Welcome to the 72nd "Sunday Favorites"
Welcome to the 72nd "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info. photo in the sidebar.
Hello my friends!!!
Welcome to the 72nd run of "Sunday Favorites"!
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! It's been a busy week at my place and I haven't had as much blogging time that I would have liked. Don't you just hate when real life gets in the way of blogging? Hehe...just kidding! It's all been good!
I have been working on a project and have found myself totally consumed! In part...it involves my new autumn mantelscape. I hope that you'll come back by for a visit on Monday...I'll share a few photos with you.
Soooo...in light of my recent autumn mantelscape project, I thought I would revisit a post from November, 2009 for Sunday Favorites this week. The post is about the new faux fireplace that we added to our living room. I have always wanted a fireplace mantel to decorate! Hehe! I hope that you enjoy!
Wishing you all a super Sunday!
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Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites

It's Metamorphosis Monday!
Hello my friends...I'm so happy to have you stop in for a visit today! I
hope that you're having a marvelous Monday!
Today I have another update on my faux fireplace project! I really appreciate
Today I have another update on my faux fireplace project! I really appreciate
Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting Met Monday and giving
us the opportunity to share our latest and greatest projects!
Please go by and pay Susan a visit and while you're there you can check out
Please go by and pay Susan a visit and while you're there you can check out
all of the other fabulous Met Monday participants!!!*
Part III...A Faux Fireplace Update
The faux fireplace saga continues! Hehe! Many of you have been following
the progress of my faux fireplace project...so I will try and not reiterate too much!
the progress of my faux fireplace project...so I will try and not reiterate too much!
To see Part I...just click HERE.
My Inspiration Fireplace

*This is my "inspiration fireplace"!
I fell in love with this fireplace the minute I saw it! And...it's not just the
fireplace...but it's also the warm, rich ambiance of this room that I love!
*Soooo...when I found a fireplace mantel that I thought would be very similar
and would work in my living room...the project began!
The Living Room "Before"
I fell in love with this fireplace the minute I saw it! And...it's not just the
fireplace...but it's also the warm, rich ambiance of this room that I love!
*Soooo...when I found a fireplace mantel that I thought would be very similar
and would work in my living room...the project began!
The Living Room "Before"
*My living room is a very long and narrow room. The wall that you see
featured in the photo above is a wall that juts out into the center of the room. I
have always struggled with this wall...what to do with it...until a couple of years ago
when I decided to just go ahead and make it a "focal" point. We added panel
moulding to this wall and I really was quite pleased with it!
featured in the photo above is a wall that juts out into the center of the room. I
have always struggled with this wall...what to do with it...until a couple of years ago
when I decided to just go ahead and make it a "focal" point. We added panel
moulding to this wall and I really was quite pleased with it!
Then....when I found my "dream" mantel...I decided that this would be the
perfect wall for my faux fireplace! It already looks like a fireplace should be here
simply because this 10 ft. wall juts out about 2 1/2 ft. into the center of the room.
It's perfect!
The Faux Fireplace Project Begins
Step I...Taking the Moulding Down
perfect wall for my faux fireplace! It already looks like a fireplace should be here
simply because this 10 ft. wall juts out about 2 1/2 ft. into the center of the room.
It's perfect!
The Faux Fireplace Project Begins
Step I...Taking the Moulding Down

The first step was to take the panel moulding off the wall.
Yes...I agonized a bit over this decision...I really, really did like my
panel moulding! It just didn't work with the fireplace mantel though...besides
the fact that it wouldn't allow the mantel to sit flush against the wall...it also really
looked "busy" to me!*I must admit though...after taking the moulding off
of the wall...I wondered if I had done the right thing...it looked pretty
"rough" at this stage!
*Step II...Patching & Repainting the Wall
Yes...I agonized a bit over this decision...I really, really did like my
panel moulding! It just didn't work with the fireplace mantel though...besides
the fact that it wouldn't allow the mantel to sit flush against the wall...it also really
looked "busy" to me!*I must admit though...after taking the moulding off
of the wall...I wondered if I had done the right thing...it looked pretty
"rough" at this stage!
*Step II...Patching & Repainting the Wall

