat that combo!!! Gloria told me when we were trying to find a place to meet...to just look for "the redhead with the big ol' smile"!!! Yep...I could have picked her out of a crowd of a thousand!!! I took this photo of Gloria on Friday...the first day that we met!

Here is Len...Gloria's sweetie! And I tell ya...Len is just one of the sweetest guys that you'd ever want to meet! As soon as I met him...it was like we had known each other forever!!! Len is one of the most interesting men that I've met! I loved talking about some of his life experiences and about some of his great collections! Did you know that Len collects old slot machines? That's just too cool!!!

And...here is my sweetie Russell!
The first thing we did after we met...was to go and get some lunch at one of our hotel's 10 restaurants! Then we found a table in the casino and sat and talked...then we moved the party up to our room at The Orleans Hotel! The guys were just itchin' to go and check out some of the old cars that came to the "Rockabilly Weekend"! They were gone for hours...Gloria and I just talked and talked...and talked (in fact, I still don't have my voice...I lost it...hehe)!!! We didn't even miss the guys...the hours just flew by!!!
Well...you've probably heard me talk about the "13th Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend"! What a trip!!! For more info. about this fabulous event you can go HERE to read up on it.
* *
Saturday....The Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Car Show!

Russell, Gloria, and Len in front of our 1953 Ford Customline.
Yes...we drove our old 1953 Ford all the way from Colorado out to Las Vegas so that Russell could participate in the rockabilly car show on Saturday!

Hehe...the guys were in their "7th Heaven"!!!

Now...I have to tell ya...this was a very different kind of a car show...it was a "Rockabilly Car Show"! The whole "rockabilly" thing was such a hoot! Rockabilly is all about the old cars...old 50's music...and the guys and gals dressing like they did back in the 40's and 50's!!! Ohhh my...you should have seen all the 40's "Pin-up models" posing with the cars!!!
But those "Pin-up" gals had nothing on our "Pin-up" guys!!! Just look at Russell and Len...they just don't make em' any finer!!!

Mmmm...Baby, Oh Baby of Mine!
Russell, my "Pin-up" guy!!!
Dang...he's sexy!!!
The Cars....

Of course, I had to share just a few photos of some of the cars! They're sooo pretty!!!

Love this car...classic rockabilly style!

A low-rider with flames!!!

This old truck was parked next to us...they were from Ft. Collins, Colorado! What a small world...hehe! The guys have a tattoo shop. As you will soon see, tattoos are a big part of rockabilly!

Len, Gloria, and me sitting behind our old Ford. I'm sooo glad that we brought our chairs...it was an all-day event!
While the guys were off checking out all the cars...Gloria and I sat and talked...and talked some more! Hehe! We also did a little "people watching"!!! Ohhh boy, and did we have fun!!!
The Rockabilly Guys and Gals...

Pretty ladies all dressed up in their 40's - 50's garb!

I loved this gal's cute dress and heels! Ohhh yes...these gals walked for hours around the car show in heels!!! Me...I had my flat/comfortable sandals on! Hehe!

Loved these gal's clothes! Check out the 50's glasses and hair-dos! Hehe...told you they liked tattoos!!! I've never seen so many tattoos...and the gals had just as many tattoos and the guys did! Ohhh...and there was lots of red-red hair! See the lady in the background? I called this "raggedy Ann" red!!! Sooo much fun!!!

Here's a look at some of the gals sporting their tattoos!
Rockabilly Vendors...Shopping!!!

Ohhh my goodness...there were vendors galore! Lots of vintage clothing shops! Check out all of the polka dot and stripe clothing on the rack!
I just loved this pretty gal's dress and hair!!!

The "13th Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Car Show" crowds...against the Las Vegas' skyline!
Chuck Berry Concert...

One of the highlights of the car show was the Chuck Berry concert at 6pm!
Chuck Berry played his heart out! I loved hearing all of his old tunes...and he did a pretty good job for being 72 yrs. old! Sheeeshh...is Chuck Berry really 72?
The crowds had soooo much fun and I loved watching them dance to Chuck Berry's music!

This guy in his "Zoot suit" and galfriend really put on a great dance show for us!!! The "Jive" is a dance favorite of this crowd! In fact, they had Jive dance classes and a Jive dance competition at the rockabilly weekender!
My friends, this really was like taking a "step back in time"!

I couldn't resist...just had to do a photo in that good ol' sepia tone...ahhhh nostalgia!!!

And...here's my honey in his best rockabilly duds! Isn't he just too cute? As honey put it, "my old straw cowboy hat and 'police-man' glasses!" Hehe! I don't know...but he sure looked fine!!!
Gloria, Len, Russell, and I just had the best time ever at the "13th Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender" car show!!! Thank you, Gloria and Len...for the best time ever!!! You made our trip the most memorable...fun filled...trip ever!!! Love you guys!!!
Well my friends, I hope you enjoyed sharing the rockabilly car show with us! In the days to come...I'll share a little more about our trip and meeting with you!
Have a fabulous "rockabilly" day!!!