

A "2 for 1" Special!

It's Friday and a "2 for 1" Special!!!

I just love Fridays! Today you're getting a "2 for 1" Special!!!

It's Time for a "Flaunt Your Red" Party!!!
It's "Show & Tell" Friday!!!

Hello my friends...I'm so happy that you came by for a visit and that you're getting in on my "2 for 1" Special! Hehe!

It's time for a "Flaunt Your Red" party...hosted by Nancy over at Southern Lady! I'm just so excited, this is my very first time to party with all these "lovers of red" folk! Thank you Nancy for hosting this fun "red" filled party!!! Okay've just got to go on over to Nancy's place and see all of her fabulous red and while you're can check out all of the other "Flaunt Your Red" participants!!!


We all know that it's time for "Show & Tell" Friday too!!!
"Show & Tell" Friday is hosted by Kelli over at There Is No Place Like Home! Thank you Kelli for hosting this fun filled Friday event! Now if you haven't ever been over to Kelli's're missing out! Kelli is such a sweetheart and she has a delightful blog! While you're over visiting with Kelli, don't forget to check out all of the other "Show & Tell" participants! There are always so many great things to see!!!

My Apothecary Jar & A New Vignette...
Do you remember how it was when you were a kid...catching fireflies or butterflies and putting them in a jar? Well my friends, this week I've been catching angels...yep...angels!!! I caught the cutest little angel to put in my apothecary jar! Hehe!!!

For those of you who follow my blog on a daily know that I've been having lots of fun with the apothecary jar that I purchased a couple of months ago! I decided to play today...and this is a new vignette that I made for my dining room table!
I found this 19 in. tall apothecary jar on sale at Walmart...$21! Oh yes, I did the "Happy Dance" on that one! Hehe! I think that this is the 3rd or 4th time that I've redecorated this jar...I've been having so much fun!!!
For this vignette, I decided that I wanted to use white and silver...something light and cheery for Spring! The little angel or cherub came from Hobby Lobby and was marked down to only $1.50...I couldn't believe my good fortune! It is cast iron and quite heavy but ohhh sooo pretty! I folded a white crocheted doily to put in the bottom of the jar...I needed something for the angel to sit on.

A Heavenly Vignette...
First the apothecary jar...then some greenery for the I added the mercury glass goblets and silver candleholders to each side....and of course we had to have a couple of little birds!
I tied a white ribbon to the lid...I just love this ribbon, it has feathery like edges! I also added an old silver key to the ribbon!

My "artsy" photo...Hehe!

So what do you think? Do you like? I just love the "all white" and silver vignette on the white dining room table...and I think these colors look pretty with the red walls!

This next photo was taken when I did a tablescape. I wanted to show you a full view of my red French Country dining room! I have lots of "red to flaunt"! Hehe!!!

Well my friends....I'm just so happy to have you stop in for a visit today! I just love it when you come by!!! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here...I just love visiting with you as well!!! I hope that you enjoyed my little "angel in a jar" and all of the red, red, RED!!!

Do you have something that you would like to "Show & Tell" about? Or do you have some fabulous red that you would like to share with us? I'd love to see it!!!

Love ya'll,

PS...Don't forget about "Sunday Favorites"! This brand new Sunday meme had it's debut just last Sunday! I really had a wonderful time hosting this Sunday event!!! I just want to thank each and every one of you for making it such a success!!! We had 37 participants, I was just tickled pink! Hehe!
For more information on "Sunday Favorites" just click HERE. Hope to see all of you this Sunday...I can't wait!!!


What's Your Style?

What's Your Style?
A Design Challenge...
Hello my friends! I'm so excited about today's post..."What's Your Style? A Design Challenge"!

My sweet and very talented friend Vicky over at "Room Service - Decorating 101" has issued a design challenge! Last Sunday, April 26th, Vicky did a post called "It's So Me". She said that she was asked to join the posts going around where you show your "true" style in only one picture.

Hmmm....the challenge is to find a picture...just ONE picture...that shows your "true" style!

So I thought it would be great fun to join in and take on this design challenge, "What's Your Style?"...I mean, how hard can this be? I know what I like and I believe that I can find a photo that perfectly describes my design style!!!

Ohhh my...after spending an hour on the computer, searching all of my archived files of "favorite rooms"...I realized that this challenge was harder than I first thought! I really love so many different styles and I think my home's decor proves this to be true! To find just one photo that entirely expresses my "true design style"...what I love best and what my dream home would look like...took some thinking!!!

