I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! We are having gorgeous weather here at our place. I have the doors and windows open and I'm enjoying the fresh autumn air! It's just perfect for spending a little time outdoors. Believe it or not, we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and started to "winterize" everything. All the vehicles get antifreeze...the water lines, etc. in the RV have to be drained and winterized...and the same goes with the sprinkler system. It can be quite a process but just something that has to be done living in Colorado. Honey has started cutting and stacking wood for our wood stove. Yes...there is much to be done!
Since my mind has been on "winterizing", I thought I would revisit a post from February, 2010, called "A Heart's Longing...Tea and Poetry" for Sunday Favorites. It was quite the "winter wonderland" at our place! I hope that you enjoy!
Just a little note:
When I first started the Sunday Favorites meme, my initial thought was to offer a solution for getting a post out on the weekend without having to spend alot of time doing so...weekends are just a busy time for most of us! Copying and pasting a previous post is so quick and easy. Not only is this a quick and easy solution to the busy weekends, but it's also an opportunity to dig back into our blog archives and share a favorite "past" post once again! Many of us spend alot of time and effort creating a post and it just seems a shame that it is viewed only once and then forgotten about!
I would like to reiterate that Sunday Favorites is a meme about sharing or revisiting a post from the PAST!
I hesitate about saying anything at all, however as time goes on...I have received emails and have had more and more comments about bloggers who are joining the Sunday Favorites party without following the criteria. They are linking up to the Sunday Favorites party...using a present day post or a post that they just published! While I appreciate the sweet intentions of these dear bloggers, posting a present day post...just seems to be missing the point of what the Sunday Favorites meme is all about! It really is so easy to just cut and paste a previous post for this party...if you need help with the "how to's" of doing this...just click on the Sunday Favorites logo at the top of my side bar. You will find detailed information on how to do this.
It certainly isn't my intentions to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. I went into hosting this little Sunday party with the intentions of having fun! Making rules and trying to abide by them...just seems to put a "damper" on the festivities...know what I mean? I certainly hate the thought of losing any of the Sunday Favorites participants so please be mindful of what this Sunday meme is all about! It's just good blog ettiquette! And...while I am on the subject of blog ettiquette, I would also like to say that I really appreciate...if you are joining in with the party...to add the Sunday Favorites logo...or my blog link to your post or your side bar! You know, it's kind of like showing up to a party that you have been invited to...without ever acknowledging the hostess! I spend many hours reading and commenting on all of my Sunday Favorites participant's posts...and I really enjoy doing so!
Thank you!!!
Sunday Favorites

My favorite post from: February 22, 2010
Hello my friends! I'm so happy that you came by for a visit today!!!
When I woke up on Sunday...looked out the window...this was what I saw! Ohhh yes...snow and more snow!!! I took this photo from my dining room window....brrr...it was too cold to go out for the picture! Hehe! I really do love winter, the beautiful snow, and the peaceful solice that it brings...
enough is ENOUGH!!!
By the end of February, I begin to long for Spring!!!
I long for warmer days...
I long for the trees to be clothed in their luscious greens...
I long for the sight and scent of flowers...
I know that it must be near, but until that day...what is a girl to do?
Well...I threw another log on the fire and made a cup of hot tea!
Tea & Poetry....
A special treat...tea in a pretty china tea cup!
This pretty tea cup is from my late mother-in-law's set of china. The pattern is called Roselet and it's manufactured by Harmony House. I just love the delicate pink roses and pretty silver bands!
Ahhhh...roses! Pretty pink, spring time, roses!!!
I went in search of a good book to read while enjoying my cup of hot tea and found this lovely book, "The Country Flowers of a Victorian Lady" written by Fanny Robinson.
It is one of the most lovely books that I've ever seen...page after page of Victorian flowers and prose. Ohhh yes...this is exactly what I needed to dispell the cold and drearyness of the day!!!
Oooh...just look at these beautiful pink roses!!!
I found this sweet book while blog hopping one day. I do apologize for not remembering the sweet lady who shared this lovely book. As soon as I saw the fabulous artwork...I began my search. I found several copies at Amazon.com. This was a "delicately used" copy and cost only .27 cents! What a treasure find!!!
The Country Flowers of a Victorian Lady
A bit of information about this book from Amazon.com:
With its wealth of charming watercolors, poems, and notes on the language of flowers, The Country Flowers of a Victorian Lady is destined to be a coffee-table fixture in the home of any lover of old-fashioned flowers. Kept as a private family keepsake for several generations, this gorgeous book was originally created by Fanny Robinson, who lived a quiet English country life in the last half of the 19th century. The rich, creamy paper provides a perfect backdrop for Robinson's drawings, and for those who have difficulty reading ornate penmanship, her fanciful poetry is copied onto each painting's facing page in an easily readable typeface.
