Welcome to the 62nd "Sunday Favorites"

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!! For more information on how to republish a past post just click on the "Sunday Favorites" info. photo in the sidebar.
Hello my friends...Happy 4th of July!!!
Welcome to the 62nd run of "Sunday Favorites"!!!
I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! Happy Independence Day! I'm especially thankful today...thanking the Lord for our great country! I am also so very thankful for all the men and women who have served and sacraficed to make our nation what it is today! Let freedom ring!!!
The 4th of July is traditionally a holiday where families gather...BBQ's...fireworks...a day of good ol' fun and celebration! We will be grilling a fat juicy steak and going to see our little local town's fireworks display...fun, fun, FUN!!!
Today for Sunday Favorites...I'm revisiting a post that has nothing to do with the July 4th holiday. As I was looking through my posts, I realized that I have never done a 4th of July post! I suppose it's because we are always busy at this time of the year. I just didn't want you to think that I'm not patriotic! Hehe! Anyway...I hope you enjoy today's Sunday Favorite post...and maybe you'll even want to take this "design challenge"!
Wishing you all...a fun and safe 4th of July!!!
Instructions for Participating in Sunday Favorites
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Please copy and paste the Sunday Favorites logo button to your Sunday Favorites post or your sidebar so your visitors will know that you are participating. Also...please link back to the host blog, Happy To Design. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful blogs that are participating.
Please do not add your link below, until your Sunday Favorites post is actually published to your blog.
Thank you so much for your participation!!! I am going to really enjoy going through your "Sunday Favorites" posts!!!
Love ya'll,
Sunday Favorites
My favorite post from: April 29, 2009
What's Your Style?
A Design Challenge...
Hello my friends! I'm so excited about today's post..."What's Your Style? A Design Challenge"!My sweet and very talented friend Vicky over at "Room Service - Decorating 101" has issued a design challenge! Last Sunday, April 26th, Vicky did a post called "It's So Me". She said that she was asked to join the posts going around where you show your "true" style in only one picture. Hmmm....the challenge is to find a picture...just ONE picture...that shows your "true" style!
So I thought it would be great fun to join in and take on this design challenge, "What's Your Style?"...I mean, how hard can this be? I know what I like and I believe that I can find a photo that perfectly describes my design style!!!
Ohhh my...after spending an hour on the computer, searching all of my archived files of "favorite rooms"...I realized that this challenge was harder than I first thought! I really love so many different styles and I think my home's decor proves this to be true! To find just one photo that entirely expresses my "true design style"...what I love best and what my dream home would look like...took some thinking!!!
This is the one photo that describes my "design style" best!

This magnificent home belongs to my dear sweet friend Vanna! I just love every detail...it's simply gorgeous! If I could start over, had the time and the money...this is what my home would look like! Ahhhh...can't a Girl dream? This would be my "dream home"!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my home and I'm very appreciative of what the Lord has blessed me with...but remember this is the "What's Your Style Design Challenge"!
Okay...for those of you who are up to accepting this Design Challenge...I think it would be interesting to include at least five reasons why..."this is so you"!
Five Reasons: This Room Is So Me...
1. I love the colors! I really do love the deep, rich colors used in this room...the sagey greens, the deep dark reds, and the beautiful creamy ivorys! I find myself drawn to darker, moody rooms. It feels as though it's reaching out and wrapping it's warm, cozy arms around me...I feel a security in this!!! I'm not sure what this says about me...but this one thing I do know, the design style that you love...speaks volumes about who and what you are!
2. I love the ambiance of this room! This room just exudes "Old World" charm! I love the distressed looking walls...the drapery fabric...the antique art...the furniture! I love anything and everything that is old/antique! I'd buy an old home, with it's old architectural elements, any day over a brand new home! I love a home/room that feels like it has some history to it! Ahhh...if only walls could talk!
3. I love the design style! I love, love, love anything with French styling!!! Ohhh, the fabulous French furniture...just look at that beautiful table and chairs! The lamp, accessories, and the ornate scrolled design of the window shade...all so fabulously French!!! The heavy ornate frames on the art...and Ohhh, the art!!!
4. The details! I really do believe that great style is made by the astute attention given to even the littlest of details!!! Look at the beautiful ornate piece that sits atop the window valance...to each side, two fabulous french vases...with a large handled tray sitting between! The fabulous Louis Vuitton cases stacked under the table and chair...another case and point of "the details" as well as the sweet vignettes atop the table and glass doored cabinet!!!
5. "More is better!" I know that Vanna is definitely NOT a "less is better" kind of gal and I like her philosophy!!! It is the concept of "more is better", that in my opinion, makes a house a home! I love being surrounded by all the things that I love! Things of beauty...things of sentimental value...I love things!!! Hehe! Just as Vanna has collected all of those magnificent little ornate boxes...I have my favorite collections as well, red transferware and white ironstone, and I love to display them...enjoy their beauty every day! They just make me feel good!!! Being surrounded by the things that I love gives me a sence of belonging! I suppose that as long as I have at least a narrow pathway that I can move from room to room by...I'm happy!
I just have to say...that I love Vanna's entire home!!! I had a difficult time choosing which photo of her home to use for this challenge...I ended up using the "fireproof" method of choosing one...you know, "Eeny, Meny, Miney, Moe..." Hehe!!!
Vanna is one of the most talented women that I know! She has a "natural eye" for fabulous interior design...and the proof is seen and enjoyed in every room of her home!!! Thank you Vanna...for giving this old gal lots and lots of viewing pleasure...inspiring me to widen my design horizons...and giving me sweet dreams to dream and hope for!!! Love you, my dear sweet friend!!!
