
Sunday Favorites "One Year" Birthday Celebration!

Welcome to the 52nd Sunday Favorites...
"One Year" Birthday Celebration!!!


"Happy Birthday to youuu...Happy Birthday to youuuu...
Happy Birthday Dear Sunday Favorites...Happy Birthday to youuuu"!!!

Hello my friends!
Well it's here! It's here at last...the 52nd run of Sunday Favorites!!!
And...as you know...52 weeks equal one year! Today is the birthday of Sunday Favorites...she is one year old today!
Happy Birthday Sunday Favorites!!!
As many of you know, Sunday Favorites is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a post from the past. If you will allow me, I would love to give you just a little history of how Sunday Favorites was born. You and I know as bloggers, that we just love to get a post out...some may post everyday...some post two or three times a week...whatever the amount, we all work very hard to get a post published! Well...one busy weekend, a year ago, I was hoping to get a post up and going, however time just got away from me! For many of us, the weekends are just a busy, busy time. Don't you just hate when real life gets in the way of our blogging? Hehe!
Anyway the thought occurred to me that I could just copy and paste one of my favorite past posts. After all, I had spent alot of time and effort preparing many of them. It was just kind of sad how they seem to get lost and forgotten about under the myriad of new posts! Hmm...and it wouldn't take any time at all to just "copy and paste" one of those posts and republish it. It seemed like the perfect solution...I could share, once again, one of my favorite posts and I could get a post published for the weekend and it wouldn't take much time! Thus...Sunday Favorites was born!!!
One Year Later...
So here we are...one year later! Sunday Favorites is celebrating its 52nd run and "One Year" birthday! I have had so much fun hosting this Sunday meme and the participants have certainly shared some fabulous posts this past year!!! I would just like to say a big ol' hearty thank you to the Sunday Favorites participants and the Sunday Favorites readers for making this little Sunday meme so successful!!! I just couldn't have done it without you, dear friends!!!
Thank you...thank you...THANK YOU!!!

"Gift Card" Giveaway

As a little token of my appreciation, Sunday Favorites is hosting a "Gift Card" giveaway!

Yeeeehawwww!!! Don't you just love a great giveaway? Hehe!
The winner of the Sunday Favorites "Gift Card" giveaway can choose one of the five choices of gift cards.
1. A $50 gift card to Chilis Restaurant.
2. A $50 gift card to Hobby Lobby.
3. A $50 gift card to Home Depot.
4. A $50 gift card to Amazon.com.
5. A $50 gift card to Target Dept. Stores.

I thought that I would offer a choice of 5 different gift cards...hopefully there will be one of interest to the winner!!!
**The Rules of the "Gift Card" giveaway**
This "Gift Card" giveaway is opened to everyone...whether you have a blog or not...
However, you can gain up to 4 chances to win!
1) Leave a message on this post for 1 chance.
2) Become a follower of Happy To Design blog for 2nd chance.
3) Add my "Gift Card" giveaway logo button to your blog sidebar
or share the giveaway info. in a blog post for a 3rd chance.
4) Participate in Sunday Favorites this week for a 4th chance.

Ohhh my...and to help me keep all of this straight...please enter a comment for each chance that you earn! It will certainly help when using that "random generator" thingy! Hehe!
(For example: leave a comment for 1 chance. Leave a 2nd comment letting me know that you are a follower of Happy To Design for a 2nd chance. Leave me a 3rd comment letting me know that you added my giveaway button to your blog for a 3rd chance, and leave a comment letting me know that you participated in this week's Sunday Favorites for a 4th chance.)
Eeeeks...I do hope that I'm not making this too difficult...if you have any questions...please just ask.
The "Gift Card" giveaway begins today, April 24th and will end May 1st (Saturday night at 5pm). I am hoping to announce the lucky winner for next week's Sunday Favorites post!
I'm wishing each and every one of you the very best!!!
Now...onto Sunday Favorites!
Welcome to the 52nd run of
"Sunday Favorites"

Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites

If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink to Mr.Linky and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!

