I love blogging!!! I have met so many wonderful...dear, sweet people here in Blogland! I have recently met just one of the sweetest ladies that you could ever know and I would love to introduce you to her! No...she is not new to blogging...in fact, this dear lady has six blogs! Yes...you heard me right...SIX blogs! I simply do not know how she keeps up! Hehe!
My dear friends...please meet Wanda from the The Plumed Pen!!! If you have never met this dear lady or have never visited her blog...you are really missing out on a treat!
Wanda has personally invited me to join in with this fabulous Tuesday Tea Party! I am just thrilled and honored to do so! I mean...who doesn't like going to a tea party? So today I am posting a "reprise" post...simply for lack of time and preparation...called, "A Summer's Ode"! For those of you who have seen this post...I beg your patience and make my apologies...but perhaps there are a few that have not seen my Ode to Summer tablescape and tea.
Thank you, Wanda...for the personal invite to this fun tea party!!!
* Today I am dedicating my tablescape to Summer!
Yes...as the days of summer seem to wane and Autumn quickly approaches...I fondly bid a warm farewell to summer with "A Summer's Ode" tablescape!!!
I have been so excited about Autumn this year...well, I'm always excited about the Autumn season. I just love everything about it...but I especially love the warm, rich colors! However, before I begin my Autumn decorating, I wanted to do an all white tablescape! Hmmm...just wondering if the rule of "no white after Labor Day" applies to dishes? I figured I better get a "move on" and get my white tablescape done now!!! Hehe!
*A Fond Farewell To Summer....
A Summer's Ode
And so, a summer's aged with sweet remorse,
with days a'dwindling down 'til chill's return.
Yet, September still must sing its last refrain,
'ere summer days of memory swiftly burn.
A summer's fallen from the sky, it seems,
with heat a'wavering as its days grow old.
Though bittersweet the parting soon will be,
goodbye echoes with a promise ~ made of gold.
written by Hazelmarie Elliot
I have actually been wanting to do an "all white" tablescape all summer and now I have a very special reason to do one! Do you see those beautiful lacy charger plates in the photo mosaic above? My dearest friend Gloria from Happy To Be gave them to me for my birthday!!! Girls, you should have seen me do the "happy dance" when I opened my gift!!! I had been wanting these pretty lacy chargers for months! Thank you, Gloria...you are the sweetest and dearest friend...and Girlfriend, you know me sooooo well! Hehe!
I have set "A Summer's Ode" tablescape in my french country dining room. I wanted it to be a bit elegant but not too stuffy...after all, we are here to have fun!!!
Elegance demands ambiance!!!
"A Summer's Ode" Centerpiece...
The Centerpiece...
I decided to use my white birdcage for the focal point of the centerpiece...filled full of beautiful white hydrangeas...ahhhh, so summery!!! I used an off-white lacy doily under the birdcage...and placed an off-white tassel on top...its crowning glory! The off-white picks up the colors from the damask pattern in the long table covering. *
The Elegant Ladies of Summer
I just love these elegant ladies!!! The two porcelain figurines are made by Paris Royal and stand about 9in. tall. I think they are considered creamware...not sure. I found these little beauties at TJ Maxx a couple of weeks ago for just $3.00 ea. I just knew these pretty ladies would be perfect for a tablescape!
Family Treasures
*Just an "artsy" photo...Do you think this beauty is looking forward to cooler weather? Hehe!
* *
The Place Setting
The set of white dishes that I'm using today are quite old! This was my very first set of dishes...I was about 12 years old when I purchased these with green stamps. Do you ladies remember green stamps? Hehe! If I remember correctly, they are ironstone "Providence"...there isn't a manufacturer's mark. Soooo...you can see that my dish fetish started at a very young age! I love the shape of these dishes...subtle elegance at its best! I used a dinner plate and salad/dessert plate.
I added a small cut glass fruit bowl. These little treasures also belonged to my mother-in-law! *
I just love the look of white on white...with a little crystal thrown into the mix!!!
The crystal goblet and small glass are both etched glass. Honestly, I don't know much about them...the name of the pattern, etc...but I love how the crystal and etchings reflect the light!
Another family treasure...my mother-in-law's stainless flatware! Not sure of the pattern but I love that they look "frenchy"! Hehe!
PS...just a little addendum...a fellow blogger let me know that this flatware is made by Oneida! Sure appreciated the information!!! Thank you, Liz!
*Addendum 2 (hehe!)...after doing a little digging, I found out that this flatware is indeed maunufactured by Oneida in 1980 and the pattern is called Brahms!
*Table Linens
Okay...I must confess...the long table covering is really a new king sized flat sheet. As soon as I seen the colors and the beautiful damask pattern...my thought was to make it into a tablecloth. Bed linens are perfect for making table cloths because of their extra wide widths...especially if you want a tablecloth with some length to the sides! No seams!!!
I really do love the white damask pattern against the creamy off-white background! It just has an elegant look and I love the white glassware with it!!!
The dinner napkins are a recent find from Target...from their Shabby Chic collection! Love the bright white and pretty lace edging! I'm using my silver teapot napkin rings...a sale purchase from Hobby Lobby! Each napkin ring has a different shaped teapot...so cute!***
Would you care for a spot of tea?
Using one of my new lacy chargers as tray for tea...so pretty and so versatile! The ironstone tea/coffee pot is manufactured by J.G. Meakins and is called Classic White. The sugar and creamer...just plain ol' cut glass! Hmmm...I don't know what happened to the sugar and creamer that went with my white Providence dishes. I'm looking to purchase them or something similar...if anyone knows where I could find them...I sure would appreciate it!
