Welcome to the 101st "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click HERE.
Hello my friends!!!
Welcome to the 101st run of "Sunday Favorites"
I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend! Wow...can you believe that our little Sunday Favorites party is on it's 101st run? It's amazing how fast time flies...when you're having fun!
This has been a "lazy-dazy" weekend for me. Our weather here in Colorful Colorado has turned cold again. I think our highs will only be in the 50's. It's very gray and overcast with a strong probability for rain. It's a good day to just stay inside where it's warm and enjoy my blogs!
This has been a "lazy-dazy" weekend for me. Our weather here in Colorful Colorado has turned cold again. I think our highs will only be in the 50's. It's very gray and overcast with a strong probability for rain. It's a good day to just stay inside where it's warm and enjoy my blogs!
Even though our weather doesn't seem to be cooperating...summer really is just around the corner! I'm looking forward to warmer...sunnier...days! With that thought in mind, I thought I would share a post from August of 2010...called "A Blue Cottage Veranda". I hope that you enjoy!
Have a super Sunday!!!
Just a little note: Sunday Favorites Criteria
When I first started the Sunday Favorites meme, my initial thought was to offer a solution for getting a post out on the weekend without having to spend alot of time doing so...weekends are just a busy time for most of us! Copying and pasting a previous post is so quick and easy. Not only is this a quick and easy solution to the busy weekends, but it's also an opportunity to dig back into our blog archives and share a favorite "past" post once again! Many of us spend alot of time and effort creating a post and it just seems a shame that it is viewed only once and then forgotten about!
I would like to reiterate that Sunday Favorites is a meme about sharing or revisiting a post from the PAST!
Thank you!!!
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites

My favorite post from: August 1, 2010
"A Blue Cottage Veranda"


Hello my friends...I hope you're having a fabulous day!
I do believe that the "dog days of summer" are here! It's been pretty quiet this past week and I'm feeling sooo lazy! Hehe! We have been experiencing some really hot temperatures here in Colorful Colorado. The great thing about Colorado climate is...that even though it may get into the 90's during the day...it always cools down to the 60's in the evenings. Just perfect for sitting outside and enjoying the evening!!!
*Which brings me to my latest project...
*Which brings me to my latest project...
Our poor little patio/veranda was in such disrepair after this last winter. Since we were having out of town guests coming in July...I decided it was time for our little veranda to get a facelift! Hehe! Now...I don't have any "before" photos. Shoot, I wasn't even thinking about taking "before and after" photos to show this sweet metamorphosis...I do apologize! However, if you can just imagine...dirty, worn and torn, with absolutely no appeal...then you get the picture!
A Brand New Table for the Veranda...
This table is what started the entire veranda makeover!
Honey and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary June 4th. We planned a day trip to Denver and honey took me to Home Goods...my very first time to go! We found this sweet blue cottagey table and a matching end table...for just $69!
Sooo...the planning, scheming, and decorating began...
For those of you who follow Happy To Design...you may remember a post that I did June 25th. I stated that I was in the middle of a summer "mystery" project...shared just a couple of photos...and asked if you could figure out what I was doing! Hehe!
The photo mosaic above is compiled with the photos from that post. If you would like to see that post...you can just click HERE.
Our Newly Remodeled...Blue Cottage Veranda
Our veranda is fairly small. The covered area is about 10'x10'...however we have concrete that stretches beyond the covered area so it feels a bit larger. It's difficult to see here but our home has a light gray siding with a blue metal roof...so a "blue" cottage veranda is perfect!!!
I would love to add an outdoor rug...the concrete isn't very pretty, however it probably isn't very feasible considering our veranda is open on two sides to the weather. Hmmm...maybe I should paint or stain the concrete? Yet another project for another day! Hehe!
*The Swing...
*The Swing...
I just love our "two-seater" swing! Honey and I have spent many a day enjoying the outdoors on this little swing!
A New Quilt
Believe me...the cushions and covering over the swing had seen its better days. Instead of taking the entire swing apart to recover the cushions, I decided to make a quilt that would cover the cushions. I liked this idea because I can bring the quilt inside when we aren't using the veranda.
Fabric Needed...
Ohhh boy...I was going to need quite a bit of fabric to carry out my plans! I wanted to sew a quilt, make a new cover for the swing, and recover the chairs that we would use with our new table.