This is the one photo that describes my "design style" best!

This magnificent home belongs to my dear sweet friend Vanna!

I just love every's simply gorgeous! If I could start over, had the time and the money...this is what my home would look like! Ahhhh...can't a Girl dream? This would be my "dream home"!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my home and I'm very appreciative of what the Lord has blessed me with...but remember this is the "What's Your Style Design Challenge"!

Okay...for those of you who are up to accepting this Design Challenge...I think it would be interesting to include at least five reasons why..."this is so you"!

Five Reasons: This Room Is So Me...

1. I love the colors! I really do love the deep, rich colors used in this room...the sagey greens, the deep dark reds, and the beautiful creamy ivorys! I find myself drawn to darker, moody rooms. It feels as though it's reaching out and wrapping it's warm, cozy arms around me...I feel a security in this!!! I'm not sure what this says about me...but this one thing I do know, the design style that you love...speaks volumes about who and what you are!

2. I love the ambiance of this room! This room just exudes "Old World" charm! I love the distressed looking walls...the drapery fabric...the antique art...the furniture! I love anything and everything that is old/antique! I'd buy an old home, with it's old architectural elements, any day over a brand new home! I love a home/room that feels like it has some history to it! Ahhh...if only walls could talk!

3. I love the design style! I love, love, love anything with French styling!!! Ohhh, the fabulous French furniture...just look at that beautiful table and chairs! The lamp, accessories, and the ornate scrolled design of the window shade...all so fabulously French!!! The heavy ornate frames on the art...and Ohhh, the art!!!

4. The details! I really do believe that great style is made by the astute attention given to even the littlest of details!!! Look at the beautiful ornate piece that sits atop the window each side, two fabulous french vases...with a large handled tray sitting between! The fabulous Louis Vuitton cases stacked under the table and chair...another case and point of "the details" as well as the sweet vignettes atop the table and glass doored cabinet!!!

5. "More is better!" I know that Vanna is definitely NOT a "less is better" kind of gal and I like her philosophy!!! It is the concept of "more is better", that in my opinion, makes a house a home! I love being surrounded by all the things that I love! Things of beauty...things of sentimental value...I love things!!! Hehe! Just as Vanna has collected all of those magnificent little ornate boxes...I have my favorite collections as well, red transferware and white ironstone, and I love to display them...enjoy their beauty every day! They just make me feel good!!! Being surrounded by the things that I love gives me a sence of belonging! I suppose that as long as I have at least a narrow pathway that I can move from room to room by...I'm happy!


I just have to say...that I love Vanna's entire home!!! I had a difficult time choosing which photo of her home to use for this challenge...I ended up using the "fireproof" method of choosing know, "Eeny, Meny, Miney, Moe..." Hehe!!!

Vanna is one of the most talented women that I know! She has a "natural eye" for fabulous interior design...and the proof is seen and enjoyed in every room of her home!!! Thank you Vanna...for giving this old gal lots and lots of viewing pleasure...inspiring me to widen my design horizons...and giving me sweet dreams to dream and hope for!!! Love you, my dear sweet friend!!!

For more of Vanna's fabulous home, you can visit her blog, "Delusions of Grandeur"!


Well my friends, I hope that you enjoyed "my take" on "What's Your Style...A Design Challenge"! And now...I pass on this challenge to you!!!

What's Your Design Style?

I'd just love to see what "is soooo you"! You can learn alot about a person by seeing what design style "floats their boat"! Hehe!!!
Thank you so much Vicky...for putting forth this Design Challenge! And while I had lots of fun, I must admit that it was pretty thought provoking!!!

If you haven't ever been over to Vicky's yourself a favor and pay Vicky a visit...I can guarantee that you won't be sorry!!! Vicky is a professional Design Consultant and she has the most delightful blog! Each post offers such thought provoking, inspirational designs and ideas!!! Vicky also has one of the most beautiful homes that I've ever seen! And...if I were to be challenged on exterior/landscaping designs...Vicky's fabulous yard and property would be at the top of my list of "all time favorites"!!! It would be my "dream yard" for certain!!!
Just click HERE to get to Vicky's place.

Love ya'll,

PS...If you decide to take the "What's Your Design Style" challenge, please leave me a note in my comments when you post...I'd love to see it!!!