*Below is a photo that I created using one of Photobucket's photo effects called "sketch". It's the same photo that was pictured at the beginning of the post. Thought it turned out pretty!
There you have it..."A Summer's Ode"! I bid thee summer...a fond farewell!!! Well my friends...are you ready for Autumn?
Love ya'll,
Gorgeous! ALL of it, I MUST have the lace edged chargers, where did you buy those? Have a blessed day and I'll go visit your new friend!
Chari, you & I have sooo many of the same dishes! The clear glass fruit bowls, the candle sticks (my Mom's)& the lovely little votive holder. I WISH I had that flatware! It is awesome! Don't you just love getting heirlooms like that?
You've achieved a really pretty effect with all the lace & white together. Its very delicate & I LOVE it. :D
I, too, would like to know where you found the lacey edged chargers....they are beautiful.
Chari, I just love this table, probably the most of all. You always do such gorgeous tablescapes, but this looks like a fairy wonderland. Everything is just beautiful. Love the ladies, they are stunning as well as the birdcage and of course your beautiful lacy chargers. I have looked and looked for some of those. What a wonderful gift, they really are stunning. Thanks for the pretty pics and all the inspiration. Hugs, Marty
Gorgeous and elegant Chari!
Thank you for posting about my giveaway my sweet friend. You're the best! :)
The tablescape is so elegant. I love the white on white. The sheet as a tablecloth really works. I also like how you did the photo to look like a pencil sketch. Yes, I remember Green Stamps. That's how we got all our fancy stuff.
girl it is gorgeous!
This is an absolutely gorgeous table. Love, love the centerpiece. And that Gloria. She is such a sweetheart. Love the chargers!!
Now I have to visit Wanda!!
Bonjour! Just came over via Wanda at The Plumed Pen. SHe is one of the sweetest ladies in Blogland. Your tablescape is trés jolie! Love the little silver teapot napkin holders. SO glad I stopped by and will be back to visit soon.
Hi Chari,
Dear, you are just about the sweetest person ever! Your sweet note just made my day! The AZ. blogger tea was just so memorable and I know some day you and I are going to meet as well! When Dan and I were flying over Colorado, I told him I was waving to you. hehe. I then told him I thought we needed to travel to Colorado someday soon. He just smiled. We have both been there in the past but not together so hey, I think we're due! Girl, this table was one of my all time favorite! It's so gorgeous with the white on white, the flatware, the candle sticks, the lacy chargers, well just everything! You are so darn creative, it just seems to pour out of you! I can't wait to see the new fireplace all set up, it sounds like your busy and I am excited about seeing it! Hugs and have a wonderful Wednesday too! Cindy
Chari, I remember this setting, because I just thought those "summer ladies" were beautiful, and all of this delicate white is just stunning. I also remember coveting your metal chargers, and now I have some too. This was the post that started me looking for them. laurie
Hi Chari,
I am so excited for you girl! I can't wait to hear all about the luncheon and don't forget to get some pics! Yes, I think Vegas sounds fun with you and Gloria! Oh my, I need to win the lottery so I can travel all around and see my friends! I hope you didn't over-extend yourself too much with all the painting. Hey, our bones are only 4 days apart in age! hehee! We're not that old yet! I am so far behind at home and need to get my butt in gear! Hugs, Cindy
Dearest Chari,
Thank you so very much for your lovely blog posting yesterday, when you so kindly partook in our TUESDAY TEA FOR TWO, blogging tea party!
I really cannot remember when I have so "tickled pink" with sheer delight, and excitement in a very long time!
Really; I laughed, I even shed tears of joy, and I giggled; running to my husbands office to exclaim with delight and appreciation that you had so kindly excepted my invitation to join me, as well as our dear fellow blogging friends for TUESDAY TEA FOR TWO!..,
"Look honey!".., I exclaimed..,"You're never going to believe how beautiful these pictures are on Chari's blog; what a sweet lady!"..,
As you might imagine;, he did require a little orientaion as to what on earth I was talking about, for a moment!.., I think you would have enjoyed being "a little fly on the wall", to see all the joyful commotion that your kind, thoughtful and oh so generous gesture caused in our household yesterday Chari!~ hehe..,
My friends are also blown away by your amazing blog, as I knew they would be!..,
I am very honored to have had the privilege of you joining us and look forward to perhaps many other occasions when you will grace our pages!
Take care my friend and many more thanks for those humbling words of accolade that you also posted on your blog yesterday regarding me; really it's "a high water mark" in my life that , (as silly as it may seem perhaps to some; yet I don't think you'll see it that way somehow my dear)~I know I shall never forget this cherished memory, that I will remember with gratitude and fondness the rest of my days!..,
I assure you Chari, though I may feel deeply and passionately about all that is beautiful in life and take delight in expressing the same; I am also sincere to the endth degree, when I say this!
No doubt because I have endured such loss lately, this experience was all the more sweet!~ In life we just never know what a seemingly random act of kindness, may mean to another; do we?
Thank you always for your kind comments as well; they are for me like "a long , cool refreshing drink of cool water"; you might say, a cup of much needed cheer and kindness, DURING DIFFICULT AND TRYING TIMES!,,,
A true tonic to the soul!..,
God richly bless you my dear lady!..,
Love and hugs, Wanda Lee/ AKA Silken Purse
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