Love ya'll,


If you would like to view my very first Sunday Favorites post from April 25, 2009...you can click HERE.
Well my friends...thank you so much for coming by today! This truly is a momentous occasion for me...Sunday Favorites "One Year" birthday!!! Thank you for helping me celebrate and thank you for your love and support!!! I've had sooo much fun this past year and I really look forward to the year to come!!!
Have a super Sunday!!!



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Kimberly said...

I love a PARTY!! I am already a follower of yours! Hope I win!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Yah, Chari!
I think I am the first to link up!

Sonia said...

Hi Chari,

Let me say congratulations for coming up with Sunday Favorites! I love the idea since many weeks I'm not able to get another post ready and Sunday Favorites has been there for me. You know I'm a devoted follower and have put your Giveaway button on my blog.

Thanks for your wonderful blog and inspiration!

Miss Bloomers/Sonia

Allie and Pattie said...

Happy Birthday!! Please enter us!
xoxo Patie and Allie

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I am a follower of course!

Allie and Pattie said...

And of course, we are followers!
xoxo Pattie and Allie

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I have it posted on my sidebar too!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

And here's my fourth chance dear Chari! Hehe. I hope I did this right! I love that tea rose bedroom! You know, I think it is just about the prettiest bedroom ever! The lamp Gloria sent you is just too beautiful! She is a talented gal too. I remember this on RMS and I remember when I only followed the Tea Rose Bedroom blog. I kept waiting and waiting for a new post and then I smartened up and realized you had another blog! Oh, I am so glad I did!
This give-away is just awesome, you are sooo generous! Congrats on a wonderful year of blogging and hosting this party! Your the best,
Big Hugs,

podso said...

Thanks for doing this every Sunday!

podso said...

I already am a follower (#2)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Happy Birthday my Dear friend...Ok I'm not dead and I could't let the birthday go by without doing a post for you girl...Congrats on your first Birthday Chari and hope to see many more...I love ya Sis...your gift cards are awesome girl...maybe I should become a follower ha ha!! see I'm getting back my humor lol!! Hugs and smiles to you girl...Gl♥ria

podso said...

Sorry I don't usually put buttons on my sidebar ... not sure why but so far I haven't. :-(

podso said...

#4: I'm participating, and I love going back to my archives to do this! Helps me remember things too!

Sorry you are having a snow storm again ???

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Happy Birthday to Sunday Favorites! Wish me luck!
thanks for such a great giveaway!

No name said...

Good morning Chari,
Thank you for including me. I read somewhere yesterday that by reposting old blogs it could actually be very good for the blogging account. They went on to explain dated material and how people typically won't read something that is from way back in time. So if that is true then your Par-tay is really super awesome because it gives seasoned bloggers a chance to update and repost. At least I hope- what I thought I understood-is correct! lol. So how confused I am!

Thanks again :)) Have a blessed weekend!

Loui♥ said...

Hi Chari
#1 chance,, my comment:
Congrats on the One Year Birthday celebration of Sunday Favorites!
now off to blog about this fabulous
hugs Loui♥

Loui♥ said...

I have been a longtime follower!
love your blog!

Blondie's Journal said...


Congratulations and Happy 1st birthday! I have loved playing along with your party in the past and you also helped me link up when my computer incapabilities struck!! So sweet of you!!

I hope you do another year of letting us post some old and dear posts that everyone may have missed.


Loui♥ said...

just posted on my blog!
congrats again!

Blondie's Journal said...

I am a follower, Chari!! And I am having a giveaway, too so stop by! :-)


The Inspired Nest said...

Congrats on your 1st! I am a follower!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I entered a link for your Sunday Favorites

The Inspired Nest said...

I just participated in Sunday Favorites and posted your button! Happy Anniversary again1

Stacey said...

Chari, congratulations on your one year anniversary! I know it takes a lot of time and work to host this party weekly and we sure appreciate it.

I have posted so I can participate in the party. In fact, you can count me in on all four of the rules for the awesome give away.

Thank you so much for the party and the chance to win. :)

Salmagundi said...

