Hello my friends...welcome to "Show & Tell Friday"! I would like to thank our gracious hostess Kelli of There Is No Place Like Home for hosting this fun Friday event! You'll have to go and visit Kelli...she has some really cute bunnies and eggs for show & tell today! Also you'll want to pay a visit to the other participants...there are all kinds of goodies to see today!!!

Tomorrow is "Pink Saturday" hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound! I know that I'm a day early but today's post includes some pretty pink so I wanted to participate! Please go pay Beverly a visit and see what she has planned for tomorrow...there will also be a list of "Pink Saturday" participants that you'll be able to see all kinds of pink pretties! Thank you Beverly for being such a sweet and gracious hostess!!!
Beautiful Bunny!!!
A couple of weeks ago I went thrift store shopping and just look at what I found! The moment I saw him...it was love at first sight! Yes...there he was...hiding behind all kinds of other thrift store treasures...way back on the shelf. He was a bit dirty...looked like a little "ragamuffin" sitting there...but I could see through the dirt...knowing that just a little hot-soapy bath was all that Beautiful Bunny needed! I picked him up and seen that it would only cost me $2.99 to make him mine...all mine!!!
Beautiful Bunny, after his hot-soapy bath, is the prettiest snow white color and he stands about 8 in. tall...and he's wearing the prettiest, soft pink roses!!! I just couldn't believe the delicate little pink glass roses...so fragile! If you look closely you can see gold just barely on the tips of the pink roses...and gold on his little ears!!!

Beautiful Bunny found a home on the desk...next to my sweet little Tea Rose lamp in the Tea Rose bedroom. He's so happy in his new little home...spot-lighted by the beautiful tea rose lamp! I caught him nibbling on the tiny little ivy leaves!

My Tea Rose Lamp
Isn't this just the prettiest little teacup lamp that you've ever seen? This teacup lamp was a gift from my dearest friend Gloria! Gloria makes these little beauties...and she makes the most gorgeous Victorian lamps and lamp shades too! She is such a gifted and talented lady!!! She has been such a blessing to me...thank you, Dearheart!!! If you haven't ever met Gloria, please go over and say hello...she's just a hop, skip, and a jump away if you click here!

Here is a photo of the desk where my pretty little teacup lamp and Beautiful Bunny live. When I was redecorating this room...which I now call my Tea Rose bedroom...I refinished this little desk! It was a natural wood color, I added some pretty shabby chic embellishments to the fronts of the drawers...added glass knobs...and painted the desk a creamy white! I loved how it turned out!
I also repainted the old rocking chair (that I found at a yard sale for $5) and recovered it with a beige and olive green toile that was on sale. The entire chair only cost about $8.

The Tea Rose Bedroom...
Here is a photo of my Tea Rose bedroom. This is my step-daughter Danielle's bedroom when she is here with us...it also serves as our guest bedroom! I just adore my Tea Rose bedroom...it's soft, romantic, and shabby chic! I used creamy whites, soft buttery yellows, pink, and garden green to decorate with. If you'd like to see more of my Tea Rose bedroom...there is a button on my side bar to the right...just click on it!

