Hello my friends...I hope you're having a fabulous day!
I love playing with photo editing software! I must admit...I am just an amateur! There is sooo much "out there" in the way of photo editing software and different techniques that the entire process can be a little daunting, but I usually just jump in with both feet and play...experiment...etc.! Really...there is nothing lost if you make a mistake!
Today I thought I would join Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for the Monday Metamorphosis party. I know that I am probaby taking a few liberties sharing photo editing for this Met Monday party...but...this is still a process that involves a metamorphosis of sort! Hopefully Susan won't mind too much that I am participating.
Photo Play...
Photo Play...
The photos that you are about to see were all photographed and edited by little ol' me. On each photo, I will leave a brief description about which photo editing technique that I used, however I'm not going to get into all the "nitty-gritty" or the "how to's" in this post. I'm still just learning and primarily wish to share a few of my "edited" photos. Bottom line...I really don't know what I'm doing! Hehe! I hope that you enjoy! Maybe an interest in "Photo Play" will be sparked in you! If not...at least I hope that you'll enjoy the photos!
Original photo.
This sweet little cherub holding the leaf is part of a vignette that is in my living room.
By the way, last October I purchased a new camera. I am using a Pentax K-5. I love, love, LOVE this camera. Ohhh boy...there is sooo much to learn about it though!
Photo #1...with an added texture.
With the Picassa photo editing software, I added a "texture" to this photo. As implied, a texture is basically a photo that adds texture. This process required a "marrying" or meshing of the two photos. The texture photo is laid on top of the original photo...producing an interesting effect.
I used a "texture" photo of french graphics and wording to lay over the original photo. Texture credits...Sophie G textures.
Photo #2...same photo...same texture...just different coloring. (photo #1 has more natural color...I added blue coloring to Photo #2)
Original photo...a close-up of the cherub's leaf.
I love how the vintage brooch and strands of pearls look in this photo! Ohhh...and just look at that sweet little bird resting upon the cherub's leaf...one of my favorite statues!
Photo #1...using a french postcard texture over the original photo.
Photo #2...a different texture used for this effect. No wording or graphics...just texture.
Photo #3...Photobucket's "Heart" photo effect.
This is a new photo effect that Photobucket is offering...called "heart". I didn't do anything special to the original photo...no textures...just used the "heart" effect and added the text "heart treasures".
I really do like this photo effect and will be using it again!
Original photo.
This vignette can be found on top of a cabinet in my master bedroom.
Photo #1...added a texture.
Adding textures to photos have become quite popular. In fact, it has become quite an "art form" in and of itself! Honestly, I do not know much about this process...I have just begun to play around with it. The texture effect that I added to this photo gives it and aged...antique appearance! It would make a beautiful print to frame, etc.
Original photo.
Another vignette from my master bedroom.
Photo #1...another texture was added.
I would like to give credit to Kat from Low Tide High Style blog for the beautiful texture called "Nature's Beauty" that I used on this last photo. Kat is an extremely talented photographer and artist. If you would like to learn more about how to use this photo effect...adding textures to photos...please pay her lovely blog a visit!
Well my friends...I am interested to hear what you think! Do you like the different photo effects? Do you have a favorite? I would love to hear your ideas! Do you enjoy playing with photo effects?
Well my friends...I am interested to hear what you think! Do you like the different photo effects? Do you have a favorite? I would love to hear your ideas! Do you enjoy playing with photo effects?
I'm so glad that you stopped by for a visit today! I really do hope that you enjoyed seeing the different types of photos. I certainly can see how this process could be considered an "art form". The edited photos could be made into prints...cards, etc...and bottom line...it really does provide me many hours of enjoyment!
I am joining Metamorphosis Monday...
I am joining Metamorphosis Monday...

Thank you, Susan...for hosting this fun filled Monday Metamorphosis party for us!
Thank you so much, my friends...for coming by today! Please leave me a note and let me know that you were here...I would love to visit with you!
Warmest Wishes!
Chari, I am super impressed! This does not look like amateur work to me! I wish I knew half as much as what you are showing.