What a generous giveaway!!! I just posted my Sunday Favorites for this week. I guess that gives me two chances to win a gift card. How have you been? Did you get hit with snow yesterday? We just had a good rain with some wind. Enjoy your weekend & Happy Anniversary. Sally

Little Lizard King said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Little Lizard King said...

I'm a follower. Congratulations on celebrating one full year! I'm a long time fan!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Chari, Happy Birthday to you!!!! One year, what a milestone. I so enjoy this wonderful meme and your Birthday Party is fabulous. I have my party hat on and I am blowing my horn and waving my pom poms. Your giveaway is just unreal too. Love you. Hugs, Marty

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

YAY! Congrats to so many happy posts! I always look forward to these! Would love to win, too! Thanks! ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am a follower! Thanks! ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am participating in Sunday Favorites! I have my post up already! HUGS! ♥

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh Honey, you are gonna get tired of seeing comments from me today! for this one -- I am commenting! Congrats on the one-year anniversary; I think I've been joining in almost since the beginning!

Cass @ That Old House said...

And it's me AGAIN ... because of course I am a follower!

Cass @ That Old House said...

And now it is me AGAIN again . . . because as you know I almost always post a Sunday Favorites, and this time I actually got it done early.
Love this blog party! Congrats again on the blogaversary!

Candy @ The Little Round Table said...

Happy Birthday to you and your Blog Chari!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Wow Chari, has it been a year already?? Happy Birthday Sunday Favorites! I'm so glad that I was able to be a part of the very first Sunday Favorites you hosted!

Please enter me for 3 chances (comment, follower, and entered a blog post for this week's Sunday Favorites).


Anonymous said...

Great party Chari!! You always do things up so nicely!

It has been a blessing knowing you friend since pretty much the beginning!

bee blessed

Anonymous said...

I am so blessed to be a follower of yours!
Could you please give me another slice of cake now!!

bee blessed

Anonymous said...

Added your little gift card to the side bar.

Boy that made me hungry- another piece of cake PLEEEAAASE!
Can you tell I love cake!

bee blessed

Lynn said...

Well Congratulations-How fun! I linked to Sunday favorites - I brought the ice cream for your party!

Lynn said...

I'm a new follower too!

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Chari, Congratulations, Girl! 52 weeks! Yipee! :-) What a generous Give-a-Way!!!

I'll try my best to participate this week...hopefully I can find a good post I can link up. :-) Happy Sunday Favorites!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday Chari on your wonderful meme! I am a follower and I will post about your Giveaway on my sidebar. I haven't paricipated in your meme yet because Sundays are very busy for me. But you all do have fun! Have a wonderful weekend.


Wanda Lee said...

Whehew Chari!!

Well my oh my!.., How time flies!Wow!~It's your one year,'Sunday Favorites' meme birthday party already girl!

Congratulations my sweet friend!.., I do hope you are glorying and basking in the fun and warmth of your special bloggy birthday party Chari!~ You deserve all the fun and congtrats you can possibly get sweetie!

Wow Chari!~ What a full on,'blow- out', extravaganza of prizes you have there Chari, with your oh-so-generous giveaway's and fabulous party prizes for the lucky winners!

(I don't think these lovely awards will apply in Canada, yet I will enter anyway, just for the fun)!.., Truly, it's just all about the fun!.., (I know, if I won, I'd give my gift card to my dear personal friend and business partner of ours, who lives in Florida during the winter months; she could pick me up a surprise giftie with one of your 'handy, dandy' gift cards..,

She always so generously does bring me a delightful surprise anyway and she could bring it to her lovely Canadian cottage for the summer).., 'Where there's a will theres a way Chari'!.., Hehe..,('Wink')!..,

~I have always loved your ingenious idea for 'Sunday Favorites' Chari!

Also, thanks so much for partaking with last week's 'Tuesday Tea For Two' blog party;( it was a crazyish 'ol bloggy time last Tuesday, but by the grace of God everything has 'toned down' considerably, especially with mama!..,Thanks so much for you prayers Chari!~ ( You and your grandson's are still very much in my prayers also)!..,

..,On a very cheerful note; my honey and I had a lovely Saturday Brunch with my dear Tiffany and enjoyed shopping and brousing afterwards with our warm sunny Saturday weather.., Fun!

