Hello my friends...I hope you're having a fabulous day!
I'm still enjoying Valentine's Day...sigh!
I really do have the sweetest honey ever! He surprised me with a Valentine's Day weekend getaway this past weekend...and...we had sooo much fun! We are just a couple of country kids that live way out in the sticks...it's a real treat when we get to travel to the big city! Hehe! And...that's just where we went for our Valentine's Day getaway. Honey booked us a wonderful room at a great hotel and he took me to several fabulous restaurants during our weekend stay. We had a wonderful weekend together! Ohhh...and did I mention that he also took me shopping? Yeeehawww! Ohhh boy...I found some really sweet Valentine treasures while shopping so I thought I would share a couple of them with you today!
Cherubs...Sweet Cherubs
I have to tell you...I can hardly resist a sweet cherub! For those of you who know me...this doesn't come as a surprise!
I have to tell you a little story about the three sweet cherubs that I found at the antique market. I have been "eyeing" these little beauties for nearly a year! Yep...tis true! Last December when honey and I made a trip to the city, I was going to purchase (finally) these sweet cherubs. I had specific plans to use them in my Christmas decor. Well, wouldn't you know...when I got there...they were gone! I could have cried!
I don't know what happened...but when I returned to the antique market this past weekend...lo and behold...the cherubs were back! Well...I didn't waste any time getting them! Hmmm...I'm thinking that this was meant to be...it was Valentine's Day after all! Hehe!
The Three Serenading Cherubs...
Three serenading cherubs.
Aren't they sweet? These beautiful cherubs are really a nice size...standing in at nearly 12 ins. in height. I'm almost positive they are antique...or at least vintage! There isn't a manufacturers mark on any of them. If anyone knows anything about them...I'd love for you to tell me!
I do believe they are porcelain and they have the most beautiful white glazed finish. I just adore the little pedestals that they are sitting on...the shell design is sooo frenchy looking! Love that!!!
Serenading Cherubs
Each cherub has a musical instrument...
A cherub with a harp!
A cherub with a flute.
and...a cherub with a mandolin!
I do apologize for the "darkness" of my photos, but white porcelain is difficult to photograph. Darkening the images allows you to see more of the details!
I also found this beautiful masonary planter at the same antique market.
It is about 7 ins. tall and 8 ins. in diameter....and it is very heavy! All of those beautiful roses lined up on the edge is what caught my eye! It's soooo pretty! I'm not sure what I will put in this pretty rose pot as of yet...any ideas? I also thought that I might give it a bit of a "white wash" to lighten it up a bit. Would love to hear your opinions!
A close-up so you can see the detailing of the rose border. Ahhh...this is shabby chic at its best!!!
This beautiful rose pot looks pretty with the serenading cherubs...I think!
Serenading Cherubs Table Centerpiece...
Serenading Cherubs Table Centerpiece...
This is the table centerpiece in my french country dining room. I created this just for Valentine's Day! All I did...was add the serenading cherubs into the mix...and VOILA!
As you can see...I already had a white color theme going with lots of shimmering silver! My new little serenading cherubs fit right in!
The three serenading cherubs...my newest Valentine's Day treasure!
The three serenading cherubs...my newest Valentine's Day treasure!
I am joining these fabulous parties...



Thank you, sweet ladies...for hosting these fabulous parties for us to enjoy!
Well my friends...I'm so glad that you came by for a visit today! I hope you enjoyed getting a peek at a few of my newest Valentine's Day treasures. There are more to come...so stay tuned! (Oh yes...my honey spoiled me with all kinds of new treasures! Hehe!)
Please leave me a note and let me know that you were here...I'd love to visit with you!
Warmest Wishes!
Very sweet, Chari. I like have you have tucked them here and there, but my favorite is the vignette with the harpist! Glad you had such a neat weekend!
Oh Sis they look just beautiful on your table..anaig another GREAT signature table by Chari..ha ha!! hey when you become famous I can say I knew you when!! I just emailed you back Sis..Hugs and smiles Gloria
I love your cherubs with the silver and the candles! That is so romantic. It makes the most beautiful centerpiece or vignette. Just beautiful. Thanks for linking up!
Chari how absolutely sweet and romantic of your hubby to take you away for the weekend for Valentines Day!
Your little cherub musicians are adorable!! They look perhaps vintage 60's to me? You always do such a beautiful job with vignettes and photography! And may I say getting better all the time *winks* Perfect Valentines vignette with the placement of that sweet little cherub!
Wish me luck on those chairs my friend. I've never reupholstered anything like them, but they look pretty straight forward....Probably famous last words huh? Lol! I hope you'll share yours too. Don't ya just love CL?! Vanna
I love your serenading cherubs, they're darling! Your Valentine weekend sounds like it was fun:)
Wow, What a wonderful lucky Valentine weekend you had. These cherubs are stunning. You are very lucky they were back..I have learned NEVER pass up something that strikes my fancy..going back and having the item gone is so sad..Happy you were able to bring them home.they look beautiful and you really know how to show them off!
Yours Sincerely,
(A Cherub lover myself)
Chari, they are beautiful. Don't you love when something is truly meant to be? Glad you and hubby had such a wonderful romantic get away.... hugs ~lynne~
These are just darling, Chari. I wonder if they were moved to a different spot the 2nd time you went back. I am SO glad you did find them and that you had a wonderful weekend with your honey!
