It's Show & Tell Time...
Hello my friends...I hope that you've been having a fabulous week!
I've been a little "under the weather"...literally! With all this cold weather that we've been experiencing in Colorado, my old bones have been hurting...nothing serious but it sure does effect how much I get done! Sooo...for Show & Tell Friday I thought I would rerun one of my recent Autumn decorating posts...."An Autumn Living Room". For those of you who have already seen it...I do apologize and hope that you'll be patient with me...but there may be a few who haven't seen it yet!
Please go by and see Cindy over at My Romantic Home...she is our gracious hostess for this fun filled Friday event! I love "Show & Tell Friday"!!! Thank you, Cindy! You will find a list of all the other Show & Tell participants over at Cindy's place!
Thank you so much for stopping by today....Love ya'll!
~~An Autumn Living Room~~ *
A living room in shades of olive green and deep red, with accent colors of gold...ready to welcome in the autumn season! A few autumn colored sofa pillows...a gold velvet throw to cozy up in...and a few new autumn vignettes!!!
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Metamorphosis: "So Long, Summer...Hello Autumn"!!!
A New Autumn Vignette! *
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Autumn Florals!
Okay, I must admit...this is not a new floral arrangement. This arrangement previously sat on my dining room buffet...but my dining room buffet received a new autumn makeover as well. Since I put away the summer whites (hydrangeas)...I wanted another floral arrangement with more of an autumny feel! Easy fix!!!
I found the pretty fleur de lis urn at Hobby Lobby...I think I only paid $4 for it. The finish of the urn is gorgeous...done up in shades of antique silver and gold, bronze, and an olive green! I used a vining ivy and mossy green flowers...added a long bunch of purple grapes and...Voila!!! I just love the colors of the ivy...mossy greens and some of the leaves are turning golden perfect for autumn!!!
A french girl bust sits to the right of the autumn florals! She looks so beautiful with the light shining down upon her!
The french bust sits atop an old vintage book with the prettiest black embossed cover! I just love old books!!! I placed an ornate french finial just to the left of the bust! **
My little cloche even got an autumn makeover! Hehe! I replaced summer's gold buttons with miniature acorns and changed out the white ribbon for gold satin! Love the ornate, copper colored key!
I sure wished that I had this little cloche "autumn ready" for Marty's cloche party...ooops! If you would like to see this little cloche in its summer can click HERE.
My "artsy" photos... *
These little miniature acorns are very special to me! Several years ago, my three grandsons collected them and gave them to me! Isn't that just the sweetest?
A Golden Pumpkin....Autumn Vignette *
This autumn vignette sits atop one of my sofa end tables. I found this pretty decorative metal pumpkin last week at Hobby Lobby for just $6 (50% off sale)! It's about 12 in. in diameter so it's nice sized...and I love the yellow ochre and olive green finish!!! Oooh...just look at the pretty ornate detailing...such a pretty pumpkin! Hehe!
A "bird's eye" view! (hehe...pun intended!)
More photos using photo effects!
Well my friends...hope you enjoyed seeing my living room in all its autumn finery! I'm so happy that you came by today...please leave me a comment and let me know you were here! I'd love to visit with you!!!
I love the fall decor, especially the cloche. I also love how you frame your pictures. I've got a lot to learn when it comes to picture taking. Thanks so much for sharing - it's all so beautiful.
I love your posting. There are many beautiful things to see here. Thanks for sharing.
Good Morning Chari,
Well I could look at this every day! Honestly, you are the master of viginettes! The cloche is my fave! Your sofa's are gorgeous too, such pretty rich shades all blended together! Girl, did you re-do your header? It looks amazing but of course all your headers have been so awesome! I think my comment button is working now, well at least some are coming through! Hugs, Cindy
Chari your Fall decor' and home are truly amazing! You are very talented my friend. Love your photography and photo skills.
Have a great weekend.
~Melissa :)
I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. We have had rain here for the whole week and today it is in the low 30's. Yuk. But I am glad that I got to see your 'repeat' as I didn't see it the first time.
How I love your living room. I once had my living room done in these colors and it was the best decor I ever used. (I change things! Now it's pastel!). The vignette on your pretty table in front of the window is classic. I'm in love with the ivy. What a great touch. You truly are a talented floral designer, yet you make it sound so easy. The wire pumpkin was a steal and you made it look like a million bucks!! I really like the added touches of the beautiful fabrics on your tables and the gold ribbon. Small details, big impact!
Love this. Thanks for sharing it again. Stay warm & dry, Colorado Lady!!
Everything is just beautiful, love your blog so many beautiful photos.
Thanks for teh repost Chari...I missed it the first time around.
I'm still loving that little cloche w/ ribbon &'s amazing how much charm can be inbued into something so little & ordinary, huh?
Hoep you get to feeling better!
Everything is very pretty - thanks for sharing. Glad you posted it again, as I missed it the first time also.
Chari - love your new color scheme and it goes beautifully in that spot - love your cloche all decked out in it's Fall Finery!!
I sure wish we'd get a Hobby Lobby closesr to us here - there is one up by my sister - she is an hour and a half from me now and then we have to go up to VA which is about 30 min from her :-( or, maybe I DON'T need one any closer to me - I do enough damage as it is!
I love hopping around and visiting everyone - I am getting so many ideas I plan on copying and just plain ole stealing for my new house - I cannot wait to move and get my decorating under way!
Hope you're well friend - keep those bones warmed up - weren't you drinking "toddys" about this time last year - ha?