Well my friends, I'm so happy that you stopped by for a visit today! Even though Beautiful Bunny is a bit on the shy side...he was pleased to meet you too! Hehe!!! Please leave a comment and let me know that you came by...I love hearing from you!!! Don't forget to visit Kelli with "Show & Tell Friday" and Beverly with "Pink Saturday"...I know that you'll be glad you did!!!
I hope that you have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!
Love ya'll,
Am I the first! Oh Chari I love this room! You never need any advice from me! This is just too sweet! You know me...I never met a bunny I didn't like! You know what it needs is a little bunny tassel like the one I used to have posted on my blog! Hmmm..you might just need to give me your address girlfriend! And I love that teacup lamp! What a clever idea! I bought some of those little candle lights at a shop that had them on clearance for $1 and my idea was to paint up some clay pots and saucers and do the same thing like your teacup! The problem is I have more ideas than time!!! Love Ya! God Bless you today! Lauralu :)
What a special little bunny!! I enjoyed hearing your homestead story in my comment section. Isn't it amazing how things sometimes work out? Is it dry out your way? It's really bad here with the wind blowing - they have had wildfires around Colo. Spgs. Have a great weekend. Sally
Oh Chari...your tearose bedroom has laways been one of my favorites on rms! And isn't Miss Gloria's little teacup lamp just the perfect accessory!! Hope you are having a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
LOVE green and pink combo!
Oh Chari I love your sweet little bunny girl.I can tell she is a girl,I just know these things.What a wonderful deal and she looks perfect in her new home.
Okay, I don't know how long I'll stay but I'm coming over to stay in your guest room! lol! It's lovely and I love the little tea lamp and mr bunny too.
Come on over when you get a chance. I'm tagging you!
Chari your little bunny is precious!!! Those sweet little roses!! Great find my friend! And sooo perfect for your tea rose bedroom! And the little lamp from Gloria is just the sweetest!! I wanna come stay...*hint hint* Lol! Vanna
Chari- I am so glad you showed us you pretty room where your darling bunny resides. I never tire looking at that room of yours!
I am feeling much better thank you- it was some kind of freight train bug that left in about 12 hours!!
I feel so much better that I started to tackle that wallpaper in the breakfast nook. I emailed Lauralu about some advice on what she thought I might should do (after all the great advice she gave you on you wall pictures)- I have the (cheap) beadboard for bottom half and she suggested I go further up with it which I just love the idea! THe wallpaper that the guest hung (trying to help) was not too hard to take down. I wondered as it was so recently done.I salvaged (kept a few pieces on the ceiling and wall that were done ok and tore the rest down so I don't have to start from scratch!
I am working at the antique store today but hopefully can go full force this weekend on the project- we will see!
Oh enjoy those grand kiddos this weekend! How much fun you must have with them!
HAS IT been real windy your way? I'ts been terrible here the last 3
days- even tore some of our facia (sp) off the side of the house!!!
Chari he is so special.
I do love the delicate look of the roses.
So pretty! ;)
What a lovely room! Your tea cup lamp is adorable and I just love bunnies.
Hi Chari...your bunny looks right at home next to the teacup lamp from Gloria...I agree with all your comments about her...she is a honey bee for sure...I just love your style of decorating! ;-) Bo
Can't believe that rocking chair was a total of $8!!! Your daughter's room/guestroom is so beautiful!
Your little bunny is so precious...said it before, I love this room!
OH Chari I just loved seeing your Tea rose room again..Can I come stay?? Girl thanks for the Shout out about the Lamp thats is just another reason I love ya sis..Sorry it tooks me so long to get here today..things have been pretty bad the last 2 days..my grand daughter Candace just had a MISSED miscarriage and my heart is broken for her..Life all on girl.but this year has not been a good one so far..I am going to be backing off for a few days .my heart is just not in it..Hope you have a great weekend dear friend and get something wonderful at Hobby Lobby.take care...hugs and smiles Gloria
You have one sweet little bunny there. And, the teacup lamp is so, so precious!! As I scroll down it just keeps getting better & better. You have such a beautiful room, the chair, the desk, the stool, the bedding oh my goodness I am in heaven!!
Oh this little bunny is soooo sweet, just makes my heart smile and she looks adorable in your beautiful tea rose bedroom.. How are you sweetie? Hope you are doing well. Love ya Sis, Cindy
I just love your bunny! She is too cute for words. I would have squealed with delight if I had found her. I love finding treasures at the thrift store & she is a treasure. Your tea room is fabulous, but then isn't every room in your house fabulous. The answer is yes. I would love to have a room like this. Your step daughter & guests are so lucky to have such a beautiful room to stay in. The candle lamp is so sweet. I love it too. Take care. Kim
This sweet bunny is a great thrifting find!! He's so cute!
And I love your beautiful bedroom. Who wouldn't feel like a queen staying in it? So beautiful!
Linda C
I love your bedroom! I have been haunting the thrift stores for a bunny like that! Still haven't found one. Thank you for the look into your bedroom!
That bunny is just too precious.What a deal!Has Lynne seen him yet?I know she'll be on her way to your house NOW.Great find girl.great find....Ann
Chari, I'm so glad you stopped by my sit!e. I know I'm going to love visiting yours.
I think you may be sending the snow you're getting now our way. Stay warm and have a blessed day
Hi Chari~ What a great find! I love your little bunny...she looks perfect with the precious lamp! :-) L~
Love your little new addition. I love going to places like that and finding treasures. He is perfect in the bedroom.
Beautiful pinkness! That bunny is such a lovely find, looks like he really belongs there. And of course I love the lamp that Gloria made for you!..Christine
Oh Chari, that bunny is so precious, and he looks absolutely perfect next to the sweet lamp Gloria made you. I've always loved your tea rose room, and I love the soft shading around these pictures - perfect touch for this room. laurie
Oh, I'm drooling over this pretty room! The lamp is beautiful and the bunny is SO cute! I'm glad you joined in the fun!
What a pretty room! It looks so inviting and charming. Love the bunny and the pretty little lamp too.
Your home is sooooooo beautiful! I can't believe all the great things you find. I hope you had a great weekend... It was in the 80's here.. Remember it snowed last Sunday??? You have to love NC weather..LOL
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