The first thing I did after removing the moulding was to patch that wall and
repaint! After doing that, it was a bit easier to picture the "finished" project!
A "Real" Faux Fireplace
*From the beginning of this project, I had established that I wanted my new
faux fireplace to look as "real" as possible! Actually, I could have just placed
the fireplace mantel right against the wall and on top of the carpet. But...I
wanted more! I wanted my fireplace to look real!!!
repaint! After doing that, it was a bit easier to picture the "finished" project!
A "Real" Faux Fireplace
*From the beginning of this project, I had established that I wanted my new
faux fireplace to look as "real" as possible! Actually, I could have just placed
the fireplace mantel right against the wall and on top of the carpet. But...I
wanted more! I wanted my fireplace to look real!!!
Step III...The Hearth
Now it was time to concentrate on making this beauty "real"!
I really didn't want my new mantel to just sit on the carpet so my honey
built a hearth for the mantel. He used 3/4" MDF and built a box with a ledge
on top...painted it black...and VOILA! I now have a fireplace hearth!
I really didn't want my new mantel to just sit on the carpet so my honey
built a hearth for the mantel. He used 3/4" MDF and built a box with a ledge
on top...painted it black...and VOILA! I now have a fireplace hearth!
After setting the mantel up on the hearth...in place...I decided to paint the
wall behind the mantel black...to look like the firebox. So what do you think? Is
it looking more "real"? I think that my faux fireplace project really started to
come together at this point! I was very pleased with what we had done
so far...but...it was still lacking!
wall behind the mantel black...to look like the firebox. So what do you think? Is
it looking more "real"? I think that my faux fireplace project really started to
come together at this point! I was very pleased with what we had done
so far...but...it was still lacking!
Step IV...A New Tile Surround
I did say that I wanted this faux fireplace to look "real"! Hehe! Well...the
fireplace needed a tile surround so honey came to my rescue once again! He's the
bestest honey ever!!! Thank you, Russell!!!
fireplace needed a tile surround so honey came to my rescue once again! He's the
bestest honey ever!!! Thank you, Russell!!!
We had some left over tile from our bathroom floor project from a couple
of summers ago...just enough to use for a tile surround for the fireplace! Honey
just took 1/2" plywood and cut it to the shape of the fireplace opening...and then
added the tile to the plywood. Ooops...I almost forgot to tell you...the tile was white
with a gray marbling, so I had him spray the tile with a flat black spary paint. I really
wanted to do a faux finish on the tile and decided to use a gold metallic paint. The
photo above shows the tile surround...ready for my faux finish! Yep...it's right
on my kitchen bar...it's where I do my best work! wink!
*Faux Fireplace Complete!
of summers ago...just enough to use for a tile surround for the fireplace! Honey
just took 1/2" plywood and cut it to the shape of the fireplace opening...and then
added the tile to the plywood. Ooops...I almost forgot to tell you...the tile was white
with a gray marbling, so I had him spray the tile with a flat black spary paint. I really
wanted to do a faux finish on the tile and decided to use a gold metallic paint. The
photo above shows the tile surround...ready for my faux finish! Yep...it's right
on my kitchen bar...it's where I do my best work! wink!
*Faux Fireplace Complete!

Taaadaaa!!! Here it is...in all its glory! My completed fireplace!
Ohhh...and here is my latest treasure find...new chairs!
I found two of these pretty chairs on Craigslist...they are perfect for
this area in the living room. Before, I had a matching love seat and sofa here.
I was never really happy with the arrangement because the furniture was just too
big for this narrow space! Sooo...out went the sofa...we took it to the upstairs guest
room. Now I just have the loveseat and these two pretty chairs...they fit perfectly
and now this end of my living room looks larger and more balanced!
I'm very pleased!!!
I found two of these pretty chairs on Craigslist...they are perfect for
this area in the living room. Before, I had a matching love seat and sofa here.
I was never really happy with the arrangement because the furniture was just too
big for this narrow space! Sooo...out went the sofa...we took it to the upstairs guest
room. Now I just have the loveseat and these two pretty chairs...they fit perfectly
and now this end of my living room looks larger and more balanced!
I'm very pleased!!!
A frontal view of the fireplace with its new tile surround!
Now you can see the faux finish that I did on the black tile...using the
gold metallic paint. The metallic is really picking up the light from the photo in
this shot...it's really not quite this shiny. In fact, the photo below better
represents the true color, etc.
gold metallic paint. The metallic is really picking up the light from the photo in
this shot...it's really not quite this shiny. In fact, the photo below better
represents the true color, etc.
I do really like how the metallic picks up the light though...
it's really pretty!
it's really pretty!

See how the metallics are picking up the color from the
carpet...a beautiful effect!
carpet...a beautiful effect!

A close-up of my new chairs! I am thinking about refinishing
these little beauties though! Hmmm...another project for another day!
Well my friends...my faux fireplace project is finished and I'm very pleased!
these little beauties though! Hmmm...another project for another day!
Well my friends...my faux fireplace project is finished and I'm very pleased!
Now I'm ready for the fun part...decorating that fabulous mantel!
Stay tuned...maybe there will be another Met Monday post in the making!
Thank you so much for coming by today and taking a peek at my finished
project! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here.
I would love to visit with you!
project! Please leave me a comment and let me know that you were here.
I would love to visit with you!
Warmest autumn wishes!

Hi Chari!
Oh, I so remembered that transformation1 I know how excited you were! And with good reason. It turned out beautiful! And what a perfect place to decorate for the holidays!!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Diann :)
I wasn't around then so I am so glad you shared this post again! Absolutely beautiful!
Chari, your fireplace is so pretty and you have it decorated so beautifully that I would never guess it wasn't real. Love the beautiful vignettes you always arrange on the mantel. Hugs, Marty
I am happy to see your faux fireplace again...you did such a nice job and it is beautiful! Hope you're having a good weekend.
Hi Dear Chari,
Oh yes, I remember this so well and I was so impressed with your vision and how beautifully it turned out!
And that I got to see it in person, lucky, lucky me!
I hope your feeling better my dear. I've been thinking of you and sure wishing your were closer.
Tell Russ you need to pack up and come visit!
Thanks for your sweet note too.
Things are much better here and it looks like the water is going to go down.
Big Hugs,
I love this fireplace! I so wish I had one in my bedroom...this inspires me! I love this link party, too because I know so many folks work really hard on their crafts and it is nice to look back and remember! Thank you!
Gorgeous as usual. We have a faux fireplace too. My husband built it years ago, including gorgeous stones and all. I just need to purchase the logs and other accesories. Maybe I'll post it soon. I love decorating the mantel, especially during the holidays.
Thank you for sharing. Have a beautiful Sunday!
Hi Chari -- Oh I remember this wonderful post -- it's amazing what you did, like decorating magic!
And -- did you ever do anything with those very pretty chairs you show at the end?
Just curious!
It is beautiful. In our old house we have tons of mantles and in this yellow house, which I love, the stone fireplace does not have a mantle! So you have inspired me...thanks bunches. hugs♥olive
A fantastic faux fireplace, I want one too!!!
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