Welcome to the 77th "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click HERE. ~~~~~~
Hello my friends!!!
Welcome to the 77th run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend!
BOO!!! Happy Halloween BOO!!!
Have a wonderful, happy, and safe holiday weekend, my friends! It will be a quiet one at our place...no children to take trick-or-treating or dress in halloween costumes. In fact, we usually never have any trick-or-treaters at our place since we live way out in the sticks! Awwww!
I am sharing one of my favorite posts from March 2010 called "Favorite Things" for Sunday Favorites this week! I hope you enjoy!
Just a little note: Sunday Favorites Criteria
When I first started the Sunday Favorites meme, my initial thought was to offer a solution for getting a post out on the weekend without having to spend alot of time doing so...weekends are just a busy time for most of us! Copying and pasting a previous post is so quick and easy. Not only is this a quick and easy solution to the busy weekends, but it's also an opportunity to dig back into our blog archives and share a favorite "past" post once again! Many of us spend alot of time and effort creating a post and it just seems a shame that it is viewed only once and then forgotten about!
I would like to reiterate that Sunday Favorites is a meme about sharing or revisiting a post from the PAST!
I hesitate about saying anything at all, however as time goes on...I have received emails and have had more and more comments about bloggers who are joining the Sunday Favorites party without following the criteria. They are linking up to the Sunday Favorites party...using a present day post or a post that they just published! While I appreciate the sweet intentions of these dear bloggers, posting a present day post...just seems to be missing the point of what the Sunday Favorites meme is all about! It really is so easy to just cut and paste a previous post for this party...if you need help with the "how to's" of doing this...just click on the Sunday Favorites logo at the top of my side bar. You will find detailed information on how to do this.
It certainly isn't my intentions to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. I went into hosting this little Sunday party with the intentions of having fun! Making rules and trying to abide by them...just seems to put a "damper" on the festivities...know what I mean? I certainly hate the thought of losing any of the Sunday Favorites participants so please be mindful of what this Sunday meme is all about! It's just good blog ettiquette! And...while I am on the subject of blog ettiquette, I would also like to say that I really appreciate...if you are joining in with the party...to add the Sunday Favorites logo...or my blog link to your post or your side bar! You know, it's kind of like showing up to a party that you have been invited to...without ever acknowledging the hostess! I spend many hours reading and commenting on all of my Sunday Favorites participant's posts...and I really enjoy doing so!
Thank you!!!
Wishing you all a super Sunday!!!
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
If you are participating in Sunday Favorites, please be sure to add your permalink and not your general blog address.
Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites
My favorite post from: March 25, 2010 *

Hello my friends...I hope that you're having a fabulous week!
Today, I am joining in with "Show & Tell Friday" and "A Few of My Favorite Things Saturdays". You will find the credits for these lovely parties at the end of my post.
Do you remember Show & Tell when you were in school? I sure do...it was one of my favorite things! With that in mind...I thought I would combine some of my favorite things for Show & Tell today! Can I bring some of my bestest friends in the whole wide world for Show & Tell this week?

One of my bestest friends is Cindy from Applestone Cottage! I don't know how long its been now...but we met through blogging! Cindy is just the sweetest gal and she is soooo creative and talented! I just love her to pieces!!!
My Teacup Pincushion

Cindy sent me this darling teacup pincushion this week! I was so surprised when I received the package...I wasn't expecting anything! What a fabulous surprise...a "just because" gift...the bestest kind!!! Thank you so much...dear, sweet friend!!! I love, love, LOVE IT!!!
I sat this beautiful teacup pincushion on my dining room buffet. I just redecorated it for Spring...using that pretty yellow-green color that I call Spring green! I think the pretty pink and green teacup pincushion looks sooo pretty in this spot!!! It matches perfectly!!! Ohhh...do you see that beautiful pink carnation on the front of the teacup? It's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Ohhh...just look at that pretty lace and those gorgeous decorative pins! Cindy made the pins too! I love the little paper roses that she used as a decorative accent!!!