Wonderful Wednesdays!!!

It's A Double Post...

"Wordless Wednesday" & "What's On Your Walls Wednesday"!!!

Hello my's a wonderful Wednesday!!! Today my post qualifies for two great events...."Wordless Wednesday" and "What's On Your Walls Wednesday"!!!

"Wordless Wednesday" is hosted by our very own Ms. Dixie over at French Lique, Texas! If you haven't ever been over to Ms. Dixie's need to go!!! Ms. Dixie has a delightful blog! While you're over there, you can go see all of the other "Wordless Wednesday" participants!

The word for today is.....PLATES!!!

Since the word for the "Wordless Wednesday" is PLATES...and my plates are on the wall...I am participating in "What's On Your Walls Wednesday" hosted by Barb over at Grits and Glamour!

Ohh my, I can't wait to get over to Barb's place and see what she has on her walls today! Do yourself a favor and go over to Grits and Glamour...and while you're there, you can see what everyone else has on their walls too!!!

So without further ado....

My Wall of Plates in My French Country Dining Room...

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

My Wall of Plates in My Frenchy Office/Studio...

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

There you have it! Remember it is "Wordless Wednesday" and I couldn't say a word! Hehe!!!
I hope that you enjoyed my Plates on the Wall! Hmmm...what kind of plates do you have and do you have any of them hanging on your walls??? Okay, my friends...I'm off to Ms. Dixie's and Barb's place to see what everyone has going on for the day! Come on and let's go...
Love ya'll,
PS...I do apologize to those of you who have already seen these photos! I'm really running short on time this honey is home and we have alot going on! I sure did want to participate in "Wordless Wednesday" and "What's On Your Walls Wednesday"! Maybe there are a few out there who have never seen these photos...crossing my fingers!!!


It's "2nd Time Around Tuesday"...

Hello my friends...welcome to "2nd Time Around Tuesday"!
This fun filled Tuesday event is hosted by our very own Diane over at A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words. Why don't you go on over and see what Diane has for us today and while you're can check out all of the other fabulous "2nd Time Around" treasures!!!

My "2nd Time Around" Treasure...

I may be stretching this post a bit today. The treasure that I would like to share with you wasn't found at a yard sale or bought at a thrift store, however this little treasure is certainly being enjoyed for the "2nd Time Around"!!! So I hope that counts!
The Calla Lily & The Stained Glass Window
* calla lily is blooming! In fact, I thought I better catch a photo before the bloom sees its better days. This little plant has three blooms on it right now, can only see two in the photo!
As pretty as the calla lily is....this isn't my "2nd Time Around" treasure! Just look at the beautiful...colorful...background behind the calla lily! This is what I really wanted to share with you today!
The Stained Glass Window
This beautiful stained glass window was made by my husband's mother, Mary Alice, who has gone on to be with the Lord. Mary Alice was such a creative and talented lady! She enjoyed so many different arts & crafts. Mary decided to take a stained glass class...and during the last few years of her life she made many, many beautiful pieces of stained glass! She became so good at her craft that a few gift shops sold some of her pieces!
I just love the bright orange and green parrots!!! It's such a colorful piece!!! I decided to put this in the window of our office! It's simply magnificent to see the bright colors dance around the room as the sunlight shines through the window!!! I feel so blessed to have one of my mother-in-law's works of art! It is a "2nd Time Around" treasure that I absolutely cherish!!!

A close-up of the calla lily...

A Heartfelt Thank you!!!

Well my friends, before I close today's post...I would just like to say thank you for helping to make the very first "Sunday Favorites" meme such a success!!!

I was just tickled pink that so many of you decided to participate!!!
Thank you...Thank you...THANK YOU!!! I hope that all of you had as much fun as I did! I enjoyed all of the posts that the participants chose to post once again!!! Each one was fabulous!!!
I look forward to the 2nd "Sunday Favorites" on May 2nd!

Love ya'll,


Welcome to "Sunday Favorites"
....a brand new Sunday meme!
"Sunday Favorites" is a new Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!!

Hello my friends! I'm just so happy that you have come by to help celebrate this new Sunday meme, "Sunday Favorites"!!! I really do count it an honor to host this Sunday event! I think we're going to have great fun!!! It's always fun to take a tour through a delightful blog post, to get some great ideas and be inspired, and to make some new friends along the way!!!

