Ohhhh my....will I ever "catch up"?
Hello...Hello! Well, as most of you know...I've been "out of pocket" for a couple of weeks and now I'm trying to catch up!!! One of the first things that I would like to do is acknowledge all of the awards that several of you so graciously gave me!!! Please forgive me for being soooooo slow...I really do appreciate all of your kindness....ya'll are just the sweetest to think of me!!!
Before I move on to the next awards, I sure would like to talk a little about my friend Lynne! She is such an awesome lady....so sweet and so full of energy! Lynne owns and operates a gift shoppe in her home town in Missouri....Lynne's Gifts From the Heart!!! She has recently joined blogland and is sharing some of the "pretties" from her shoppe. I would really like to encourage you to take a little trip over there and check out some of great things that she has!!! You just have to see her Chocolate Santas....they're fabulous!!! Below is a photo of Lynne's shoppe...just to whet your appetite...why just look at all of the "pretties"....you just gotta go and check it out!!!
She's just a click away!
II. "A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award"
Alright!!! On to the second award that I received! My friend Lynette over at "Lynette's L.A.M. Blog" gave me "A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award"....isn't that just the sweetest? Thank you Lynette for thinking of me....you're the best!!! I just love reading Lynette's blog...it's always so innovative and interesting!!! Go say Hi and meet a great lady!!!
As a part of the this award, there are four questions to be answered....so here it goes!
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood?
Oh my....sure wished that I could say "yes" to this one but I can't! My family moved alot while I was growing up...we moved twelve different times before I married at age 17. I think you just develop a different kind of mentality of having lasting friendships when your experience is moving to a different home and school nearly every year!!!
2. What do you value most about your friends?
Wow...this is a difficult question because there are many things that I value about my friends! If I had to single it down to just one thing....I value the loving concern that my friends have for me and others!!!
3. Are your friends sounding boards?
Oh yes....I have the wisest and most talented friends....I cherish their ideas and opinions!!!
4. What is your favorite activity to share with your friends?
Sharing like passions....such as interior decorating, crafting, etc! And sharing our Faith!!!
Sooooo...there you have it!!! Hehe!!! Now, I have to pass this “Friendship Award” on to four of my treasured Blogville Friends; Each of these precious ladies are very dear friends to me and they definitely have that "perfect blend" of friendship!!!
Gloria over at Happy To Be
Lynne over at Lynne's Gifts From the Heart
Laurie over at Bargain Hunting With Laurie
Mary over at Mary's (megardengal) Meanderings
III. "Autumn Friends Award"
Last but certainly not least...my friend Kristen gave me the "Autumn Friends Award"! I tell ya what, surely my cup runneth over...I have been so blessed to have so many dear sweet friends! Thank you so much Kristen for thinking of me!!! Ya'll have to go and check out Kristen's blog "Kristens Creations"....she has already started decorating for Christmas and she is one talented gal!!! I just know that you'll love everything she's done and you'll get some fabulous ideas!!!
Along with this sweet award comes the question of "What Five Things Have I Always Wanted To Do".....
1. Go on a cruise....following the coastline of the Mediterranian Sea....ahhhhh!!!
2. Rent a cabin in the mountains and have my entire family there....all my kids, grandkids, etc.
3. Take my daughters to Europe.
4. Write a book.
5. Design and build my own home.
Now I am supposed to pass this great award on to 3 friends;
Deanie over at Deanie's Space
Sally over at Salmagundi
Terrie over at Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity
Thank you so much all my friends....thank you for all of the great awards....thank you for reading this blog....thank you for just being you!!!
