The countdown begins....it's just a matter of hours till we "Ring in the New Year"!!! As this year draws to a close, I cannot let that happen without thanking each and every one of you for all the blessings that you have brought me!
Although, most of us have never met, I cannot tell you how important you are to me!
With great fondness, I think back on the days of Rate My Space, where many of us first met....where we shared our love for home & family! Often times, we refer to one another as a "virtual friend" simply because our relationship has been through a computer but I would like to say that you and your friendship is just as "real" to me as my own dear family!!!
In the beginning, it was our passion for interior design that drew us together...with pride we uploaded photos of our homes and then sat back "holding our breath"...waiting for the comments to come...hmmm, "would people love my home as much as I do?", we would ask. And yes, there were a few that didn't ....but the few that did...WOW...they were the winners...they were the "keepers"!!!
Asking for input and suggestions, we ventured forth on a journey that many of us could have or would have never expected!!! We just couldn't wait for Vanna to post another fabulous room....and I tell ya what, it's still beyond me how such a grand lady with such a grand home could be so down to earth and enjoy "rubbing elbows" with some of us that only aspire to her design genius!!! But she's our Vanna...and our fearless leader of the ChattyCathy's...hehe!!!
Soon we were meeting for our daily "Coffee Clutch" at dear sweet Gloria's house....a morning ritual that I looked forward to!!! Gloria always had the pot on in that beautiful blue & white kitchen of hers....you just couldn't help but feel at home there! One by one, we would file into Gloria's kitchen....but it didn't take me long to realize that if I didn't get up early enough....all the donuts that Ann brought were already gone...boohoo!
I remember all of the leisurely evenings that we spent out on Susan's porch with our iced tea in hand, the smell of magnolias carried on the "Summer breeze...making me feel fine"....ahhh, what a way to end the day! What? Are you kidding me??? It never ended there...for the night owls in our group...we just carried the party on over to my Sis' Cindy's house...digging through that totally awesome pantry of hers for a little midnight snack! Of course, while we were there, we were always "picking her brain" for interior design "how to's"...hehe!!!
I'll never forget the countless times that our night parties soon became "sleep overs"!!! Of course, one of my favorite bedrooms was Lynne's beautiful toile bedroom...and that girl always had a breakfast tray waiting for us the next morning!!! Dear Lynne always had to run off to mind her gift shoppe but she always provided us with breakfast on that pretty tray before leaving!!! I remember the debate on whether to take out the pretty tree that was behind the bed in that toile room or to leave it....nothing ever stayed the same with all of us girls around...hehe!!!
Ohhh...the toile bedrooms...they seem to be our favorite!!! One night we'd have a slumber party at dear Lynne's and the next night we'd meet in Laurie's beautiful black & white toile bedroom...ooooh all those buttery yellow accents just melted us!!! And as we gathered around Laurie, she would talk (sometimes it would take several comment boxes) and then she would worry that she had said to much but we were always enthralled and grateful for her conversations!!! Those warm summer nights almost always led to a swim in Laurie's pool!!! Ohhh...the fun and games! But it was all innocent fun....we always minded our "lady like" manners....well almost all the time!
There were the nights....hmmm....that I recall....a certain mischievious little group emerged! They were a strange bunch...you might even call them a gang because they always traveled in packs...hehe!!! Dressed in pantyhose and fishnet stockings...what? that doesn't sound so strange??? Hmmm...the pantyhose and fishnets were on these lady's heads!!! Oh yesssss....incognito....and they were led by a "Granny Farkle"!!! She was the ring-leader!!! When least expected...in the darkness of night...they could be found "tip-toeing" through our homes....they carried purses as big as they were....and before you knew it....they had "STRUCK"!!! Things started coming up missing....I lost my dear French bust to that gang!!! They were always so sly....so secretive....except when they started fighting amongst themselves!!! Why...I heard told....that there was a fight over at Vanna's one night....in that pretty little shabby chic guest room of hers! Granny Farkle's gang started fighting over which one was going to get Vanna's "courting seat"....and as I hear it, it really wasn't much of a fight because the tall 5' 10" blonde gang member won....hehe!!! And all this time, Vanna thought there were ghosts in that pretty little bedroom....wink!!!
We were quite the group....grand admirers of "all things pretty"!!! And pretty things were in abundance in the homes of these ladies!!! I just loved Laura's (Tomarie) Limoge collection....I'm still drooling over that pretty little aqua box with the flowers on top and the little pumpkin coach...ahhh...and then there is Christine's doll collection! Oh yes, and speaking of "dolls"....didn't we all just have the best time of our lives at Christine's for Thanksgiving? She is such a doll...and definitely the "hostess with the mostest"!!! I do believe that Christine's Autumn tablescape was the most beautiful that I've ever laid my eyes on!
What a talented bunch of lady friends that I have....from Christine's tablescapes to Ann's knack for crafting....I'm still going to make one of those pretty books like she made!!! My Girlfriend's talents are "never-ending"....and I've learned so much from all of these grand ladies...and at the end of 2008, I can say that I'm a better person because of them!!! Each of us have moved from an acquaintance and friendship made at RMS onto a true friendship of genuine care, concern, and love for one another!!! This past year we have enjoyed each other's fellowship....we've shared tears of joy....tears of concern....we've prayed for and supported one another....and I just know that if I ever really needed something, I could go to them!!! It really just doesn't get any better than that!!!
Thank you my friends....for all of the sweet memories....for making 2008 a remarkable and memorable year for me!!! I will always love and cherish you....and I'm looking forward to more of your sweet fellowship in 2009!!!
Love ya'll,