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! Your kind comments always 'make my day' my friend!

..,(Yes we do leave some of the longest comments in blogland there girlfriend!~ We may just share a bloggy record or some such thing)!.., Hehe!

Love 'ya Chari!..,

Hugs, Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Heidi said...

HI Chari,
Well you deserve a big congratulations on your one year anniversay of this great meme! I do appreciate the opportunity to revisit some of my older posts, today especially as I honor my mother.
Thanks for hosting us every week, Chari! Have a wonderful weekend.
Heidi - Heart and Home

Wanda Lee said...

Here's my next comment Chari; 'short and sweet'!..,Hehe

As you know my dear, I'm a loyal fan and follower, this is my second comment; Check #1 and check# 2..,

..,Also, I have posted your birthday party GIVEAWAY on my blog as well, joining in with this week's delighful one year, blog birthday party of your 'Sunday Favorites!.., Check #3 and #4..,


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

yep, I'm a follower, have been for some time now!
I would love to win this giveaway!

Wanda Lee said...

Oooh my Chari.., I almost forgot to give you a big 'ol, happy birthday, 'hug and kiss' my friend!.., Happy,happy birthday and many more!

Hugs from Wanda Lee

9405018--Pat said...

Wow, I love a party, I am already a follower of yours....congratulations...thanks for sharing....Pat H

9405018--Pat said...

Love your blog......Pat H

Mary Ann said...

A grea giveaway that I am sure I won't win, however, I would love to win as a follower of your blog.

Sarah said...

Chari, what a generous gift! I love the idea of Sunday Favorites. I need to get one posted. Thanks!

Sarah said...

Me again just to say that I'm already a follower.
Happy Anniversary!!! ~ Hugs ~ Sarah

Alicia said...

I love the first Sunday Favorites post you did. I adore your Tea Rose Room. I have a carousel like the one you have and I love the cherubs. Beautiful room. You can enter me for posting a comment and I'm off to prepare my Sunday favorite and I'll be back to post it.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for hosting Sunday Favorites.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

I am also a follower.

Remodelaholic said...

Stopping by I would love to win! Wahoo!

Remodelaholic said...

I have been a follower for a while now, hope that counts for a second entry!

Remodelaholic said...

I joined your party!

Alicia said...

I'm a follower. Just added myself today. Weird I thought I already was, go figure :-)

Alicia said...

I've posted your giveaway button on my side bar.

Alicia said...

I'm participating this week with a past Birthday post in honor of your Birthday! Happy Birthday Sunday Favorites!

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to mention I linked up to the party- I'm pretty full so just some ice cream this time around- thank you!

xinex said...

Yay! Happy Anniversary, Chari and Happy Birthday to Sunday Favorites. And of course you know I am a follower and I am linking....Christine

Kammy said...

Hi Chari !
Gosh 1 Year - How neat !!..I need to start posting again ..cuz now I have "old" posts to repost, LOL ! I already am a follower and I posted your info. on my blog - give me two or three chances...pleeeeeeeze !
Hugs ~ Kammy
p.s. I love reading your comments because you are so detailed, LOL !

Tammy said...

What a wonderful blog you have...I am a new follower. Enjoying the sites.

Tammy said...

I posted this on my sidebar.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I added your button to my sidebar!
I want to win. :-)

Carol said...

Chance #1: What a generous give-away from a very sweet lady!

Carol said...

Chance #2: I'm a happy follower!

Carol said...

Chance #3: Your button is on the right side of my blog page!

Keetha Broyles said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad you followed your heart a year ago and started this party!!! It is soooooo fun.

This is my first comment to get my name in the "bucket."

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm already a follower, so does this count for my SECOND time of getting my name in the bucket?????


Keetha Broyles said...

My post for this week is all preset and ready to ROLL as soon as it IS tomorrow. Does that count for my THIRD chance at the win????

AND CONGRATULATIONS in case I didn't say it before - - - -


Loui♥ said...

Just posted a Sunday favorite!
that's entry #4!
have a beautiful Sunday!