Love ya'll,
Hi Chari, You deserve all of your awards! Thanks for visiting me and such nice compliments. I really appreciate it! Next week I have a pretty full schedule. This year is alot easier because most everything is already made, so I just have to put it back up. Since I'm not working (at a shop)it's more fun this year,usually this time of year is really stressful! We used to have open house and I would make tons of wreaths and arrangements, plus rearange the store and decorate houses. I feel free this year! Time to actually enjoy the season. Talk to you soon. Kristen
OOOPS! I wish Lynne's shop was in Ark. That is where I am. Her shop is in Missouri. Congratulations on your awards, and thank you so much for thinking and honoring me with an award. So glad you are feeling better. I've missed you. laurie
Yeah Chari! Every one so well deserved. Come by if you have time and check out my topper decor' ideas. ~Melissa
Congrates on the awards
GM Chari, So glad to see you up and running. I am smiling can you feel it.Your awards are so deserved.We have two of the same dreams. Cruise to Med(we plan on 2010),Rent a cabin and have all the kids come up. It just sounds fun, doesn't it. It was fun to see a bit of Lynne over here, she is a dear friend isn't she?Always supportive and takes the time, which I don't know how she does it all. Have a wonderful day , my friend, thankyou for stopping by at rms. You should join us over at Micasa, you will see a lot of friends from rms there. xoxo Kathysue
Hi Chari...Thanks so much for visiting my blog! It has been so much fun to find all of the rmsers in blog land and get to see more about their lives and finally put a face with the name! I remember your beautiful spaces! Your blog is inspiring. Congrats on stopping smoking! I tried it in college and discovered what an addictive personality I have, so I stopped right away. However...I am getting so addicted to blogging! lol You should come to MicasaStyle. There's a bunch of rmsers over there and everyone is nice. I am looking forward to reding more of your blog! Thanks again...Debbie
Chari, Thanks so much for thinking of me as you so generously handed out awards.. I feel so honored to be mentioned among the others.. I'll be showing it off soon..Girl you just mention this little ole shop any time your heart has that little tug to do so..lol. I hope this finds you feeling better and better... glad to see you're on here and feel like visiting.. miss ya ...hugs ~lynne~
Thanks, Chari, for the Autumn friends award - I'm honored that you consider me a friend - us Coloradans must stick together!!! I'll acknowledge the award on a post soon. Thanks again, I was thrilled. Sally
Hellooooo! That's me calling you from your front yard. Yes, check.... I'm standing out there waiting. LOL! OOOHH that would be nice. I've never seen Colorado before and I know it's gorgeous. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Chari my friend congrats on all your awards. They couldn't be awarded to a nicer person than you! I hope you're doing much better girl. Are things getting just a little bit easier? Anyhoo I was thinking about you. I'm not getting my regular Chari fix and I miss you!!And that's a habbit I don't want to break! *winks* Vanna
Charigirl~~I too am trying to catch up! Life has been busy and I wanted to stop over today to say Hi and see how you were doing. I've read your posts I had missed and am full of admiration of you for quiting smoking. I know it's got to be hard!
You are such a friendly and loving person to everyone you "meet"...and I just love you for that! You are VERY missed!
Love ya!
Hi Chari your not the only one who has been out of commission for a while, and I suspect the closer we get tot he holidays the busier we will all be;) Hugs French;)
Just popping in before making the city run this a.m. and then heading to work..Miss ya girlfriend..hope you're feeling better and better..hugs ~lynne~
GM Sweet Chari...hope all is well on your side of the mountain today..well can you believe its almost Thanksgiving...girl its time to drag out all those boxes of Christmas stuff and start playing with all the decorations...oh girl I am so excited this year about Christmas..as I did't even do a tree last year...my heart was just not in it with my Mama dying...but this year I am so ready for it...We got us a white tree the other day for the LR..I am going all Pink and white Victorian this year..girl can't get enough PINK!!! love ya and miss you Chari...hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi Chari, It was so good to hear from you today! I really hope things are going smoothly for you. The topper came from "Michaels". The only problem is I remember
buying it when we first moved in our home. {April of 2006} I doubt they have the exact one anymore but I have seen other nice toppers in the store over the last few years. "Touch of Class" online has a huge selection and "Kirklands" too. I'm a little topper crazy. Lol! Do you think? Are you going to post for "Trim A Tree Thursday" hosted by " The Southern Hostess". It should be fun! I hope you do. I know you must have gorgeous Christmas Decor'.
You take care and come visit me whenever you get a chance. You're ALWAYS welcome!~ Melissa :)
Thanks for the Friendshyp Award and for stopping by my space. YES, I use the stove in the winter. Food tastes so much better cooked on it. I just use the ice box for storage. BLESSINGS, DEANIE
Hello there, hope this finds you still doing well. Thinking of you and still having to rest after S.F. It seems to be taking longer and longer...old age! Well hope you are having a great day. Love ya Sis, Cindy
Hi Chari - Just checking in to see how you are doing? Haven't heard from you in a while - I know things are starting to get busy with the holidays quickly approaching but just wanted to say hi!!
Hi Chari! Just popping in to say Hi and see how you are doing.
Know you must be busy with Thanksgiving holiday coming up- hope you are taking care of yourself friend!
Good morning Chari, just stopped by to say hi and to see how you are doing. I miss ya!...Christine
Hello dear friend.. I sure pray this finds you feeling better and better.. I just got home from work..and look at me.. tomorrow is shop day and I know I'll enjoy being there.. Love having the gals come in and pick out that specail pruchase..thanks so much for swinging by.. I've sure missed visiting with you..
hugs ~lynne~
Hi Chari, You are always such a pleasure to hear from. :) You're the sweetest. Thank you for checking out my red tree decor'. It's that time of year huh?
Have a fabulous day! ~Melissa :)
Where are you???