You did a wonderful job. I absolutely love everything ~Blessings Heather ;D
You have that magic touch, girl!
Everything is so lovely!
Thanks for the encouragement about my Etsy store.
I love it all and I sure hope you get to feeling better! Have a restful weekend!
Oh Chari
What a beautiful home. I'm in love with your decorating style. Everything is just perfect, even adding the key to the cloche adds something. I'm off to become a follower!
GM my friend...I'm so sorry to hear your under the weather but how great it is to see your fall living room again...I loved it the first time and have been back many things looking at I have been trying to do something with my bust that looks more fall like ha ha!! Hope all is well on your side of the mountain today my ya sis...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Beautiful Chari...just beatiful, all of it, The Fall decor and the photograpy!!
Big hugs,
girl....I hope you are feeling better soon!!! I am just taking another and another and another look....I have a table very similar to your sofa table...I am going to rob a little from you and make a little change here and there I think! isn't it fun to play with our favorite things?
Your home is always so beautiful and inviting...
Cold weather and shorter days are taking a toll on this old lady too...38 is feeling more like 83 this week...old and achy...I hope it warms up to at least normal temps here soon! winter is already too long in Alberta!
have a beautiful weekend friend...
You always do the best vignettes and have the keenest eye for detail. I love all of your floral arrangements and of course you know that I love all of your cloches no matter how you decorate them. Hugs, Marty
Hey girl, Thanks so much for your sweet visit today. It's always so nice to hear from you my friend. You warm my heart and make me smile everytime.
The scroll wreath hanger is a Michaels find and if you don't have one in Colorado I can mail one to you. Just let me know. No problem.
I've already made changes to my laundry room since I did my last post. I'm shaking my head here. It's just so funny how we tweak things after we post blog pics because we see them clearer. I'll have to take more photos and show the changes soon. *Smiles*
I hope you have a wonderful Fall weekend with your family. We have no plans here at all. It's supposed to be a bit cold.
Thanks for your encouragement on my healthy eating. I lost two more pounds today. ~WOW! I'm just so thrilled. That makes nineteen total so far! Yay!
~Blessings to you, ~Melissa :)
Just a quick note dearie on the topiary. I just stacked two pumpkins and put the gourd on top! I had to cut a little of the stems off so they would sit pretty but thats it! Hugs, Cindy
Sorry you have been 'under the weather'. Hopefully, we'll have a warm Indian Summer now. We were up north for 3 days this week and the sun never did shine. I think that in about 3-4 weeks, our son will have to have surgery on his elbow. If so, I will probably be up there for a week or so. Maybe you and I can get together in Sterling for lunch. Think about it. Take care, Sally
Oh, my goodness, Chari, Love your Fall decor.
I too have a little cloche and haven't been able to find the right thing to put is the answer with your acorns!!!
I also went over and checked the cloche with your buttons and that was lovely also.
I hope you are feeling better.....thanks soooooo much for visiting me and commenting.
Oh, I'm not sure if the bottle is mercury would I figure that out? The seller just told me is was an antiques bottle from France.
Here I am again, ...forgot to ask you about your mosaics that you're doing on Flickr.....where do I find that on Flickr?......they are ABSOLUTELY beautiful, along with your header!!!!
Hi there again sweetie!!
I just wanted to come back and thank you for the sweet comment you left me and, for posting my giveaway button! I really appreciate your support so much...and plus it gave me a reason to come back and look at this gorgeous post again!!!
I just can't get over how great it ALL looks! YOU are so talented!
Big hugs,
I love that metal pumpkin and the arrangement in it. It looks much more expensive than it was! Everything is beautiful, and I didn't see it the first, I'm glad you reposted. I hope you feel better soon.
I'm sure glad you posted this as I am new to your blog and might have missed all these beautiful vignettes. So lovely!
Chari, everything looks beautiful! Your fall decor is so pretty, and your photo expertise is wonderful! You are just so smart! I sure hope you get to feeling better. laurie
It all looks beautiful!!
It is still nice, the second time around. Hope you start feeling better!
nannykim from spindle cottage
Oh my goodness! This is absolutely beautiful! I think the cloche is my favorite! But that pumpkin comes in a close second! you've given me some ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!!!-April
lovely fall display.. all the florals so pretty.. thanks for sharing.. have a great weekend!
Chari, Just GORGEOUS! You certainly have beautiful taste. Your pics should be on a magazine cover. Thank you for sharing.
It all looks lovely! Changing things out for the season can make a world of difference in the way a room feels. Your little acorns looks so cute in the cloche. And your new metal pumpkin looks so pretty with all those fall flower picks.
You've become a master playing with your pictures, Chari. Such fun!
:-) Sue
Your home looks so inviting! I too love that window with the light settling down on your vignette. I don't have any natural light except for some skylights in my garden room. Your home looks great any season!
Hi Chari! Your fall decor is so pretty. The cloche is so cute and I love the tin pumpkin basket. Everything is so pretty!...Christine
Your fall decorations are lovely! I love your photos...they're so pretty. Thank you for sharing all your lovely things!
Hi Chari, what a great blog! Beautiful designs & photos. Will have to stop by more often! Jeanette
Hi Chari! Hurray! I love discovering a new blog party! I hope to participate in the future! I can't believe I haven't stumbled across it before. :)
I love your home. It's beautiful.
Thanks for your sweet comments. You made my day!
Gorgeous! I thought the "before" was beautiful too! I love the key on the cloche...what a great touch! Thanks so much for joining in!!!
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