Soooo...I bought sheets!
Yep, I did! I found the sheets at Walmart! I purchased two sheet sets; 1 twin set and 1 full size set. I was immediately drawn to these pretty sheets. Walmart has color coordinating sets. The twin set had the prettiest blue and sage green paisley pattern and the full set was done in the exact same coordinating colors but with a small floral pattern. They would be perfect for my veranda makeover!!!
I used the paisley fabric on the front side of the quilt and the coordinating small floral print on the back side. The quilt is nothing fancy...it's just a "tie" quilt but it turned out just as I had planned! It covers the swing cushions perfectly!!!
Swing Cover...
Here is a photo of the swing cover. I took off the ratty, old exsisting cover and used it for a pattern to sew a new cover out of the small floral print. You can see the old swing cover on my dining room table in the photo mosaic above. I'm tellin' ya...the fabric from the sheets worked sooo well! I forgot to mention that I only paid $15 for the twin set of sheets and $22 for the full set! That is alot of fabric for just $37!
New Pillows...
Of course I had to have pillows for the swing! Hehe! I used the two pillowcases from the small floral set to make the pillows! I actually have a real pretty embroidered, blue floral trim to add to these pillows...that I still need to sew on! I think the pillows turned out nice and now I can take a little nap out on the swing! wink!
Even the chairs got a facelift!
These little chairs were made in 1955! How do I know...you ask? Because the date was stamped underneath the seats. The metal was black and the seats had a red vinyl material on them...they also had seen their better days!
Honey spray painted the chairs white! Already such an improvement! Hehe! I used the paisley to cover the seats of the chairs...love it!!!
Cottagey Chair Slips...
The backs of the chairs have metal rungs...not very dressy...or very cottagey! Sooo...I decided to sew chair slips! I used the paisley for the body of the slips and the small floral print for the ruffle! I just love, love, LOVE how these turned out!!!
A Cottage Veranda Vignette
A Cottage Veranda Vignette
This is the matching end table to our new cottage table set! I really do love this beautiful shade of blue!!!
A Cottage Veranda Vignette...
A few potted flowers sit atop a couple of old milk cans! Honey spray painted the milk cans white while he was doing the chairs. You should have seen what they looked like before....picture all black with big ol' orange and yellow mushrooms painted on them! Honey said that his brother decorated them during the 1970's! Go figure! Hehe!
I love the old crock planter/pot with the faded tulips painted on the front. We found this old crock planter in the basement of honey's Dad's home when we were cleaning. It's no telling how old it may be! We also found the old white enamelware coffee pot in that same basement. I love the red trim!
I added a pretty white oval bowl filled with a few green apples to the end table.*
I found this pretty retriculated bowl at TJ Maxx for just $9.99. I wove a green and blue floral ribbon through the cut-outs....sooo pretty!!!
A View from the Veranda....
And....this is what you see when you're sitting on the swing!
We live in the country! There is a big open field behind our home!
Voila...there you have it! A blue cottage veranda!!!*

I had some fun making this mosaic! I used Photobucket's "color sketch" effect!
Well my friends...I'm sooo glad that you came by today! I hope you enjoyed the little tour around our veranda!
I am joining in with these lovely parties today...


Table Top Tuesday...hosted by Marty over at A Stroll Thru Life.
*A special thank you to Sally, Susan, Cielo, and Marty...for hosting these fabulous parties! Please go over and see what these sweet ladies have prepared for us today and while you are there...you can check out all of the other party participants!
Well my friends....thank you soooo much for coming by and visiting! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here...I would love to visit back with you!!!
Have a fabulous week!
Table Top Tuesday...hosted by Marty over at A Stroll Thru Life.
*A special thank you to Sally, Susan, Cielo, and Marty...for hosting these fabulous parties! Please go over and see what these sweet ladies have prepared for us today and while you are there...you can check out all of the other party participants!
Well my friends....thank you soooo much for coming by and visiting! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here...I would love to visit back with you!!!
Have a fabulous week!
Nice to see this post again Chari!Lovely blues add that punch of color to outdoor spaces.
Oh Chari, this is so gorgeous and so inviting! I adore all the blue in it. Your photos are beautiful, it's such a beautiful post, I feel like going there and spend some time in such a sunny garden with such pretty things. You did a wonderful and awesome job. I love this!