***Welcome to Sunday Favorites***
I would like to give you a little background as to how this "Sunday Favorites" meme was born! Last Sunday I really wanted to post something but I was short on time, it was another busy weekend! So I decided to just dig back into some of my previously published posts...and simply repost one of my favorites!

It was at that moment I had an epiphany...a light bulb went off! Hehe!!! This, in a "nut shell", was how "Sunday Favorites" was born!!!

"Sunday Favorites" is a meme designed to give bloggers an opportunity to share, once again, one of their favorite posts! I just love this idea!!! So many fabulous posts have been published...and regrettably, forgotten about...they have been buried under a myriad of previous posts. I just believe these fabulous posts deserve a second showing!!!

We must remember...each new day in Blogland brings new viewers/bloggers. So many haven't seen your fabulous past posts. "Sunday Favorites" will make these posts available for viewing once again!!!

Many of us would really like to post something on the weekends, however the weekend is such a busy time! There just isn't time to get a blog post together! "Sunday Favorites" offers an opportunity to get a post out during the weekend without having to spend the time to put one together! Am I talkin the truth now? Hehe!!!

It's so very easy and with so little time involved! If you're like me, the most time involved will be trying to decide which post to republish! Hehe!!!
For more information on "how to" republish a post...just click HERE

*If you have any questions or I can be of help in anyway...please let me know!


So, without further ado...let's do it!!! Let's join in with "Sunday Favorites" and have some fun!!!

Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!

Love ya'll,

Sunday Favorites Participants
Melissa Miller
Anne Marie
mary's meanderings
Indiana Keetha
Alisa - Carolina Panache
Cass at That Old House
19. laurie
20. Kristens Creations
Sonia/Miss Bloomers
Marjorie Molly's country memories homeplace
Kathy's Red Door Welcome
~Really Rainey~
Kathy (KBeau)
Notes Of Sincerity

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


"Sunday Favorites"

...My favorite post from September 26, 2008.

"Ahhhh...tis so sweet the scent of a tea rose"!

Welcome to my Tea Rose Bedroom! This room actually serves a dual is my step-daughter Danielle's room when she is home and it also serves as our guest room. Danielle recently turned thirteen years old and it was time for the "Hello Kitty" theme to go. Yes, we just adored that pretty little kitty...the walls were bright orange and pink and I had even painted a "Hello Kitty" mural on one of the walls! Yes, I was a bittersweet's never easy when our children begin to grow up, however the time had come for a change and I was on a redecorating mission!

When I began thinking about this bedroom redo, my first step was to establish the room's purpose. I wanted to give Danielle a pretty, feminine bedroom and at the same time, I wanted our guests when they were visiting, to feel as though they were staying in a beautiful Bed & Breakfast! The perfect solution: A Tea Rose Bedroom!!!


Okay, I need to back-up just a bit (hehe!). I must admit that doing a Tea Rose bedroom didn't just "pop" into my mind. To begin the redo...I needed a point of inspiration! Since this is a bedroom and the bed is the main focus...that is where I started! I began shopping for bedding...I shopped and shopped and shopped some more. Oh my, such tiring work...wink! I knew from previous experience that when I seen the perfect piece...I would know! I never "just settle"...when doing something of this nature, it has to really speak to my heart! That is when I found this beautiful bedding called "Tea Rose"! should have seen me do the happy dance! I just knew that this Tea Rose bedding would be perfect and I had found the inspiration and focus point for this decorating project!!! I also purchased the pretty scrolled iron bed...after all, that bedding needed the appropriate pretty frame! For those of you who share in the passion of interior know that what I'm about to say is soooo true...first it was the bedding, then the bed frame...and then that led to the pretty "crown like" corona. This decorating process definitely has a "domino" effect...hehe!

I used a pretty "garden green" paint for the walls. This room was really beginning to take on a life of its own...tea roses, garden green, creamy whites, pinks & pale buttery yellows, it was soft and sweet, and romantic! Remember the movie, "The Horse Whisperer"? Well...if you listen real close...your room will begin to whisper to your heart...exactly what it needs!!! Decorating doesn't have to be a difficult or confusing process...just listen to your heart/room! Over time a certain style seemed to emerge in this Tea Rose I like to call "Garden Chic"!