I wanted to take a photo of the pretty saucer...I love this pattern!!!


A view from the top...I love those pretty pink ribbons!
Cindy, I just adore my gift...thank you so much, sweet friend!!!
If you haven't ever met Cindy from Applestone Cottage...you are missing out on a real treat! Please go by and say hello and meet her...you'll be glad that you did! Cindy lives in the beautiful state of Wisconsin...land of the forests! Her fabulous cottage home is situated right in the middle of a forest! She is such a talented designer and crafter...as you can see!!!
My Victorian Tassel 
Another one of my bestest friends is Gloria from Happy To Be! I first met Gloria when we were on Rate My Space, a website where you can showcase your home, that was nearly three years ago. Gloria and I hit it off from the very beginning. In fact, I call Gloria...Sis...because she is just like a sister to me! Gloria and I are finally going to meet! We are meeting next week in Las Vegas for 4 days! I'm sooo excited!!! We have already made a few plans of how we are going to "paint that town red"! Hehe!
Gloria crafted this fabulous Victorian tassel...just for me...and sent it to me for Christmas! It is hanging on the door of my china cabinet in my frenchy studio/office!

Isn't it fabulous? Now I have to tell you...I have a "thing" for pretty tassels and they can be found everywhere in my house...but this Victorian tassel is my favorite!!! Thank you, Sis!!!

Ohhh my...just look at the button-up Victorian shoe!

And...of course I had to show you a close-up of all the fabulous trim and ribbons that Gloria used in making this Victorian tassel! I love brown and aqua blue paired together! Ohhh...and just look at those fleur de lis on that one ribbon! Do you see the beautiful aqua blue jewel? Ohhh...this is sooo fancy!!!
I love, love, LOVE my Victorian tassel!!! Thank you, Sis!!!
Speaking of Victorian...

This is a Victorian lace tablecloth! I have it folded in half and draped over the back of my chair in my frenchy studio/office! I didn't want to fold it and get it wrinkled! Hehe! I have big plans for this fabulous lacy cloth...hmm, a tablescape? or perhaps a vignette?
Gloria gave this gorgeous Victorian tablecloth to me...a "just because"...gift! She knew that I had been searching for one...isn't she the best? Thank you, Sis!!! I just adore it!!!

A close-up so you can see the beautiful floral pattern in the lace! Ohhh...and I love, love, LOVE that long fringe!!!
I don't know if you have ever met Gloria over at Happy To Be, but she is such a dear lady and she has one of the most beautiful homes that I've ever seen!!! She has been a collector of antiques for many, many years and her home is filled with some of the finest that I've ever seen! Really...I just stand in awe! You'll have to just go and see for yourself! *

The old vintage frame and photo behind the chair is of my husband's Grandfather when he was just a small boy. He is the little boy in the middle with the blonde curly hair! This was probably taken around 1920. The frame is very old as well...I think it's sooo pretty! We inherited all of these old family photos when my father-in-law passed away.
On the wall, to the left of the chair, I have a large decorative iron piece...with a candle and another tassel.

I decorated the pillar candle by wrapping a piece of scrapbook paper with French writing on it...around the candle. Then I tied a thin black ribbon and a piece of twine around the candle as well. On the front is a beautiful black vintage button and a piece of gold angel hair trim. These were gifts from another very dear blogging friend...Mary from Mary's Meanderings. She sent me an old iron crown...I should have taken photos of it...so sorry! Mary included the little button and trim in the package...I just loved it and decided to decorate the candle with it! Thank you sooo much Mary!!! You are such a sweetheart!!! *
Mary has a beautiful old Victorian home that she and her husband are restoring. You just have to go by and see it...and tell Mary hello! She is the dearest, sweetest lady!!! I know that she would be delighted to have a visit from you!

These are a few of my favorite things!!!
I am joining in with these fabulous parties today...
Show & Tell Friday...hosted by Cindy over at My Romantic Home.
A Few of My Favorite Things Saturdays...hosted by Laurie over at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie.
Thank you so much, Cindy and Laurie...for hosting these fabulous...fun filled...parties for us!!! Please go by and pay these sweet ladies a visit and while you're there you can check out all of the other party participants!
Well my friends...I'm so happy that you came by for a visit today! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here...I'd love to visit with you!!!