Dixie said...

Chari... I'm joining in today... I couldn't miss your party!

hugs. Dixie

Dixie said...

and of course I've been a follower forever!

Dixie said...

now I've got your button on my sidebar!

Dixie said...

Happy Birthday Chari... I know what it takes to keep a meme alive and well for a year! Thanks for sharing your time and your heart and making it fun for all!

Happy Birthday Sunday Favorites!

blessings & hugs. Dixie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love this party..I've been a reader but not a poster until today. I finally felt like I had an old post I could share.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am a follower #2 entry!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Cheri this is entry #3! I want to thank you for hosting this Sunday party! It is a great idea!

Sarah @ Sugar Bananas said...

Happy Birthday. Congrats! Thanks for hosting :)

~Sarah @ Sugar Bananas!

Lisa said...

Hello Friend! You have a beautiful post and blog!

Lisa said...

Chari! I am now a follower...please enter me in your giveaway

Lisa said...

Chari! I am participating in your Sunday Favorites Celebration of 1 year of post favorites! I have joined the party several times...thanks for this idea!

Lisa said...

I have added your gift giveaway button to my blog...hopefully I will be a winner! You are a winner with these ideas, Chari!

D. Jean Quarles said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Wow, what an achievement.

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Many congratulations on your one year anniversary! I enjoyed reading how you began Sunday Favorites. I'd love a $50 gift card!

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

I have been following for a while now! Love your blog!

D. Jean Quarles said...

I'm a new-bee follower. What a great idea.

Sweet European Dreams said...

So glad I found your blog today - very fun! I'll be linking up with you all again!

ledamewood said...

Congratulations on one year of blogging. What a milestone.


Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Chari, I am also participating in Sunday Favorites. This is my first time to do so...but not my last ;-)

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Just posted your button giveaway on my sidebar. Best wishes for many more years of Sunday Favorites! Such a great idea!

Becky said...

I just found you. Yay! What great prizes!

Becky said...

I became a follower!

Becky said...

I posted about the contest!

Becky said...

Chance #4 I posted a Sunday Favorite.

Jen said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE the idea of posting an old post. Sometimes I happen upon an old post of mine that I forgot I wrote--I love that:)

Jen said...

Became a follower!

Jen said...

Posted a "Sunday Favorite"

Jen said...

And I posted about the giveaway at my blog.

cpullum said...

I am new here. What an awsome giveaway! I always loved Birthdays!

SunnySusan said...

Great giveaway!!!

SunnySusan said...

I am now a follower

Christi Williams said...

Great Giveaway!! Thank you

Christi Williams said...

I am following your blog

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Happy Anniversary! Now I finally know what the Sunday Favorites button stands for. I've seen it but haven't checked it out. What a great idea. I plan to be back again.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Oh! And now I'm a follower.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Happy Anniversary Chari! Congratulations and thank you for a year of fun!

Thanks so much for the invitation to your party!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Following too.... :-)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Shared in my blog post... :-)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

And, participating. Thank you soooo very much.

You're such a doll!


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Wahoo, this is an awesome party!! I am a follower of your blog for #1

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Boy, I am dancing and having a super time... Wonderful celebration. I have your banner on my sidebar #2

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

And now I am pooped, sitting down for cake, need a sugar fix...

Its a wonderful party!!! #3

Flory said...

Caongratulations Chari...thanks for your blog... your the best!

Natasha in Oz said...

Congratulations on this great idea Chari-I can't believe I have only just found out about it!

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Carol at Serendipity said...

Happy Birthday! Happy to join Happy to Design on this Happiest of days.


Chats the Comfy Cook said...

This is a fabulous idea. Congrats on your first anniversary. To many more.

Chats the Comfy Cook said...

I put your prize badge on my blog.

Chats the Comfy Cook said...

I follow you on Google Connect, very happily.

Anonymous said...

You are on my sidebar....at least your prize announcement is.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always having nice comments to make to all of us.

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Chari!!
I celebrated my 2nd Blogaversary yesterday!!
Let's get this party started!

Maggie said...