Well my friends, I hope that you enjoyed "my take" on "What's Your Style...A Design Challenge"! And now...I pass on this challenge to you!!!
What's Your Design Style?
I'd just love to see what "is soooo you"! You can learn alot about a person by seeing what design style "floats their boat"! Hehe!!!
Thank you so much Vicky...for putting forth this Design Challenge! And while I had lots of fun, I must admit that it was pretty thought provoking!!!
If you haven't ever been over to Vicky's place...do yourself a favor and pay Vicky a visit...I can guarantee that you won't be sorry!!! Vicky is a professional Design Consultant and she has the most delightful blog! Each post offers such thought provoking, inspirational designs and ideas!!! Vicky also has one of the most beautiful homes that I've ever seen! And...if I were to be challenged on exterior/landscaping designs...Vicky's fabulous yard and property would be at the top of my list of "all time favorites"!!! It would be my "dream yard" for certain!!!
Just click HERE to get to Vicky's place. 
PS...If you decide to take the "What's Your Design Style" challenge, please leave me a note in my comments when you post...I'd love to see it!!!
Hi Chari, How are you dear friend? Sounds like you have a busy holiday planned. Have fun! This is a beautiful post, and the question, "What's your style?" is really thought provoking. I don't know what my style would be called. Kind of casual, kind of colorful, always comfortable, light and airy...Happy 4th and thanks for sponsoring this great blog party! It's always fun!
hugs, Beth
nice post Chari...i love this "what's your style challenge... i just joined Houzz so i can compile and gather the ideas and style i love when it comes to interior, it's more of modern and contemporary style actually.
Have a happy Sunday and happy 4th of July! check your email too!!
Hi Chari! What have you been up to? If you are like me, you are staying close to home to avoid the heat. We did get out this a.m. to antique a bit. Saw lots of great stuff, but bought very little - you know, the lack of room hinders me. What ever happened to Vanna - she hasn't posted forever? Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. Sally
Pretty room, Chari!
I'm still in WI and will be hitting the road headed home EARLY in the morning - - - maybe before 5!!! So, I went ahead and let my post run now for Sunday Favorites!!!
See you when I'm back home in Indiana!!
Thanks so much for sharing your Design Style with us all. It's so interesting to see what everyone likes. I think my style is "early clutter" these days...lol.
Enjoy your Sunday and Happy Independence Day.
Hi Chari! I'm joining your party today! It's such a good idea for a slow holiday week-end! Happy 4th! Jacqueline
Hi Chari!
Well, that would hae been a fun bloggy party! the room you chose is very warm and opulent! love the rich colors!
I hope you and Russ are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
Diann :)
Thanks for the sweet comments on my "Mary" post for Sunday Favorites. I was a teenager, too, when Mary had her show, so yes, I remember saying "farout", alot! lol
Have a nice 4th!
Chari, what a fun challenge! I honestly don't believe I could do it in one picture though- I'm just all over the place! LOL Have a wonderful 4th! We're away, but I just had to check in
xoxo Pattie
Oh Chari! I will take design help from you or Vanna:) You are both too talented for words.
I hope all is well with you and your honey! Enjoy this lovely Independence Day, my dear friend!
Beautiful, Chari!
Let's see, what is my style?
It depends on the place, but for my home I would said classic and eclectic.
And I would like the St. Augustine house to be whimsical but yet sophisticated... so sophisticated country??? LOL! Is there such an animal???
Happy Fourth to you and yours!
Sheila :-)
Ooooh. I'm a "more is better" person, too. Mama always takes a stroll through the living and dining rooms when she comes, to see what's new, lol.
My style? I did a bit of a blog on it not long ago! It's here, if you care to look:
Chari-- Thanks for stopping by! You asked about Mike - he is doing great, and having a wonderful experience. We hear from him almost everyday by email, plus he has a blog (mmsaulmon.wordpress.com). Of course, it is not our usual decorating blog, but interesting. Sally
HAPPY JULY the 4th Chari!
I'll be back to visit later my friend;(I'm exceedingly tired and must rest a wee bit for now)!..,
Thanks for hosting yet another fabulous 'Sunday Favorites' dear friend!
You friend's home looks delightful;(I'll come back to also take a detailed look later)..,
..,I have a blogging concern which I will email you all about later Chari, as I would love to have your opinion!~(Please kindly do not comment on this other blogging matter in the meanwhile)..,
Meanwhile, enjoy my pretty chocolate pot and have a fab 4th!..,
Thanks dear Chari!
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Pumed Pen
Chari, Just back from a trip down to TX. Bill's aunt passed away suddenly and we drove down for the funeral. A bit tuckered so am listening to the fireworks instead of watching!! Hope your 4th is lovely!
Oh you are making me miss our sweet Vanna- I haven't heard from her since October I believe. Do so miss her winks and lovely inspiration!
bee blessed
Hi Chari,
I just saw your note and I was planning on getting over here to say hi. I am getting very excited! I kind of remember this post but it really is a thought provoking one. I know my style is cottage and country but I so enjoy so many others as well. And I love the pic you chose, it really is a gorgeous room!
Thanks for the sweet comments you left about Dan's student built home. He is very modest and doesn't even know I posted this yet. And, I can't wait to see your gorgeous home!!! I bet Russ did a fabulous job! I know I love everything you show us!
Ok, I need to breath now. I am getting very excited!!! I go with Katie to the Dr. soon for her check-up and then I think I will come home and start packing my little pink suitcase! hehe.
Love Ya,
Oh, and enjoy your day with your honey.
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