Welcome to the 37th "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info photo in the sidebar of my blog.
Hello my friends!
Welcome to the 37th run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
** Ohhh my...I must apologize at being so late to get my Sunday Favorites post up today! I think the Christmas and New Year's holidays have finally caught up with me...I totally spaced out what day it was!!! Having a "senior moment" here! Hehe! So sorry!!!
I hope that you had a fabulous New Year's! I am looking forward to all that this new year holds for us!!! I have really been thinking about my family...my daughters and all of my precious grandchildren! We weren't able to spend Christmas together so I guess that I'm feeling a bit homesick for all them! I thought I would share a post that I did about them all in January of last year!!! Meet my family....they're are a great bunch!!!
Well my friends...have a super Sunday! Thank you so much for coming by today!
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Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites

My favorite post from: January 25, 2009
The "NOBLEPRIS" Award.....
Hello my friends! Oh my...I am simply elated....two of my very dear friends have honored me with the "NoblePris" or "Wonderful Mother" award! I can't think of a more honorable or noble calling than that of Motherhood! Thank you so very much Melissa and Christine for thinking of me!!!
Well now, in celebration of receiving such an honorable award...I believe that I have been given full rights to do just a little bragging....hehe!!! So grab a seat and let me tell you all about my three darling daughters!!!

This is my first-born, Lisa Marie...she was born on November 5th, 1974. I was really still just a baby myself...I had just turned 18 when I had her! I was such a proud mama...and she was such a pretty baby girl! She was really the perfect baby...I just never had any problems with her. She had such a happy disposition! Lisa is now 34 yrs. old, married and has 3 boys...she lives in south Texas. I'm so very proud of her, she's so beautiful...inside and out...she's such a tenderhearted and loving young woman, so intelligent and very talented! She writes, sings and plays the guitar, to name just a few of her many talents!!!

My second born is Aimee Lee...she was born November 18th, 1976! I didn't think I was ever going to have this child...she was nearly a month overdue. Aimee is 32 yrs. old, married and has 2 children...a boy and a girl and lives in south Texas. She manages a very nice apartment community and is such a "go-getter"...I'm so proud of her, she has always been so successful at everything she tries her hand at! She loves interior decorating and in fact she has been very busy with redecorating the model apartment where she works lately! Hmmm...wonder where she got that love for decorating from...hehe!!! Isn't she a pretty girl?

My youngest daughter Jennifer Lynne is 28 yrs. old, married and has 5 children and also lives in south Texas! Now...Jenni broke the mold for quiet, easy tempered babies! From the time that child was born...she fussed! If there was any noise in the house...it was coming from Jenni...hehe!!! And...she's still that way!!! She has a very boisterous disposition...always joking and laughing! I always call her my "sunshine" because she can always make me laugh...and I'm not just talking about laughing just a little...she has a way about her that she just won't quit until she has me laughing and peeing my pants! Yep...so sorry to be so crude but it just explains my Jenni to a tee!!! She's a wonderful mama to her 5 children...they just think the sun and moon rises and sets in their mama...of course, she's just like one of the kids herself...hehe!!! I sure do admire her patience and fortitude with raising 5 children!!! I'm so proud of her!!!
Why...just look at that smile...she even looks onery...doesn't she? Hehe!!!
My three wonderful daughters have given me 10 of the most precious grandbabies ever!!! I'm a tellin' ya...they are truly the "apple of my eye"!!! Each and everyone of them is so sweet and so special...they all make me so very proud!!!
Lisa's boys...Antonio Jr., Alexander James, and Adam Christopher! They're all such good boys, so respectful, smart, and handsome too!!!

Aimee's children, Noah Jay and Emiliee Brea. Aren't they just the cutest little darlings that you've ever seen? I love their pose for the camera...so cool in their sunshades...hehe!!!

Jenni's 5 children...Ryan Andrew, Ethan Lee, Erick Wayne, Seth Nicolus, and Caylee Madison! Whew...Jenni had 4 boys before having her little Caylee girl...we didn't think she was ever going to have a girl! This photo was taken this last summer at our local Car Show...they're standing in front of Grandpa Russell's 1970 RS Camaro! Why just look at those 5 little angels!!!

Hehehe...oh my, and just when I thought my child raising days were over...I met Russell! Russell has a son and a daughter...they were just 6 and 7 yrs. old when we met. You know...I don't really think of them as my step-children...for one thing, they were both so young when I came into the picture...and I've been able to watch them grow and be a mama to them too!!!
This photo was taken shortly after I came into their lives...Darrin Andrew is 7 yrs. old and Danielle is 6 yrs. old...aren't they just precious?

Here is a recent photo of Darrin who will turn 15 this February! He has grown into such a handsome young man!!! He's such a sweet boy...quiet and reserved but very loving! He makes good grades at school and is very good at track! He's been so excited lately because he's going to get his driver's permit in just a couple of months.