I've been following you for some time now and always love it when you come and visit me in Normandy.

Maggie said...

Just added your giveaway button to my sidebar!

Maggie said...

I'm #44 on your list today, wonder if I'll be the last??

Barbara said...

Chari, I HAVE DONE IT ALL..... I am a follower, joined in today, wrote a post about it and put the sign for the giveaway on my sidebar and left a comment. Can I come clean your house or do something else?

You can just send me the prize.....heheheheh.


Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

What a great giveaway! Congratulations on the 1st anniversary. :)

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

I am one of your followers! :)

From the Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday! I've just discovered Sunday Favorites. What a nice idea! Once I figure out how to use "Mr. Linky", I plan to join you!

I've also become a "follower".

I hope you'll drop in on my sometime.


Melanie said...

Happy Birthday!

Melanie said...

I am a follower too!

Melanie said...

I also participated in the party.

Sherrie said...

I also linked up a post.

The Charm of Home said...

Congratulations Chari! Your one of the sweetest bloggers out there. So happy for your anniversary. I'll go dig up a post.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a great selection of gift cards, Chari! Happy Birthday to your blog party!

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

I just added your Giveaway button to my sidebar. :)

The Charm of Home said...

I became a follower. Love your posts. You have a lot of inspriation in everything you do.

Marla said...

Happy blog birthday! Hope I win a gift card. I have been a follower for awhile now. Blessings, Marla

Cynthia@ITLLDO said...

Wow, am I ever excited to have found your blog! I saw that you were having a give away (and I just love those things) through Susan at BNOTP this morning, so I hopped on over for my first visit. I get so excited when I find a new blog to enjoy! You see I am really new to this blogging world, but have become quite obsessed. Sooooo, here I go. I am going to be a new follower and use that mr. linky thingy and then post your button on my blog. Thanks so much!

The Charm of Home said...

I added a post. One of my favorites.

Cynthia@ITLLDO said...

I just posted one of my favorites on your blog!!!! I hope you will check it out....."A Little Paint Should Do"

The Charm of Home said...

I also added you to my sidebar. I don't know why I haven't come to join you before on Sunday. I keep promising my husband I will take off Sunday, but I am kinda of hooked on blogging.:) Will join you often now!

Martha said...

Congratulations on your Year of Sunday Favorites -- I've participated in almost half of them and it is a favorite day of mine -- Sunday -- for it IS fun to see what others have selected as their favorites!

Congratulations on the anniversary!

Cynthia@ITLLDO said...

I've also managed to get your fabulous Birthday Give Away button on my sidebar! I am so proud of myself!

Juanita said...

Thank you for offering this giveaway! This is my first Sunday favorites post! And I love Hobby Lobby! have a blessed day!

Juanita said...

I am a follower!

Juanita said...

I have posted about your giveaway!

Juanita said...

I added your gift card to my sidebar!

Debbie (Meadowcrest Cottage) said...

Love your blog! Just became a follower.

Debbie (Meadowcrest Cottage) said...

Happy Birthday!! Count me in.


Cuscini said...

I've linked, and added your gift card logo to my post. Thanks!

Cuscini said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway; I love the idea of this party, too!

Cuscini said...

I'm in on the party; thank you!

Sonny G said...

I'm parting with ya~! I am a follower and I'll gladly display your giveaway button..

thanks for hosting for us.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chari on your one year accomplishment - Sunday Favorites is so great!!! And what a fantastic giveaway you are having.

Anonymous said...

Chari, I'm embarassed after doing Sunday Favorites for a while now and having your SF logo on my sidebar since I started, I find I forgot to be a follower. Well how silly of me. I am now - won't have to click your SF logo when I want to see what you're up to. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi again Chari, I added your gift card giveaway to my sidebar for a 3rd chance to win.

Anonymous said...

And last but certainly not least I am participating in Sunday Favorites today. Haven't been here for a while as we were on vacation in sunny (actually the first week rained buckets) California for a few weeks.

Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Wow, happy birthday!!! What a great give away! Okay, first, here is my comment on your wonderful post!

Christi @ A Southern Life

Tania Pelletier said...