Congrats on the beautiful awards girl! I was I was closer to Lynne's shop...boy I could get a 'buggy' and do some shopping there! lol Thanks for coming by sweetie..hope you are having a great week...I know we all are so busy this time of year..makes me feel like a bad blogger...I just can't seem to visit like I want to...I run in here and get to comment on a couple and then the phone rings or the doorbell or I gotta get back to the stove...man...where is Santa when you need him! lol
Chari, The bathroom pic might be kathysues bathroom. I wish I could figure out how to save my inspiration pictures so that I could give credit to whose they are !!! I checked her RMS space but the bath wasnt up though she could have taken it down. I hardly ever go over there anymore- blogging is so much more rewarding0 but I sure am glad I started over there or I wouldn't have met you!!! and s0 many other great blogging friends!!
I put up the recipe you requested.
How are you feeling these days?
Hey Sweet Chari just popping in to say Hi and hope you have a great weekend with honey..hugs and sjiles dear friend..Gloria
Just popping in to say Hi! You know I'M thrilled to only have to work 2 days this week! :-)
Hope you're feeling better...and know that we miss and love you!!
Chari...congrats on those well deserved awards! Susan
Good morning my friend.. getting ready to head out the door to work.. I've been thinking about you..you are missed girlie.. I hope you're feeling better and better..Do you have big plans for Thursday? Guess I'd best scoot....hugs and hugs
Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving dear Chari...love ya girl...hugs and smiles Gloria
Hey Charigirl! Just wishing you a happy holiday weekend! Love ya!
Chari just stopping in to say "howdy!" And I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Vanna
Hi Chari, Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Take Care, ~Melissa :)
You must be a busy girl these days!! Missing you!! Terrie
Good morning my friend. I hope this finds you doing well. Have you been busy decorating like crazy? I cannot believe it's here. I got started..but alas the fun as gone out of it for me..Thanks so much for the beautiful card. It touched my heart. You are so missed girl..come out come out wherever you are..
hugs ~lynne~
Are you feeling o.k.? We miss you. Sally
Hey girl I have missed you!! Hope all is well with you! You are probably all busy making your home beautiful for the Holidays!
When you have a bit of time come on over- you've been tagged!!
Dear Chari, So often when I've been busy you have stopped by my space on RMS to say hi. I'm doing the same. HI!!! Oh my gosh, you haven't blogged in a while. Hope you are well. Miss you. Love and hugs, Fieldstone/Pam
CHARI!!!!! HI long lost friend!!! I'm so glad you found me, now we can blog together, LOLOL!! How ya been sweetie?? How is Cindy? I don't go to RMS anymore, sad I know, I miss the fun! I'll add you to my blog list and you can add me to yours ok! Talk to ya soon! xoxoxo, OH and congrats on all your awards!!
I just saw you over at Sue's. Where the heck are you?? Why aren't you posting??
Glad to know your are relatively o.k. Thanks for stopping by to let me know. I'll try to post the cookie recipe sometime soon. Sally
Oh Sweet Chari I am so happy to see you at my blog today..and girl I know what you mean about being tired..this weather really hurts my bones..I would give anything not to have this disease my mind still goes but the body can't keep up like it should..Told Len I'll be the next thing under the tree Haha!! I have missed you so much Chari..take care dear friend hugs and smiles Gloria
Hey a cutie.. thanks so much for swinging by and for leaving such off the wall kind comments.. You are such a sweetie.. I sure hope this finds you doing ok.. You are sooooo missed girlfriend.. Have you started decorating? That's what I'm going to be working on just pretty shortly...
hugs ~lynne~
Hi Chari, Check Gloria's blog for December 4 to see her announcement that Vanna has jumped into blogland. Then follow the link to see her first post - it's on busts similar to the one you show here on your header! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, even though I'm not around blogland or RMS very much these days. Staying busy and creative! Hugs, Fieldstone/Pam
CHARI!!!!!! Girl I have soooo missed you!!! How are you doing my friend? I heard you were avoiding the puter because of that ole habbit thang? I hope you'll be back and posting up a storm tout de suite!! Thank you so much for visiting my first blog post! It's kinda nerve wracking for me! Sooo much to learn! But that's good for this old dog *winks* Well again I just wanted to say how much I...and we all, have missed you girlfriend. Breaking the Chari habbit really sucks! Vanna
Missing you loads!! Have been praying for you for I know you are going through alot right now- Let me know if there is anything I can do!
Now if this isn't the prettiest Christmas background ever! Wow Chari I love it!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for popping by the other day. ~Melissa
Thinking of you and just wanted to let you know you are missed! Take care of yourself and keep warm. Sally
mornin Chari! How much snow do you have in beautiful Colorado this morning?? We had flurries but now its windy and bitter cold, Brrrrrrrr!!!! Hope you are all cozied up and enjoying your weekend! TTYL! xoxoxo
Hi Chari...It is nice to have had a chance to finally "meet." I'm really proud that you are doing so well with the smoking thing. That can't be easy! Keep up the good work...Debbie
Much deserved dear ones and don't worry i dont think I will ever catch up;) French
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