Here is a recent photo of Danielle Alice who will be turning 14 yrs. old in April. Isn't she pretty...she was "striking a pose" for me...hehe!!! She also makes very good grades in school and she loves volleyball and is very good at it! Wow...and can she sing!!! She does solos in her school choir all of the time!!! She always tickles me because she loves to cook and she is always watching all of the cooking shows! Last year I was in Texas during Thanksgiving so Danielle cooked the entire Thanksgiving meal for her daddy, brother, and Grandpa! I was so very proud of her!!!

Well my friends...thank you so much for endulging this proud Mama's/Grandma's brags!!! I probably bored you to tears so I do apologize...and I kept the brags to a minimum...hehe!!! I really could have just gone on and on...hehe!!! Once again, thank you so very much...Melissa and Christine...for the "Wonderful Mother" award...it was a lovely walk down memory lane for me!!!
I'd love to pass this honorable "NoblePris" award on to all of you dear, sweet women that have loved and nurtured your children with that unconditional love that only mamas have!!! And even though my daughters do not have blogs, I still would like to honor them with this "Wonderful Mother" award...I'm so thankful that they are doing an outstanding job raising my grandbabies!!!
Love ya'll,
How sweet. You do have a lot to be proud of don't you.
Your family get togethers must be a lot of fun.
Thanks for hosting again.
You have a beautiful family and I wish you that you had had the opportunity to see them all this year for the holidays. I understand how that is as I run into the same issue on occasion. But we always have them held close to our hearts. Thank you for hosting the party. This is the first time I've participated and I chose to share a post about one of my favorite projects of last year...mainly because I still enjoy it every single day and it took a LONG time to do the tutorial. (haha). Blessings to you and your family.
Hi Chari,
and why wouldn't you brag about this wonderful family??
They are all lovely and they must make you very proud indeed.
Lucky you!
Have a wonderful dimanche, mon ami.
Hi Chari and Happy New Year!
All the kids are so happy and sweet! I hope you get to spend more time with all the kids this year!
I hope you ahve a wonderful Sunday!
Dear Chari,
This is such a wonderful, touching post and one I somehow missed last year. What a beautiful family you have my dear! Three lovely daughters and all those darling grandchildren! You also have two adorable step-children! You are truly blessed my dear! This post really touched my heart, I miss my son in AZ. so I know how you must feel, missing them for the Holidays! Come by and see me when you can, I am celebrating my 1 year Blogger Anniversary! And you my dear, are one of the best things about blogging this past year! Hugs, Cindy
You have such a beautiful family, I know you are extremely proud of them.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Theres's a lot to be proud of!
Happy new year.
- The Tablescaper
Congrats Chari! You must be so proud! What a beautiful family. We have never been blessed with children and I loved seeing yours. How very blessed you are.
Happy New Year!
Christi @ A Southern Life
Chari, your family is just gorgeous. It is such a blessing to have such a wonderful family. I know you enjoy them and they love you very much. Hugs, Marty
Good morning sis...Oh girl it was so good seeing all your young children and Jenni does look just like you sis..I also had one that came out swinging a purse and chewing gum and to this day makes me spit my coffee out laughing every time she comes around...That's my Dawna....I hope you had a great New Years girl...I didn't even stay awake to see it in ha ha!! Been so sick with a head cold...My whole family has been sick with it...I still say they gave it to me ha ha!!
Now you know I loved seeing Russell Camaro WOW!! love me some muscle cars...Well my dear friend hope you have a great day...love ya Gloria
Bonjour Dear Chari,
Oh you do so deserve this wonderful Mother award. What a gorgeous family! You are one lucky lady to be so close to all your kids and grandkids - and you definitely don't look old enough to have 10 grandchildren.
Best of everything to you and yours!
Chari what a nice post- you have such a beautiful family and have every right to brag!
Oh Chari, so good to see this post again. You do have a wonderful, beautiful and big family, all those grandchildren, must be nice and fun to be around them. Happy New Year, my friend!...Christine
Chari, Y
You do have something to brag about for sure! What a beautiful family and I know they must love you to pieces! Hope you are having a wonderful New Year my friend! It's so cold here..I'm just trying to keep warm! Hugs to you! Sonia
Chari, I loved getting to know your daughters. ALl beautiful, just like their Mama. I have to say the oldest and youngest look so much like you! Love all of the grandkid pictures. I can hear in your voice how proud you are of all of them. Thanks for sharing your family with me! Enjoy your Sunday!
You have good reason to be proud! Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Hi Chari, i so enjoyed reading about your absolutely beautiful family. I too have three girls, now 19 in 9 days, 17 and 16 and reading about your daughters put me in the future where i could be one day. Your daughters all have smiles to melt a heart and bring a smile to anyones face.
Loved the post...so glad I am having a little blog reading time....
Chari~Happy New Year! What a lovely family...making every special occasion complete by their presence.
I too feel there is no greater calling than being a mother. The rewards are priceless.
I thoroughly enjoyed the tablescape recap. I look forward to what you'll be unveiling in the new year
I've been a bit distracted and slow on my visits. I hope to be back soon.
Sweet wishes,
Love your family pics, and yes, you have every right to brag, Chari! :-)
This is such a wonderful post. Your daughters and grandchildren and stepchildren are all so beautiful!
You must be very proud!
Hugs, Lana
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