A close-up view of the Tea Rose bedding. I recently added a pale yellow matelasse coverlet and a few more decorative pillows! I like the mix of fabrics and patterns...I'm not one for that "matchy...matchy" feel! Mixing fabrics and patterns is really easily done...just keep things in the same color hue and be careful to not let one pattern over-ride the other...they should "build upon one another"....compliment one another! I also brought in a breakfast tray...just for a little Bed & Breakfast ambiance!

See this little desk? It had it's beginnings as a plain and simple desk in a wood finish. I recently painted it a creamy white (eggshell)...added rose garland embellishments to the two bottom drawers and added vintage glass knobs. I was really pleased with the end result! The desk chair is one of my "treasure finds" ($25). I just couldn't pass this little antique beauty has the prettiest little scroll designs on the top of the inside back of the chair...the cushion is an old faded, olive green toile. The rocking chair is another "treasure find"...bought at a yard sale for $5. I just recovered it with a beige and olive toile fabric that I got on sale for $1.50/yd...I have a total of $8 in this little rocker! And....if you look real close, you'll see that I added a little crystal candlelier above the desk (thank you, Laura for sharing this beauty with me)!

My Precious Little Tea Cup Lamp

Isn't this just the prettiest little tea cup lamp that you've ever saw? I like to call it my "friendship lamp"....because it was a gift given to me by a very dear, sweet friend! My friend Gloria makes these little tea cup lamps! She is such a talented lady and she's just as sweet and precious as the lamps that she makes! Thank you so very much, Gloria!!! Every time I see this pretty little lamp, I think of you my friend!!!

Here is a close-up of the bed corona....I draped a long swag curtain over and around it. Why just look at those precious little cherubs....they are hand-painted from Italy. When I seen them...they whispered to me...I had to have them!!! I found this pretty grapevine wreath...made with soft pink magnolias...little pale green berries and crystal beads! I really like how this adds interest above the bed!

My little Italian cherubs! Just look at the hand-painted details! They sweetly play music as they watch over your dreams!

We have an old piano in this bedroom. Oh my, it's a bit out of tune, however the little garden cherub doesn't seem to mind! I had been looking for one of these masonary cherubs...they were all a bit too expensive for my "redo" budget...and then on one of my "antiquing trips" I found him ($15). He was green but I used a white wash over the top to tone down the green. On the end of the piano is an old ironstone pitcher filled with...yes, you guessed it...tea roses!!!

Ahhhh...tis the sweet scent of a tea rose! Yes, the garden cherub has a tiny little tea rose in the palm of his hand...he's really enjoying the scent of it!

Well my friends, I do hope that you enjoyed my Tea Rose bedroom! I think that this room is least for the time being...wink! Thank you so much for visiting!!!

Warmest wishes...Chari


Show & Tell Friday!

It's "Show & Tell" Friday...

Hello my friends...welcome to "Show & Tell" Friday!!!

Ohhh my...we all just love Fridays...don't we? TGIF!!! I especially love Fridays because it's time for "Show & Tell" hosted by
Kelli over at There Is No Place Like Home! Thank you Kelli...for hosting this fabulous Friday event!!! If you haven't ever been over to Kelli's place before...please go! Kelli has a delightful blog!!! While you're there, you can take a peek at all of Friday's "Show & Tell" participants!!!

I have a couple of items that I would like to submit for "Show & Tell" Friday! As many of you know, my husband and I are in the process of taking care of his parent's estate. We have been so blessed to inherit so many family heirlooms and keepsakes!!!

Family Heirlooms & Keepsakes
Music Boxes...

The two items that I am going to share with you today belonged to my husband's mother Mary Alice! Each is a

Antique French Music Box...

Isn't this little music box simply exquisite? It's very old, just how old I'm not sure. My husband seems to think that it came from his Grandma Lundberg's side of the family!

It's made of a very thin brass and measures about 5 in. across. It has a little compartment when you lift the lid (seen in the photo below). The inside compartment consists of a rough looking silver metal...I'm not sure what it is. The compartment itself is fairly shallow...however it would be perfect for jewelry or other small keepsakes!

What I love most about this pretty little music box is the porcelain inset on the lid! Just look at the beautiful picture of the French man in his finest clothing! The scene seems to be set in a garden! I'm just fascinated by the picture!!!

The music box still has a few rough places in the music piece that it plays. I'm sure it needs a good cleaning!

It's "A Bunny Filled Christmas" Music Box...