Here's where I think that rose edged pot would look best--MY HOUSE!! You did find a beauty! And I think those little cherubs went into hiding last December and came back right before you walked in the door so they could go home with you.
We have Monday off, but this weekend is a busy one, so I'll most likely need to rest up to help do CSAP's later next week! Take care, my friend. Hope the wind doesn't blow too hard out your way. ♥♫
Oh Chari!
Your serenading cherubs are just darling! I can't believe how big they are and they are just perfect for YOU!!! Dear lady, whoever was selling them knew you would not be back until Valentine's Day and then you would be ready to buy!
Your little pot is very sweet, too!
And lucky you, to have a hubby who takes you away for a romantic trip, ahh, you are SO blessed.
Hugs, Cindy
Wouldn't it be pretty full of seashells! I love your sweet cherubs...the mixture of white candles, silver and cherubs is the perfect blend! Makes me feel happy to look at them all! You surrounds yourself with beauty...and that's what we all strive for! ♥♥♥
O my...they are just breathtaking. So so glad you were able to get them. They look beautiful in your pretty home.
I thought, all this time, I was a follower, but when I checked just now...not so. But...I am, now.! :))
Thanks again Chari!
Beautiful, Chari, Such a sweetheart you have. I know you had a great time for your getaway. These sweet cherubs were meant to be yours. They look so beautiful with all your other pretties. Hugs, Ginger
They are darling Cheri! So glad they came back just in time to go home with you. Enjoy them!
Have a wonderful weekend,
It was meant to be for you to have those pretty little cherubs! They look so pretty in your home! They can adapt to many holiday vignettes throughout the year!
You look so young, it hard to believe you have nine grandchildren! I've always regretted not living close to my grandchildren! :-(
Hi Chari! Love Cherubs as well but Cherubs with musical talent? You gotta love that. Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
I love your new cherubs, Chari. They are really beautiful and they go so well whith all your other stuff on the table...Christine
Chari, you never cease to amaze me. I just love all of your centerpieces. You really have a talent. It's no wonder you have been featured in a Suave magazine. I love cherubs and I love white and silver together (beautiful). I think a little white wash on the rose rimmed urn, with maybe a dry rub in a sage green to highlight the raised edges would be nice. Then fill, of course, with some beautiful roses. I'm sure anything you do with it, chari, will be fantabulous. Have a blessed day!
Oh, your cherubs are darling, Chari! And your photos are fabulous! I love how you decorate! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
The cherubs are lovely! I look forward to seeing how you use them for future holidays.
Oh how did I miss your sweet Cherubs:) I SO love seeing your sweet decorations for all Seasons! I LOVE the hearts:) Thanks for checking in on me! Miss seeing your sweet face! HUGS!
Hi Chari,
Those are just so beautiful my friend! And of course what a stunning vignette you went and created!
It sounds like you and Russ had a great time! Dan and I are like you two, we just love to have a get-away to the cities!
Well friend, it has been kind of crazy here.
Between taking care of Addison, working a little and the stuff going on in Madison with the teachers I have had hardly a free moment to spare.
I so appreciate your notes, they always lift my spirits!
Hugs friend,
You have such pretty pieces and created such a pretty vignette. Love the cherubs, but especially love the new planter. That is so pretty with the roses on it.
Look at you Chari...those are just the cutest things. I love the white with the silver all reflecting. You just know how to put the right things in the right places Chari.
What a sweeeeet hubby! You are just making some of us gals jealous:) XO
Thanks for stopping by my blog Chari and leaving such a sweet comment!
Chari your cherubs are just too sweet! I have a set similar to yours except they are gaudy gold. After seeing yours I am toying with the idea of painting them white-hmmm
Mom was totally surprised which was a good thing since it was supposed to be a surprise party! She is hard to keep things from though so we were happy that we pulled it off!
Got home Wed and got some kind of bug but am feeling better enough I think to work at the Antique store tomorrow as I was schedule to work.
I do love that spoon egg holder too and have a bunch of spoons so am going to try making one...hmmm maybe I will bring some to work and try making it - been slow during the winter season so will probably have time-
bee blessed
You really know how to decorate girlfriend. If I saw those cherubs, I'd probably pass them up but you put it together beautifully! And I'm so impressed that your hubby took you for a full weekend getaway! Sweet man!
Chari, it was meant to be! Your centerpiece is lovely. I know you will create many beautiful vignettes with this trio. ;-)
Glad you had such a special get away with your sweetheart. ~ Sarah
Hi there Chari- Absolutely charming little cherubs! Don't you love it when you find something you thought was already sold and then there it is?! Meant for you to have them! They look beautiful and so at home in their new spots- especially with your silver! So pretty~ Thanks so much for your sweet comment and for sharing over at Feathered Nest Friday! :)
Your new cherubs are really cute Chari, very pretty centerpiece! Sometimes I think the antique owners take things home to use them for the holidays then bring them back to the store:@)
Oh Chari, they are so pretty, and they look fabulous added to your centerpiece. Yes! I think it was meant to be - especially since they reappeared on your V'tine getaway! They look like they are in perfect condition! Your little planter is so sweet, with the pretty roses on the edge. Sounds like a great weekend with your husband. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie
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