Welcome to the 42nd "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info photo in the sidebar of my blog.
Hello my friends!
Welcome to the 42nd run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
** I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend!
It's been a very busy last few days at my place! My daughter and her five children are here visiting from Texas! It was a surprise visit...ohhh, and the nicest kind of surprise ever!!! I hadn't seen them since our trip to Texas last summer. Sooo...this Grandma is having the time of her life getting to visit with her sweet babies!!!
Anyway...I haven't been around Blogland much the last few days and will probably be absent several more days. I'm going to enjoy my daughter and grandchildren while they are here! For those of you participating in Sunday Favorites this week, I do promise to get around to all of your fabulous past favorite posts sometime soon! Thank you so much for your understanding and patience!!!
Today for Sunday Favorites, I am sharing a past post about my dear, sweet Grandma. It's been two years (February) since her passing and I've been thinking about her! I miss her soooo very much but I know that someday we will meet again! I'm so thankful for this blessed hope that the Lord has given us!!!
I am also joining the "Silver Sunday" party today! Silver Sunday is a new Sunday meme hosted by Beth over at Gypsy Fish Journal.
**If you would like to visit my "Silver Sunday" post...just click HERE.
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink to Mr.Linky and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites

My favorite post from: January 17, 2009

Hello and welcome to Pink Saturday! I'd like to give a special thank you to Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound for being our gracious "Pink Saturday" hostess! If you haven't ever been over to Beverly's...go for a little visit! She has some of the prettiest things...today she is showcasing the most beautiful Dresden swan...all adorned with pretty pink roses!
I'd like to share with you today one of my most treasured and cherished possessions..."A Painting of Pink Roses"!
My dearest Grandma painted this beautiful rose picture for me when she was 90 yrs. old! The pretty pink roses remind me of everything that my Grandma was...beautiful, soft, fragrant, precious....and God's gift to me!!! My Grandma was a safe haven for me...she was always there and always loved and supported me unconditionally!!! In all my life, I can't ever remember a harsh or bad word coming from her mouth...she never spoke badly of anyone! She loved the Lord with all of her heart and taught me about Jesus...not only did she teach me about Jesus, but she "lived" Jesus to me! As a child, I remember that every time I went to Grandma's we would start a project...whether it would be sewing, embroidering, or crafting! She was always so patient with me, in fact, she was the most patient person that I've ever known! My Grandma is and was everything that I could ever hope to be...she has always been my hero and role model! I have always wanted to be just like my Grandma!!! My Grandma went to be with Jesus in February of last year....she was 92 yrs. old! I love and miss her...more than words can say, but I purpose to see her again!!!
"A Painting of Pink Roses"

This is a photo of my Grandma and me. It was taken at my Grandma's 90th Birthday party! I flew down to Texas...just to surprise her...and surprise her I did!!! I'll never forget the look on her face when she seen me walk through the door....her voice was full of sweet surprise when she called out my name, "Chari"!!! After she called out my name, she was so surprised that she couldn't talk for a minute or two...that was okay...we just hugged and hugged...and kissed and kissed!!!

This was the last photo taken of Grandma and me. Taken in November of 2007, just 3 months before she passed on into Glory! I snuck a "smooch"...hehe!!! Grandma had been working a "Word Search" puzzle...oh boy, was she ever good with those...and crossword puzzles too!!! She was such an intelligent lady!!!