Love all of your handy work! What a transformation.
- The Tablescaper
What a spectacular view...you are truly lucky if you get to look at that every day. Love the little slipcovers on the chairs too! Thanks for hosting as always...~Ann
Hello dearest Chari,
Oh my, your little veranda is gorgouesly sweet! I love all of your little touches, especially the fabric that you covered your chairs and swing in. And how wonderful that you live in the country, you are so blessed. Everything, even the view is just lovely dear friend, just lovely!!!
And would you believe that I am joining you today! I am so excited that I figured it out, not sure why I could not figure it out before, silly me.
Love and hugs, cindy
I LOVE your veranda!!! Everything is So Pretty!!! I remember those 50s chairs Very Well. I think every household in those days had them. They went with our "Card Table"! Those tables would have followed me home from "Home Goods" too! LOVE THAT STORE!
Thank you for sharing your pretty veranda with us!
Have a wonderful weekend,
I can imagine the "before" pic for your make-over of your veranda and the face-lift is terrific! That table and chair set looks wonderful with all the touches of blue you've added. What a lovely spot to relax and enjoy that view!
Thanks for hosting Sunday Favorites!
Morning girl..first I love the fact that you live in the country and get such a beautiful view like that! The makeover turned out fantastic...those little chairs are just the cutest things and lordy girl you amaze me at what you can do with sheets! lol Everything just looks so cozy and inviting...hope you have a beautiful Sunday sweetie...Picket
How pretty! I love the sweet blue table! Thank you for hosting!
Andrea, tablescapex3
So pretty! Love that blue and your sewing skills put me to shame! (I guess I should have paid closer attention to my teacher in 7th grade home ec classes!) Can't sew much at all.
Your field and your fence and property are breath-taking!
Lovely post.
Lovely blues, Chari! I so enjoy your photos! You have a such a lovely home and we are thrilled when you share it with us. Have a beautiful day, my friend. I will have to try and join you one of these weekends.
I would love to join you at your place for tea. Looks so welcoming, serene and comfy! Great pictures too! -mzzbev
Very pretty! I love that shade of blue, and how prettily you have everything arranged.
I really enjoyed your visit to my blog. Your story about finding some Roseville was wonderful. Nothing like a dusty box full of hidden treasures. Take care. I'll be back.
Ladybug Creek
Enjoying your blog so much...I could linger here for awhile! Blessings, K
Good Morning Chari,
Oh girl, now this makes me all nostalgic! I want to be sitting there again with you and Russ enjoying the wide open plains!
This really turned out gorgeous and your creativity always amazes me!
It's been cold here again and I am starting to think we will never have a decent spring.
I have Addison a lot this week and next weekend Dan and I have a wedding to go to.
Otherwise, I want to plant flowers and hope for some warm weather!
Big Hugs,
Miss you....
Hi darling, how on earth did I miss this beautiful post before? What a darling area for you to sit in each morning and afternoon. Your porch is so warm and cozy. I love your view into the back yard, so peaceful and serene. I would love to sit on your porch or mine and share hours of visiting together. I loved that you popped in to say hello. Mr. P is doing well right now. He's had a full week of good days. It's hard to believe he's the same man as a year ago. We were quite scared that each day would be our last, he's done a 180 and feels good right now. His alzheimers has taken a slower progression these past few weeks, that boosts both of us. Thanks so much for asking about Mr. P. I hope this finds you and Russell doing well.
hugs ~lynne~
How did I ever miss this post??? I absolutely love it! Wish I were sitting out there right now with you drinking coffee or tea and laughing. You were so creative with the sheets! The colors you've used are so peaceful and relaxing. All of the photos are just gorgeous...so makes me want to be there!
One of these Sundays I will surprise you and join in. Just don't feel I have that much to share yet.
Hope all is well in your world my friend! Sending you huge hugs and lots of love ~
This is a fantastic porch makeover with the awesome table and those fabulous fabric pieces that you made from sheets!@!! I love that pattern! I miss haivng wal-mart here in Italy. We have a store SORT of like it, but not as big. I went to Wal mart every week back home. but, I'm inItaly, so I won't complain ;)
Everything is wonderful on your back porch. I love your view, too, with the country behind. That's a blessing!
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