Fanny's exceptional book combines elegant watercolors with evocative poetry that is finely illuminated in the manner of a medieval Book of Hours. Using the symbolic Language of Flowers, she invests each flower grouping with subtle and often highly romantic meanings -- indeed, it is thought that the volume was intended as a lasting tribute to a lost lover.
Ohhhh...how romantic!!!
This book is a fabulous read! Fanny Robinson's watercolor florals and calligraphy is exceptionally beautiful and the poetry...exquisite!!! It was just what the day called for!
I enjoyed sipping my hot tea from this lovely china tea cup and while reading this exquisite book of poetry and flowers...
I crossed through that "day dream door" into Spring!!!
Chari, what a wonderful post from the past. Makes me appreciate autumn even more. The beautiful little book ahhhhh.... love the flowers - so precious and a wonderful find. I also enjoyed your teacups, those are definitely special!
Chari, this is such a beautiful post. I don't remember it. I am so glad you did a repost of this one. Beautiful book. Hugs, Marty
Hi Chari,
What a lovely "old" post! That book is so pretty and would be so interesting, too. Your china is also very pretty.
This is my first time to join you, ever! It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but I think it worked.
Hugs, Cindy
Hmmm...Great idea, Chari! Let me look through my (4 months) of archives. I'll post if I come up with something!
This is so lovely! I would like to jump into the pages of that book! AND I would give anything to see those Colorado mountains covered in snow again!!! Favorite childhood memories made going to Breckenridge, Vail, Snowmass, etc...every year for Christmas when my mom was living! I am teaching my kids to ski on these dinky mountains of NC (sorry NC! But once you've been out West..no comparison!) so we can save, and come to the beautiful Colorado!! Thanks for sharing and reminding me of the sweet past!
Thank you dearest Chari,
Your visit was way to beautiful! Thank you for your comment on the paper book page art bird and hand.
See you soooo! very soon, I need to get involved in your linky party :)
You are right to love that book. It is gorgeous! Thanks so much to sharing and for hosting!
I enjoyed this post so much. I think I might have missed it.
xo bj
Hi Chari! I've decided to join in with your Sunday Favorites! Thanks for hosting, it's such a good idea!
Your Tea and Poetry post is lovely, I don't remember seeing it last year, glad you re-posted!
Hi Chari, What a lovely post. Your tea service is lovely! This is my first visit to your Sunday Favorites. Great idea ~Susie
That's a beautiful book--a wonderful treasure at such a bargain!
Beautiful tea tray, Chari. Love the tea cup too. I don't remember if I have seen this before but I probably did cause I don't miss any of your post. Thank you so much for the prayers for my mom. Miraculously, she is doing fine and home now but it was really scary when we found her on the ground in a pool of blood after falling from the truck. I am sure God listened because of so many people praying for her....Christine
Hi Chari! Thank you so much for this great Sunday Meme. I have had such a bad week this week and I really wanted to post my regular Sunday Song post but couldn't work out how...then I remembered your Sunday favourites linky party! Thank you!! You saved me!
Thanks also for re-posting this. I hadn't seen it before and enjoyed reading it.
Best wishes always,
Hi Chari!
Oh, I know what you mean about getting things winterized. I think we will be heading to our RV next weekend to get it set for the winter. I have started taking in the pretty yard doodads that don't hold up to winter very well.
What a lovely tea. A perfect thing for a cold winter day! And that book was a wonderful find on Amazon!!
I hope your Sunday is terrific! Take Care!
Diann :)
Lovely photos - thanks for sharing!
Have a wonderful week Chari!
So Beautiful. It is so dreary out today that a good book and a cup of tea would be perfect.
Chari, I always enjoy visiting your post. You have such lovely things and actually use them. I find it so sad when people collect something but make them off limits to the purpose for which they were created.
After having to downside several times in my life, I only have a limited number of my pretties left. But, I certainly use each and every one of them.
What a lovely book! And the spring poem that started your post captured exactly the way I feel towards the end of winter. When the flowers finally start to come out, I note them while I drive and make lists in my head--There! Snowdrops, camellia, there's a daffodil! flowering plum....
Can you tell Spring is my favorite season, lol?
Got my post in a bit late--spent the day out at Mama's visiting with her and two brothers I hadn't seen in months. Sweetness.
Oh! Almost forgot! I took the leap and made something I've been doing for some time into a meme--Friday Fence Posts. Stop by on a Friday some time and see what it's about!
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