"A Painting of Pink Roses" just seemed so perfect for today's Pink Saturday! Not to mention that pink was my Grandma's favorite color! Nearly everything that my Grandma owned was pink or at least had some pink in it!!! Because of that, whenever I see pink...I always think of her....I love you, Grandma!!!
Well my friends, I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much for stopping in to see me....I love our visits!!!*
Chari, what a WONDERFUL surprise!! I miss my grandbabies so much-take the time to enjoy them. It seems today is a day for memories-my post today was about my grandparents too! Have a wonderful times
xoxo Pattie
Oh Chari, what a touching post. You are like your grandma! Showing God's love where you go. I can even see Him in you in blog land:)
What a neat lady and what a talented painter too.
Bonjour Dear Chari,
Oh this is the most wonderful, touching post! What a precious keepsake of your beautiful Grandma, she was a talented artist (now we all know where you get it). But an even greater gift she gave you was showing you Jesus!
So glad you had that special time together before the Lord took her home. Yes you will see her again, that is certain.
My parents are waiting for me in Heaven too, they were the best friends a daughter could have. Perhaps they've met up with your Grandma - if not we'll introduce everyone when we get there!
Oh what a blessed hope we have. A fabulous weekend to you my sweet friend!
Oh, this just makes me cry. I so miss my mom and how my children miss her too. What a sweet time for your to be with her. I love it. Hugs, Marty
Oh girl...I hope youe enjoying your daughter and 5 grand babies...I bet you have talked non-stop and giggles your self silly...Enjoy your visit my sweet friend...Hey I even hooked up today...It beats me trying to type right now ha ha!! Love ya sis...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
grandma's sure are special, and you were truly blessed to have such a wonderful grandma and for so long.
My daughter hasn't had a grandma since she was 9. That has always saddened me, the things she missed out on.
I enjoyed your post.
thanks for hosting this party.
Hey Sunshine,
Such a beautiful post, honoring your sweet grandma. I've missed mine desperately since she passed away too.
Enjoy your family! There's nothing like having those grandchildren around is it?
Oh Chari, what a beautiful and moving post about your wonderful grandmother. How very lucky you both were to have had one an other. Her roses painting is a true treasure although the sweetest treasure is the love you shared.
Wonderful post!
Chari -- It's lovely that you share a post about your dear grandmother at the same time as your own grandkids are visiting you. what a perfect circle.
Thank you again for doing Sunday favorites.
Good Morning Chari,
This is just so beautiful! I love the pics of you and your Grandma, their so precious! I think of my Grandma often too, she was the most kindest, gentlest lady ever! I am so excited for you, getting to see your daughter and grandkids! WHAT A LOVELY SURPRISE!! I hope you get some pics to share too! Have a wonderful time visiting, your house must be overflowing with love! I bet your just like your Grandmother, and your Grandkids adore you! Love Ya, Cindy
Sweet pictures Chari! I love your Grandma's rose painting. It is gorgeous:) I hope you have that picture of the two of you framed somewhere because it is just precious.
She is working a word search:) Oh my, don't you just love her in that little "duster"! My Mama called the little print housecoat a "duster"!
Hugs to you and thanks for sharing this sweet memory with ME!
What a beautiful post girl and such a precious treasure of the pic with the two of you...I miss my grandmothers so much....even with dozens of other grandkids they always made me feel like I was the 'favorite' lol I love them so. I am doing the Sunday Favorites with you girl...I hope I did it right...I am trying to get back into the swing of things..what with moving and now trying to do all I can for mama & daddy I just can't seem to catch up...I sure have missed visiting with you sweetie...hope all is well with you and yours and thanks so much for hosting such a great meme...love ya girl! ~Picket~
Chari what a beautiful post to your Grandma. She sounds like just the most wonderful person and I can see why you miss her so much.
Enjoy your daughters and your grandbabies while you have them there with you. Of course you don't need to worry about getting around to see us - not when you have something that wonderful going at your place.
If my babies are here you aren't going to hear from me. LOL
Both of you were very lucky to have each other. I never knew any of my grandparents and I know I missed out on a very special bond in life.
Oh my gosh, I love that painting! What a precious post!
m ^..^
Hi Chari,
How lovely that you were able to spend such a special birthday with your beloved Grandmother. You got to be with her and make sweet memories. I haven't had any grandparents since I was a teenager, and my mom passed away almost 3 years ago. The ache never really goes away, does it? But I treasure the times we spent together.
The beautiful rose painting is a reminder of your grandma for you to cherish every day.
Thanks for this sweet post!
Heidi - Heart and Home
PS. Thank you so much for linking me up to your meme! You are a good blogger-friend!
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