AND besides the photography skills I love your vignettes! :)
Chari, Your photos are fabulous! I tried to choose a favorite and looked at each one several times but each is beautiful in it's own way. Sorry, I'm no help but I DO love them. Have a great week.
I love the photo effects! How fun!
Gorgeous!! Textures get me so excited! These are just lovely.
Your photos and textures are beautiful. It's so professional (like everything you do)!
What a gorgeous and impressive job! Chari, your pictures are such lovely masterpieces. I agree with you, adding texture transforms a picture into something so special. You have learned some very beautiful techniques!
xo Yvonne
Hi Chari, i think this is amazing...firstly you have amazing talent with photography and effects are beautiful.
WoW!!! It's amazing what you can do. I love the first set of photos with the script appearing to be done over the photo. It's really nice! I really like the last photo, though, that looks great. Like something you could frame and hang on a wall.
Hugs, Cindy
Love the script background in these photos Chari!! Such pretty pictures!!
You could get lost for days playing with all the photo fun editing!
Bee blessed
OH Gorgeous Chari!
What beautiful pics and how creative are you!!
I love the frenchy look and the vignette in your bedroom is so wonderful and looks so neat when altered.
What a fun thing to try and of course you have such gorgeous vignettes to work with!
Hugs friend,
Hi Chari,
I love this post! I never knew you could do something like that to pictures and you better bet I'll be trying it tomorrow! :)
Thanks so much!
They all look so beautiful Chari. Very soft and romantic.
Wishing you a fabulous week,
Armature my foot, these all look fabulous! I love every one of them Chari, thanks so much for sharing. One of these days I'm going to have to fork out the money for some software, you've inspired me!
Beautiful photos. They're all so good even without the textures. One of these days (or probably a week in my case) I need to learn some new techniques in Photoshop.
excellent job!
Wonderful photo effects, Chari! You are very creative. Beautiful vignettes!..Christine
Oh Chari, these are so beautiful! I couldn't choose a favorite, they are all so unique and pretty!
Hi Chari! I'm really happy to be on your Sundays, thank you for welcoming me. Thank you as well for all the nice comments about my ta Anniversary blescape, yeah, I love my onion china, it's like the German Hutschenreuter, mine is made in the Czech Rep., it was a great surprise!
Thank you my dear Chari for been so sweet, you know I'm your fan!
Dear friend, you are having way too much fun! I adore those altered photos! Keep up the great work and share with all of us frequently! Thanks for your sweet comment and visit today! Stop by again, soon, dear!
Chari...this is so amazing...love this! I especially like the French script...beautiful!
This is so neat. I haven't played with photos in this way, but now you've got me interested.
- The Tablescaper
I like! You made everything look very beautiful. I am your newest blogger. .. stop by and see me sometime..
Chari...is there anything you can't do??? Those pictures are lovely. How on earth do you do that? Wow. I am always afraid I will mess up and lose everything I have. I've heard of it happening...and it has made a coward of me.
One day...one of these bright day's I'm going to try it.
I LOVE the photo effects! I can't believe how they look "before" you apply the effect and the "after"! I love them both! Beautiful in their own way!
Thanks for sharing your pretties with me! HUGS!
Morning sweetie...love those beautiful effects and love those little vignettes!!!! Girl you are amazing...I need to get out more...I never realized there was so much you could do with pics..thanks for sharing sweetie....have a great day...Picket
Glory girl...ya call yourself an amateur??? We'll call the press when ya get some experience under your belt. I'm just totally amazed with your edits now. Great!!!
God bless and have a beautiful day sweetie!!!
Giveaway...my place! :o)
Wow! Chari this is awesome! I'm going to find some time to play around with some of these textures. I've been using Photoscape, and the textures are not nearly as cool as these. I also don't have a pretty vignette like yours to photograph. I need to work on that too! laurie
Oh Chari, your photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to try and learn more about photo editing.
Enjoy your day,
What an amazing camera to be able to do all of that. morguefiles.com has a great free photo tutorial, I think they call them classes, can't remember exactly, if you ever want to learn the science behind it. I am still learning myself. But, you have some great natural photo instincts already!!
Wow Chickie!!
AMAZING.... you are really something.... I love these artworks....truly frameable too! I see a budding career!
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