What a great giveaway Chari, thank you for the opportunity! So this is my entry #1!!


Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Okay, now number 2, I am a happy follower of your blog!

Christi @ A Southern Life

Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Number 3! - I participated in Sunday Favorites today - it is one of my favorite parties!

Christi @ A Southern Life

Tania Pelletier said...

I'm following you now, great blog BTW!! Entry #2!


trish said...

Good Morning!
Thank you for hosting a fantastic give a way!

I am a follower and love coming to visit.

*I am hosting a give a way tomorrow.*

Please drop by.
It will be fun! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Tania Pelletier said...

Even though it lessens MY chances of winning, I posted your button in my sidebar!! Entry #3!


Christi @ A Southern Life said...

And, #4 - Your give away is now in my sidebar. Congrats!!! on 1 year!

Christi @ A Southern Life

Melissa Miller said...

Woo!Hoo! Chari I am so happy for you and your wonderful one year anniversary! What a fantastic idea you had for a meme. You are very creative and talented!

~WOW! What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great prize. Awesome!

Tania Pelletier said...

I just learned about Sunday Favorites and I love the idea, I posted my first Sunday Favorites re-post today! Entry #4!


Silvia said...

happy birthday!!..
JUst came back from reading your love of flying from Susan and i loved it,what a story!you are so brave and extraordinary woman in my book..i hope you are feeling much better now and wish you a wonderful day today and always my dear friend..take care and btw te pictures were beautiful,you were so beautiful..
love, Silvia.

Elaine said...

Have been following your blog for awhile. What a nice giveaway.

Sunday blessing to you

julie said...

Congrats! Let's party on. I'm feeling lucky!

Shirley said...

I've linked up to join the party!

Shirley said...

I've become a follower. I'm looking forward to participating each week.

Shirley said...

I placed your button in my sidebar linking back to your site.

Shirley said...

I've been very lazy about blogging lately and I thought your party would be a great way to get back into it. And I'm so glad I found you in time for the birthday celebration.

shannon i olson said...

what a fun party. Happy Birthday Sunday Favorites!!

shannon i olson said...

#64 on the link!!

shannon i olson said...

Now following!!

Lara Harris said...

Such an awesome idea!

Lara Harris said...

I'm a follower! :)

Lara Harris said...

Posted your giveaway button on my sidebar here:


xinex said...

We're fine, Chari. Thanks for thinking and praying for us. I emailed you early this morning. The tornado touched down in Yazoo City which is a 2.5 hr drive from us so were ok...,Christine

Lara Harris said...

Just linked up my favorite post (#65 on the link up list :)

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Party party - congratulations on this milestone.
Fingers crossed for this giveaway.

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

I am a follower too.

Thelittlebrownhouse.us said...

Happy Birthday!! Thanks for hosting the party and great giveaway!

No name said...

Thank you for your lovely comment:) I had meant to post the tutorial for wedding bouquets but that is okay, I'll participate in Sunday Favorites again. I'll get it right next time.

I was hoping you could answer a question for me, when returning comments to people who have left them on my blog, would it be better to respond to them on theirs or leave a response on mine? Maybe doing both?

Thank you again:)

throuthehaze said...

Happy Birthday!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

gillian said...

Happy Anniversary!

gillian said...

I became a follower!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Happy Anniversary to Sunday Favorites!!! I almost forgot about the party. But I arrived, fashionably late, but I arrived. And I am so going to win your little giveaway. lol. This is my chance # 1.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Here is my chance #2: You know I am totally a follower. I'm always a better follower than a leader. So if I'm going to follow someone, I am so happy to follow you.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Chance #3: I posted about your giveaway in my post. Looks like your anniversary party is a great success.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Chance #4: I totally participated this week. I'm going to win, I'm going to win, I'm going to win. I'm thinking positive thoughts so I can win.

Thanks for having such a fun giveaway. You are the best.


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Chari, congrats!! Wish I had not been out of town all weekend. I have been posting to this fun party just recently, but did not have time this time. Maybe I will get picked anyway. I am a follower!!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Chari, I did link to the party for another chance to win!!

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