Hi Chari - I love all your victorian touches... especially that tassel! I grew up in a home filled with victoria decor, so this post reminds me of my mother. Now she's flipped decor styles on me and she's gone totally modern.... and she says my decor is old fashioned and boring (traditional).
Hello sweet friend! Yup I remember this one and love it just as much as the first time you posted it. That shawl is just so pretty and I still need to fix up some candles fancy like you did!!
Worked at Antique store today and the Lord just kept bringing hurting people in the store to talk with. It was such a blessing!! Didn't make many sales but I think alot more important things happened!
Praying you are doing well!
Be blessed
Thank you for stopping by, Chari. It is always such a pleasure to see you around my neighborhood. ;)
When I saw the pincushion teacup, I knew I wanted to share My Favorite Teacup. (Sorry I mispelled teacup on the link but I could not edit it.) Love this meme. It brings old posts back to life. Thank you for hosting and have a lovely Sunday.
Wow, worship leader. What a privilege.
One Heart
What lovelies in this post! The tassel and the pincushion are my favorites.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Lovely things, I especially like the teacup pin cushion. So sweet. Missed joining you today!
Hi Chari!
What a sweet post to share from the past. You've made some wonderful friends, but then again...you are a wonderful friend. Happy Sunday!
What a neat post, Chari! Sweet tributes to your special friends! I really like those gifts they gave you!
That tablecloth is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see how you use it in a vignette and/or tablescape!!
I'm joining in on your Sunday Favorites again, thanks for hosting!
Hi Chari!
Lots of pretties today in this revisited post! I hope you guys are having a fabulous weekend!
Diann :)
Love, love, love your tea cup pincushion. I am going to have to figure out a way to make one of those for my sister for Christmas. She collects pincushions and has them displayed in her sewing room.
I also love all the victorian touches in your home. My hubby dose not share my love of old things so I have downsized my collections a lot since we married. But, I have been dragging him to so many antique and flea markets he is starting to slowly change his mind.
Thank you for hosting the party and showing us your lovely things!!
Happy Halloween sweet Sis...did I scare you ha ha!! girl we don't get any kids up here either..what a shame as I have to eat all the candy myself ha ha!! So what's going on with Mister design...did he get to Dr. yet...Girl I'm so down right now with the cooler weather hitting here...I swear I'm eating pain pills right now ha ha!!
Love ya sweet Sis and may you be Blessed today and each day...Hugs and love Gl♥ria
I'm letting you down on the Sun. Faves AGAIN!!! The last couple of weeks with this move looming over my head, I just haven't been very blogorific.
I PROMISE, I'll be back - - -
Good morning Chari,
I just love your teacup pincushion, and your new tassel is breathtaking.
I have just been sitting here going through your blog enjoying so many great ideals. You have such a beautiful and inviting home. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
I'm here, I'm here Chari!
I am so behind in my blogging!
Ahhh girlfriend, this is just the sweetest post! A real tear jerker for sure!
I am so happy that we got to meet for real this summer! It was without a doubt the highlight of my trip!
I got my Victoria mag. again today!
Wow, I love it!
Your the best girlfriend!
Hi- thanks for the party!!
Hi Chari.
I didn't realize that you only wanted old blog posts. I thought that favorite things also qualified. Please delete my link to Tabletop Time, and I'll delete the reference to linking from my post today.
Love the things you shared for today!
Such pretty things in your posts today! No wonder it's a favorite. I'm a little late in joining in, but was determined even though I ran late in almost everything today! :)
Oh, Chari! What lovely things--no wonder they're favorites. I can sure see why the Victorian tassle is your favorite! And your grandpa-in-law was adorable. (My husband collects such frames and pictures; we have them all over the house. Only a few are actual relatives, though!)
Love and hugs,
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