I just adore this little Christmas Bunny music box!!! It's much newer than the previous music box and is made by Hallmark.

It's made of a ceramic...and stands about 5 in. tall. Isn't it darling? I just love the little bunny with his bright red scarf blowing in the wind...and look at his traveling companion...a sweet little mouse in a pretty green sweater! They're sure having fun sledding over the snow!!!

The music box plays "Jingle Bells"!

Well my friends...thank you so much for coming by today and letting me share with you some of our family heirloom keepsakes!!!

I adore our visits...please leave a comment and let me know that you were here! I'd love to come by for a visit!!!

Happy "Show & Tell" Friday!

Love ya'll,

PS....Just wanted to let you all know that our new Sunday meme, "Sunday Favorites" a GO!!!

I have figured out Mr. Linky...Praise the Lord! hehe!!!

I will have a post about this new Sunday meme this coming stay tuned!!! I sure do hope that you'll plan to participate!!!

For more information on "Sunday Favorites"....just click HERE!


Thrifty Thursday!

It's "Thrifty Thursday"....

Hello my friends...welcome to "Thrifty Thursday"!!!

Thrifty Thursday is hosted by Leigh over at Tales From Bloggeritaville. This week Leigh has a special co-host...Chandy from What Now Tablescapes! Chandy will be co-hosting "Thrifty Thursday" while Leigh is out of town! Thank you, Chandy for carrying on for Leigh! I adore both of these sweet ladies' blogs...go pay them a visit and while you're over at Chandy's'll have to check out all of the other "Thrifty Thursday" participants!!!

Ohhh my...I enjoy a good bargain just like the next I just love shopping at thrift stores!!!

You know...I also love the fact that shopping at thrift stores gives some wonderful people work opportunities!!! ARC Thrift Stores (where I shop) employs some wonderful individuals that may have a difficult time getting work in a regular setting...and I love that!!! Our local thrift shop, Coopertive Ministries, provides financial assistance to those in need with the proceeds from their sales. So not only do I benefit from getting some great treasures at great bargains...but I also feel that I'm helping out a bit as well!!!

My Easter Shopping Trip at ARC Thrift Store...

On Easter Sunday (after church), I stopped by the ARC Thrift Store! I was a bit surprised that they were open since it was Easter! I found some great "treasure finds"!!!

These are my newest little "treasure finds"...

Treasure Find #1...

***Silver Tray***

I do apologize for the's always difficult to photograph silver because of the reflection of light.

This little beauty measures about 12"x 22". I just love silver!!!

Here is a close-up photo of the beautiful engraved French shell design. I just love it!!! I have actually polished this little treasure since I took these photos and it polished up beautifully!!!

I paid just $5.99!

"Tresure Find" #2...

***Soup Tureen***

I did it...I did it!!! I finally found a soup tureen!!! I have been looking for some time for a soup tureen and could never find one...or when I did, it cost more than what I wanted to pay.

I just love the creamy will fit in nicely with my white ironstone collection! It is missing it's ladle though...I will have to keep a lookout for one! This little beauty measures about 12" across and is about 8" tall. It's a nice sized tureen...I'm happy anyway!!!

I paid just $4.99!

Treasure Find #3...

***Ceramic Lattice Tray***

Ohhh...I think this was my greatest "treasure find" of the day!!! I just love this pretty white, lattice work tray!!! It is ceramic...fairly heavy! It is a good sized piece measuring 12" x 19" and is about 3 inches tall.

You can see the detail in this next photo...just look at the pretty grapes and leaves! I really do love this ceramic lattice tray!!! I think I will use it for a fruit bowl, but it also could be used for bread, rolls, cookies, versatile!!!

I paid just $4.99

Well my friends...I'm so happy that you stopped by for a visit today! Hope you enjoyed taking a little peek at some of my new "treasure finds" from the thrift store! Don't forget to go over and see Chandy, Leigh, and all of the other "Thrifty Thursday" participants!!!

Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here...I just love visiting with you!!!

Love ya'll,

PS....Just wanted to let you all know that our new Sunday meme, "Sunday Favorites" a GO!!!

I have figured out Mr. Linky...Praise the Lord! hehe!!!

I will have a post about this new Sunday meme this coming stay tuned!!! I sure do hope that you'll plan to participate!!!

For more information on "Sunday Favorites"....just click HERE!